#!/usr/bin/env python3
@ Lina Teichmann
call from command line with following inputs:
epoched and cleaned data will be written into the preprocessing directory plus the metadata
Preprocessing is done for every run separately and is based on Kret et al., 2019:
# - removing invalid samples
# - removing based on dilation speeds
# - removing based on deviation from a fitted line
# - detrending
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math, mne, os
from scipy import stats
from scipy.signal import butter,filtfilt
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import gridspec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams["font.family"] = "Helvetica"
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12})
n_participants = 4
n_sessions = 12
n_runs = 10
trigger_amplitude = 64
# MEG info
et_refreshrate = 1200 # eye-tracker signal is recorded with MEG -- so it's the same resolution
meg_refreshrate = 1200
trigger_channel = 'UPPT001'
pd_channel = 'UADC016-2104'
eye_channel = ['UADC009-2104','UADC010-2104','UADC013-2104'] # x, y, pupil
# settings for eyetracker to volts conversion
minvoltage = -5
maxvoltage = 5
minrange = -0.2
maxrange = 1.2
screenleft = 0
screenright = 1023
screentop = 0
screenbottom = 767
# parameters to transform from pixels to degrees
screenwidth_cm = 42
screenheight_cm = 32
screendistance_cm = 75
screensize_pix = [1024, 768]
pix_per_deg = screensize_pix[0]/(math.degrees(math.atan(screenwidth_cm/2/screendistance_cm)*2))
stim_size_deg = 10
stim_width = stim_size_deg*pix_per_deg
stim_height = stim_size_deg*pix_per_deg
def pix_to_deg(full_size_pix,screensize_pix,screenwidth_cm,screendistance_cm):
pix_per_cm = screensize_pix[0]/screenwidth_cm
size_cm = full_size_pix/pix_per_cm
dva = math.atan(size_cm/2/screendistance_cm)*2
return np.rad2deg(dva)
# volts_to_pixels: converts voltages recorded by the MEG to pixels - (0,0) is the middle of the screen
def volts_to_pixels(x,y,pupil,minvoltage,maxvoltage,minrange,maxrange,screenbottom,screenleft,screenright,screentop,scaling_factor):
S_x = ((x-minvoltage)/(maxvoltage-minvoltage))*(maxrange-minrange)+minrange
S_y = ((y-minvoltage)/(maxvoltage-minvoltage))*(maxrange-minrange)+minrange
Xgaze = S_x*(screenright-screenleft+1)+screenleft
Ygaze = S_y*(screenbottom-screentop+1)+screentop
# pupil_n = (pupil-pupil.min())*scaling_factor
# deviation_calculator: fits a smooth line over the samples and checks how much each sample deviates from it
def deviation_calculator(tv,dia,is_valid,t_interp,smooth_filt_a,smooth_filt_b):
dia_valid = dia[[x and y for x,y in zip(is_valid,~np.isnan(dia))]]
t_valid = tv[[x and y for x,y in zip(is_valid,~np.isnan(dia))]]
interp_f_lin = interp1d(t_valid,dia_valid,kind='linear',bounds_error=False)
interp_f_near = interp1d(t_valid,dia_valid,kind='nearest',fill_value='extrapolate')
extrapolated = interp_f_near(t_interp)
uniform_baseline = interp_f_lin(t_interp)
uniform_baseline[np.isnan(uniform_baseline)] = extrapolated[np.isnan(uniform_baseline)]
smooth_uniform_baseline = filtfilt(smooth_filt_b,smooth_filt_a,uniform_baseline)
interp_f_baseline = interp1d(t_interp,smooth_uniform_baseline,kind='linear',bounds_error=False)
smooth_baseline = interp_f_baseline(tv)
dev = np.abs(dia-smooth_baseline)
# expand_gap: this pads significanly large gaps (>75ms). Before the gap we padded 100ms, after the gap for 150ms (based on Matthias Nau pipeline in NSD paper)
def expand_gap(tv,is_valid):
min_gap_width = 75
max_gap_width = 2000
pad_back = 100
pad_forward = 150
valid_t = tv[is_valid]
valid_idx = np.where(is_valid)[0]
gaps = np.diff(valid_t)
needs_padding = [x and y for x,y in zip(gaps>min_gap_width,gaps<max_gap_width)]
gap_start_t = valid_t[np.pad(needs_padding,(0,1),constant_values=False)]
gap_end_t = valid_t[np.pad(needs_padding,(1,0),constant_values=False)]
remove_idx = []
for i_start,i_end in zip(gap_start_t,gap_end_t):
# when the gap is super large, it's most likely a recording artifact (and not an eyeblink), so we should clean around it more
if i_end -i_start > 500:
pb = pad_back * 2
pf = pad_forward * 2
pb = pad_back
pf = pad_forward
remove_idx.extend(np.where([x and y for x,y in zip(valid_t>(i_start-pb),valid_t<(i_end+pf))])[0])
remove_idx = np.unique(remove_idx)
if remove_idx.any():
is_valid[valid_idx[remove_idx]] = False
return is_valid
# remove_loners: see whether there are any chunks of data that are temporally isolated and relatively short. If yes, exclude them.
