Inference ================ Commands for set up basic OWL/RDF inferences in the [DOREMUS Virtuoso Triplestore]( See also the [Virtuoso documentation]( ## Install We consider that the 3 [ontologies]( have been loaded in the `` graph. We load in the `/data` folder all the ontologies we want to inference (i.e. [skos.rdf]( docker exec -it virtuoso_doremus bash /usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/bin/isql-v ld_dir ('/data', 'skos.rdf', ''); # add inference rules rdfs_rule_set('mus',''); rdfs_rule_set('mus',''); ## Use Querying the [SPARQL endpoint](, it is required to add `DEFINE input:inference 'mus'` on top of the query. #### Examples ```sparql DEFINE input:inference 'mus' SELECT * WHERE { ?dedication mus:U44i_is_dedication_statement_of ?expression } LIMIT 100 ``` [results with inference](*+where+%7B+%3Fdedication+mus%3AU44i_is_dedication_statement_of+%3Fexpression+%7DLIMIT+100&format=text%2Fhtml&timeout=0&debug=on) - [results without inference](*+where+%7B+%3Fdedication+mus%3AU44i_is_dedication_statement_of+%3Fexpression+%7DLIMIT+100&format=text%2Fhtml&timeout=0&debug=on) ```sparql DEFINE input:inference 'mus' SELECT * WHERE { ?a skos:inScheme } ``` [results with inference](* (they include also `skos:isTopConceptOf`, subproperty of `skos:inScheme`) [results without inference](*