ternaryDiag <- function(x, name=colnames(x), grid=TRUE, gridCol=grey(0.6), mcex=1.2, line="none", robust=TRUE, group=NULL, tol=0.975, ...) { # Ternary plot # # x ... matrix with 3 columns # name ... names of the variables # grid ... TRUE if grid should be plotted # "..." ... further graphical parameters, see par if(!(line %in% c("none","pca","regression","regressionconf","regressionpred","ellipse","lda"))) stop("Choose a method for function argument *line*, which is implemented.") if (is.null(name)) { name <- c("P1", "P2", "P3")} if (length(name) != 3){ warning("incorrect length of name. Variable names P1, P2 and P3 are used instead.") } if (dim(x)[2] > 3){ warning("only the first three parts are used for plotting") x <- x[,1:3] } if (dim(x)[2] < 3){ stop("x must include 3 variables/parts") } s <- rowSums(x) if (any(s <= 0)) stop("each row of the input `object' must have a positive sum") dat <- x/s # dat <- constSum(x) xp <- dat[,2] + dat[,3]/2 yp <- dat[,3] * sqrt(3)/2 par(pty="s") plot(xp,yp,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,0.9), frame.plot=FALSE, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="", ...) segments(0,0,1,0) segments(0,0,1/2,sqrt(3)/2) segments(1/2,sqrt(3)/2,1,0) mtext(name[1],side=1, line=-1, at=-0.05,cex=mcex) mtext(name[2],side=1, line=-1, at=1.05,cex=mcex) text(0.5, 0.9, name[3],cex=mcex) if(grid) { b <- sqrt(c(0.03,0.12,0.27,0.48)) # segments(c(0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4), # c(rep(0,8), b), # c(seq(0.1,0.9,0.1), c(0.9,0.8,0.7,0.6)), # c(b, rev(b), b), col=gridCol, lty="dashed") # # ) segments(0.2,0, 0.1,sqrt(0.03), col=gridCol, lty="dashed") segments(0.4,0, 0.2,sqrt(0.12), col=gridCol, lty="dashed") segments(0.6,0, 0.3,sqrt(0.27), col=gridCol, lty="dashed") segments(0.8,0, 0.4,sqrt(0.48), col=gridCol, lty="dashed") segments(0.2,0, 0.6,sqrt(0.48), col=gridCol, lty="dashed") segments(0.4,0, 0.7,sqrt(0.27), col=gridCol, lty="dashed") segments(0.6,0, 0.8,sqrt(0.12), col=gridCol, lty="dashed") segments(0.8,0, 0.9,sqrt(0.03), col=gridCol, lty="dashed") segments(0.1,sqrt(0.03), 0.9,sqrt(0.03), col=gridCol, lty="dashed") segments(0.2,sqrt(0.12), 0.8,sqrt(0.12), col=gridCol, lty="dashed") segments(0.3,sqrt(0.27), 0.7,sqrt(0.27), col=gridCol, lty="dashed") segments(0.4,sqrt(0.48), 0.6,sqrt(0.48), col=gridCol, lty="dashed") text(0.5,0.66,"0.8", col=gridCol, cex = 0.6) text(0.5,0.49,"0.6", col=gridCol, cex = 0.6) text(0.5,0.32,"0.4", col=gridCol, cex = 0.6) text(0.5,0.14,"0.2", col=gridCol, cex = 0.6) text(0.95,0.21,"0.8", col=gridCol, cex = 0.6, srt = 60) text(0.86,0.35,"0.6", col=gridCol, cex = 0.6, srt = 60) text(0.75,0.54,"0.4", col=gridCol, cex = 0.6, srt = 60) text(0.64,0.72,"0.2", col=gridCol, cex = 0.6, srt = 60) text(0.05,0.21,"0.8", col=gridCol, cex = 0.6,srt = 300) text(0.14,0.35,"0.6", col=gridCol, cex = 0.6,srt = 300) text(0.25,0.54,"0.4", col=gridCol, cex = 0.6,srt = 300) text(0.36,0.72,"0.2", col=gridCol, cex = 0.6,srt = 300) } ## adding lines plotTern <- function(x, conf=line, rob=robust){ # x <- x[,c(3,2,1)] z <- data.frame(ilr(x)) # z[,2] <- z[,2]*(-1) colnames(z) <- c("x", "y") if(rob) lm1 <- rlm(y ~ x, data=z, method="MM") else lm1 <- lm(y ~ x, data=z) # new <- data.frame(x = seq(min(z$x), max(z$x), length=100)) new <- data.frame(x = seq(-30, 30, length=10000)) if(conf=="regressionpred"){ pred.w.plim <- predict(lm1, new, interval="prediction") s1 <- invilr(data.frame(z1=new$x, z2=pred.w.plim[,1])) s2 <- invilr(data.frame(z1=new$x, z2=pred.w.plim[,2])) s3 <- invilr(data.frame(z1=new$x, z2=pred.w.plim[,3])) } else if(conf=="regressionconf"){ pred.w.plim <- predict(lm1, new, interval="confidence") s1 <- invilr(data.frame(z1=new$x, z2=pred.w.plim[,1])) s2 <- invilr(data.frame(z1=new$x, z2=pred.w.plim[,2])) s3 <- invilr(data.frame(z1=new$x, z2=pred.w.plim[,3])) } else { pred.w.plim <- predict(lm1, new) s1 <- invilr(data.frame(z1=new$x, z2=pred.w.plim)) s2 <- invilr(data.frame(z1=new$x, z2=pred.w.plim)) s3 <- invilr(data.frame(z1=new$x, z2=pred.w.plim)) } # s1 <- invilr(data.frame(z1=new$x, z2=pred.w.plim[,1])) # s2 <- invilr(data.frame(z1=new$x, z2=pred.w.plim[,2])) ## s2 <- invilr(data.frame(z1=new$x, z2=pred.w.clim[,2])) # s3 <- invilr(data.frame(z1=new$x, z2=pred.w.plim[,3])) # s3 <- invilr(data.frame(z1=new$x, z2=pred.w.clim[,3])) # s1r <- rowSums(s1) # s2r <- rowSums(s2) # s3r <- rowSums(s3) dat1 <- s1#/s1r dat2 <- s2#/s2r dat3 <- s3#/s3r xp1 <- dat1[, 2] + dat1[, 3]/2 yp1 <- dat1[, 3] * sqrt(3)/2 xp2 <- dat2[, 2] + dat2[, 3]/2 yp2 <- dat2[, 3] * sqrt(3)/2 xp3 <- dat3[, 2] + dat3[, 3]/2 yp3 <- dat3[, 3] * sqrt(3)/2 lines(xp1, yp1, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 0.9), #frame.plot = FALSE, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", col=1, lwd=2) if(conf %in% c("regressionpred", "regressionconf")){ lines(xp2, yp2, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 0.9), #frame.plot = FALSE, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", lty=2, col=gray(0.5)) lines(xp3, yp3, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 0.9), #frame.plot = FALSE, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", lty=2, col=gray(0.5)) } legend("topleft", legend=paste(colnames(x)[1], "~", colnames(x)[2], "+", colnames(x)[3]), lwd=2, col="black") } f <- function(x, co="black", lt=1, rob=robust){ a <- constSum(x,1) a <- ilr(x) if(rob){ rc <- covMcd(a) me <- rc$center acov <- rc$cov } else { me <- apply(a, 2, mean) acov <- var(a) } # cov.svd <- svd(acov, nv = 0) # r <- cov.svd[["u"]] %*% diag(sqrt(cov.svd[["d"]])) apca <- princomp(cov=acov) x0 <- -11*apca$loa[1,1]+me[1] y0 <- -11*apca$loa[2,1]+me[2] x1 <- 11*apca$loa[1,1]+me[1] y1 <- 11*apca$loa[2,1]+me[2] s1 <- seq(x0,x1,length=100) s2 <- seq(y0,y1,length=100) s <- data.frame(s1=s1,s2=s2) ss <- invilr(s) # ternaryDiag(arcticLake) s1 <- rowSums(ss) dat <- ss/s1 xp <- dat[, 2] + dat[, 3]/2 yp <- dat[, 3] * sqrt(3)/2 lines(xp, yp, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 0.9), #frame.plot = FALSE, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", ...) legend("right", legend="PC 1", lty=1, lwd=2, col="black") } ### tollerance ellipses: dcov <- function(x, tolerance=tol){ z <- ilr(x) dat1 <- drawMahal(z, colMeans(z), cov(z), plot=FALSE, whichlines=tolerance) for(i in 1:length(tolerance)){ e <- invilr(cbind(dat1$mdX[,i], dat1$mdY[,i])) xp1 <- e[, 2] + e[, 3]/2 yp1 <- e[, 3] * sqrt(3)/2 lines(xp1, yp1, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 0.9), #frame.plot = FALSE, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", ...) } } da <- function(x, grp=group){ z <- ilr(x) lev <- levels(factor(grp)) if(length(lev) != 2) stop("group must be a factor with exactly two levels") z1 <- z[grp==lev[1],] z2 <- z[grp==lev[2],] n1=nrow(z1) n2=nrow(z2) n=n1+n2 p1=n1/n p2=n2/n m1=apply(z1,2,mean) m2=apply(z2,2,mean) S1=cov(z1) S2=cov(z2) Sp=((n1-1)/(n1-1+n2-1))*S1+((n2-1)/(n1-1+n2-1))*S2 Sp1=solve(Sp) yLDA=as.numeric(t(m1-m2)%*%Sp1%*%t(z)-as.numeric(1/2*t(m1-m2)%*%Sp1%*%(m1+m2)))-log(p2/p1) # LDA y1=seq(from=min(z[,1])-1.5,to=max(z[,1])+1.9,by=0.05) y2=seq(from=min(z[,2]),to=max(z[,2])+0.2,by=0.05) y1a=rep(y1,length(y2)) y2a=sort(rep(y2,length(y1))) ya=cbind(y1a,y2a) yaLDA <- as.numeric(t(m1-m2)%*%Sp1%*%t(ya)- as.numeric(1/2*t(m1-m2)%*%Sp1%*%(m1+m2)))-log(p2/p1) boundLDA <- abs(yaLDA)<0.5 bline <- lowess(y1a[boundLDA],y2a[boundLDA]) # bline <- lowess(y1a,y2a) blines <- data.frame(z1=bline$x, z2=bline$y) #k*x+d k <- (bline$x[2]-bline$x[1]) / (bline$y[2]-bline$y[1]) LINE <- function(p,k){ seq(p,0.95,) ## stopped here! } blines <- data.frame(z1=seq(bline$x[1],bline$x[2],length=100), z2=seq(bline$y[1],bline$y[2],length=100)) xblines <- invilr(blines) xp1 <- xblines[, 2] + xblines[, 3]/2 yp1 <- xblines[, 3] * sqrt(3)/2 lines(xp1, yp1, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 0.9), #frame.plot = FALSE, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", ...) } if(line == "pca") f(dat, co="black", lt=1) if(line == "regression") plotTern(dat[,c(1,2,3)], conf=FALSE) if(line == "regressionconf") plotTern(dat[,c(1,2,3)], conf="regressionconf") if(line == "regressionpred") plotTern(dat[,c(1,2,3)], conf="regressionpred") if(line == "ellipse") dcov(x) if(line == "lda"){ # if(is.null(group)) stop("parameter group must be specified.") da(x, grp=group) } }