def remove_loners(is_valid,et_refreshrate):
lonely_sample_max_length = 100 #in ms
time_separation = 40 #in ms
valid_idx = np.where(is_valid)[0]
gap_start = valid_idx[np.where(np.pad(np.diff(valid_idx),(0,1),constant_values=1)>1)]
gap_end = valid_idx[np.where(np.pad(np.diff(valid_idx),(1,0),constant_values=1)>1)]
start_valid_idx = [valid_idx[0]]
end_valid_idx = [valid_idx[-1]]
valid_data_chunks = np.reshape(np.sort(np.concatenate([start_valid_idx,gap_start,gap_end,end_valid_idx])),[-1,2])
size_valid_data_chunks = np.diff(valid_data_chunks,axis=1)
size_idx = np.where((size_valid_data_chunks/et_refreshrate*1000)<lonely_sample_max_length)[0]
separation = np.squeeze(np.diff(np.reshape(np.sort(np.concatenate([gap_start,gap_end])),[-1,2]),axis=1))
sep_idx = np.where(np.pad([i>(time_separation*1/et_refreshrate) for i in separation],(1,0)))[0]
data_chunks_to_delete = valid_data_chunks[np.intersect1d(sep_idx,size_idx)]
valid_out = is_valid.copy()
for i in data_chunks_to_delete:
valid_out[np.arange(i[0],i[1]+1)] = 0
print('removed ' + str(is_valid.sum()-valid_out.sum()) + ' samples')
return valid_out.astype(bool)
# This function loads the data, if "iseyes" is true it will return the raw data for the eyetracking channels, otherwise it will return the raw data for the optical sensor to make the epochs
def load_raw_data(rootdir,p,s,r,trigger_channel,pd_channel,eye_channel,iseyes):
sess_num = str(s+1)
run_num = str(r+1)
data_dir = rootdir + '/sub-BIGMEG' + str(p)
data_ses_dir = data_dir + '/ses-' + sess_num.zfill(2) + '/meg'
meg_fn = data_ses_dir + '/sub-BIGMEG' + str(p) + '_ses-' + sess_num.zfill(2) + '_task-main_run-' + run_num.zfill(2) + '_meg.ds'
print('loading participant ' + str(p) + ' session ' + sess_num + ' run ' + run_num + '...')
raw = mne.io.read_raw_ctf(meg_fn,preload=True)
if iseyes:
raw_eyes = raw.copy().pick_channels([eye_channel[0],eye_channel[1],eye_channel[2]])
return raw_eyes
raw_triggers = raw.copy().pick_channels([pd_channel])
return raw_triggers
# The MEG saves the data in volts. Here we convert the volts to pixels for x/y and return a dataframe for easier handling
# I'm also median centering the data in case there was some drift over the session
def raw2df(raw_et,minvoltage,maxvoltage,minrange,maxrange,screenbottom,screenleft,screenright,screentop,screensize_pix):
raw_et_df = pd.DataFrame(raw_et._data.T,columns=['x_volts','y_volts','pupil'])
# not scaling the pupil anymore
raw_et_df['x'],raw_et_df['y'] = volts_to_pixels(raw_et_df['x_volts'],raw_et_df['y_volts'],raw_et_df['pupil'],minvoltage,maxvoltage,minrange,maxrange,screenbottom,screenleft,screenright,screentop,scaling_factor=978.982673828819)
raw_et_df['x'] = raw_et_df['x']-screensize_pix[0]/2
raw_et_df['x'] = raw_et_df['x']-np.median(raw_et_df['x'])
raw_et_df['y'] = raw_et_df['y']-screensize_pix[1]/2
raw_et_df['y'] = raw_et_df['y']-np.median(raw_et_df['y'])
raw_et_df['pupil'] = raw_et_df['pupil']-np.median(raw_et_df['pupil'])
return raw_et_df
# Step 1: We are removing all samples that either go beyond the stimulus height or width (10 degrees), or where the recorded pupil size is outside of the recording range (+/-5 volts)
def remove_invalid_samples(eyes,tv):
withinwidth = np.abs(eyes['x'])<(stim_width/2)
withinheight = np.abs(eyes['y'])<(stim_height/2)
is_valid = np.array([x and y for x,y in zip(withinwidth,withinheight)]).astype(bool)
if not any(is_valid):
is_valid = remove_loners(is_valid,et_refreshrate)
is_valid = expand_gap(tv,is_valid)
return is_valid.astype(bool)
# Step 2: Checking how much the pupil dliation changes from timepoint to timepoint and exclude timepoints where the dilation change is large
def madspeedfilter(tv,dia,is_valid):
max_gap = 200
dilation = dia[is_valid]
cur_tv = tv[is_valid]
cur_dia_speed = np.diff(dilation)/np.diff(cur_tv)
cur_dia_speed[np.diff(cur_tv)>max_gap] = np.nan
back_dilation = np.pad(cur_dia_speed,(1,0),constant_values=np.nan)
fwd_dilation = np.pad(cur_dia_speed,(0,1),constant_values=np.nan)
back_fwd_dilation = np.vstack([back_dilation,fwd_dilation])
max_dilation_speed = np.empty_like(dia)
max_dilation_speed[is_valid] = np.nanmax(np.abs(back_fwd_dilation),axis=0)
mad = np.nanmedian(np.abs(max_dilation_speed-np.nanmedian(max_dilation_speed)))
mad_multiplier = 16 # as defined in Kret et al., 2019
if mad == 0:
print('mad is 0, using dilation speed plus constant as threshold')
threshold = np.nanmedian(max_dilation_speed)+mad_multiplier
threshold = np.nanmedian(max_dilation_speed)+mad_multiplier*mad
print('threshold: ' + str(threshold))
valid_out = is_valid.copy()
valid_out[max_dilation_speed>=threshold] = False
valid_out = remove_loners(valid_out.astype(bool),et_refreshrate)
valid_out = expand_gap(tv,valid_out)
valid_out = remove_loners(valid_out.astype(bool),et_refreshrate)
return valid_out.astype(bool)
# Step 3: Fitting a smooth line and exclude samples that deviate from that fitted line
def mad_deviation(tv,dia,is_valid):
n_passes = 4
mad_multiplier = 16
interp_fs = 100
lowpass_cf = 16
[smooth_filt_b,smooth_filt_a] = butter(1,lowpass_cf/(interp_fs/2))
t_interp = np.arange(tv[0],tv[-1],1000/lowpass_cf)
dia[~is_valid] = np.nan
is_valid_running = is_valid.copy()
residuals_per_pass = np.empty([len(is_valid),n_passes])
smooth_baseline_per_pass = np.empty([len(is_valid),n_passes])
is_done = False
for pass_id in range(n_passes):
if is_done:
is_valid_start = is_valid_running.copy()
residuals_per_pass[:,pass_id], smooth_baseline_per_pass[:,pass_id] = deviation_calculator(tv,dia,[x and y for x, y in zip(is_valid_running, is_valid)],t_interp,smooth_filt_a,smooth_filt_b)
mad = np.nanmedian(np.abs(residuals_per_pass[:,pass_id]-np.nanmedian(residuals_per_pass[:,pass_id])))
threshold = np.nanmedian(residuals_per_pass[:,pass_id])+mad_multiplier*mad
is_valid_running = [x and y for x,y in zip((residuals_per_pass[:,pass_id] <= threshold), is_valid)]
is_valid_running = remove_loners(np.array(is_valid_running).astype(bool),et_refreshrate)
is_valid_running = expand_gap(tv,np.array(is_valid_running).astype(bool))
if (pass_id>0 and np.all(is_valid_start==is_valid_running)):
is_done = True
valid_out = is_valid_running
return valid_out.astype(bool)
# This is the last step of the preocessing, all invalid samples are removed and the data is detrended
def remove_invalid_detrend(eyes_in,is_valid,isdetrend):
all_tp = np.arange(len(eyes_in))
eyes_in[~is_valid] = np.nan
if isdetrend:
m, b, _, _, _ = stats.linregress(all_tp[is_valid],eyes_in[is_valid])
eyes_in = eyes_in - (m*all_tp + b)
return eyes_in
if __name__=='__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='path to bids root',
args = parser.parse_args()
bids_dir = args.bids_dir
preprocdir = f'{bids_dir}/derivatives/preprocessed/'
figdir = f'{bids_dir}/derivatives/figures/'
resdir = f'{bids_dir}/derivatives/output/'
if not os.path.exists(preprocdir):
if not os.path.exists(figdir):
if not os.path.exists(resdir):
####### Run preprocessing ########
for p in range(1,n_participants+1):
sa = pd.read_csv(f'{bids_dir}/sourcedata/sample_attributes_P{str(p)}.csv')
sessions = [0]*n_sessions
for s in range(n_sessions):
for r in range(n_runs):
# load raw eye-tracking data from the MEG
raw_eyes = load_raw_data(rootdir=bids_dir,p=p,s=s,r=r,trigger_channel=trigger_channel,pd_channel=pd_channel,eye_channel=eye_channel,iseyes=True)
# now we are getting the onsets from the photodiode channel
raw_photodiode = load_raw_data(bids_dir,p,s,r,trigger_channel,pd_channel,eye_channel,False)
photo_d = np.where(np.diff([0]+raw_photodiode._data[0])>1.5)
pd_new= photo_d[0][np.where(np.diff([0]+photo_d[0])>1000)]
# cut raw-eyes so that you don't keep all the data after the end of the run
raw_eyes_cut = raw_eyes.copy()
start = pd_new[0]*1/meg_refreshrate-0.2
end = pd_new[-1]*1/meg_refreshrate+2
raw_eyes_cut.crop(tmin=start, tmax=end, include_tmax=True)
pd_new= pd_new-raw_eyes_cut.first_samp
# transform MNE-struct to pandas and change from volts to degrees (x,y) and area (pupil)
eyes = raw2df(raw_eyes_cut,minvoltage,maxvoltage,minrange,maxrange,screenbottom,screenleft,screenright,screentop,screensize_pix)
# Define parameters
dia = eyes['pupil'].copy().to_numpy()
# Step 1: remove out of bounds
isvalid1 = remove_invalid_samples(eyes,tv)
# Step 2: speed dilation exclusion
isvalid2 = madspeedfilter(tv,dia,isvalid1)
# Step 3: deviation from smooth line
isvalid3 = mad_deviation(tv,dia,isvalid2)
# remove invalid and detrend
eyes_preproc_meg = eyes.copy()
eyes_preproc_meg['x'] = remove_invalid_detrend(eyes_preproc_meg['x'].to_numpy(),isvalid3,True)
eyes_preproc_meg['x'] = [pix_to_deg(i,screensize_pix,screenwidth_cm,screendistance_cm) for i in eyes_preproc_meg['x']]
eyes_preproc_meg['y'] = remove_invalid_detrend(eyes_preproc_meg['y'].to_numpy(),isvalid3,True)
eyes_preproc_meg['y'] = [pix_to_deg(i,screensize_pix,screenwidth_cm,screendistance_cm) for i in eyes_preproc_meg['y']]
eyes_preproc_meg['pupil'] = remove_invalid_detrend(eyes_preproc_meg['pupil'].to_numpy(),isvalid3,True)
# Replace data with preprocessed data
preprocessed_eyes = raw_eyes.copy()
preprocessed_eyes._data = eyes_preproc_meg.loc[:,['x','y','pupil']].to_numpy().T
# make epochs based on photodiode
event_dict = {'onset_pd':4}
ev_pd = np.empty(shape=(len(pd_new),3),dtype=int)
for i,ev in enumerate(pd_new):
if r == 0:
epochs = mne.Epochs(preprocessed_eyes,ev_pd,event_id = event_dict, tmin = -0.1, tmax = 1.3, baseline=None,preload=False)
if r > 0:
epochs_1 = mne.Epochs(preprocessed_eyes,ev_pd,event_id = event_dict, tmin = -0.1, tmax = 1.3, baseline=None,preload=False)
epochs_1.info['dev_head_t'] = epochs.info['dev_head_t']
epochs = mne.concatenate_epochs([epochs,epochs_1])
# add metadata and get rid of catch trials
epochs.metadata = sa.loc[sa.session_nr==s+1,:]
epochs = epochs[(epochs.metadata['trial_type']!='catch')]
# save as dataframe
tmp = pd.DataFrame(np.repeat(epochs.metadata.values,len(epochs.times), axis=0))
tmp.columns = epochs.metadata.columns
tosave = pd.concat([epochs.to_data_frame(),tmp],axis=1)
tosave.to_csv(preprocdir + '/eyes_epoched_cleaned_P' + str(p) + '_S' + str(s+1) + '.csv')