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Tip revision: 9d37fd031dfbdb4eb69faa449d0a6416267a7d4f authored by Jesús Pérez on 28 July 2020, 20:36:58 UTC
Tip revision: 9d37fd0
function [R,Nk,Ek] = rich_club_bu(CIJ,varargin)
%RICH_CLUB_BU        Rich club coefficients (binary undirected graph)
%   R = rich_club_bu(CIJ)
%   [R,Nk,Ek] = rich_club_bu(CIJ,klevel)
%   The rich club coefficient, R, at level k is the fraction of edges that
%   connect nodes of degree k or higher out of the maximum number of edges
%   that such nodes might share.
%   Input:      CIJ,        connection matrix, binary and undirected
%            klevel,        optional input argument. klevel sets the
%                              maximum level at which the rich club
%                              coefficient will be calculated. If klevel is
%                              not included the the maximum level will be
%                              set to the maximum degree of CIJ.
%   Output:       R,        vector of rich-club coefficients for levels
%                              1 to klevel.
%                Nk,        number of nodes with degree>k
%                Ek,        number of edges remaining in subgraph with
%                              degree>k
%   Reference: Colizza et al. (2006) Nat. Phys. 2:110.
%   Martijn van den Heuvel, University Medical Center Utrecht, 2011

Degree = sum(CIJ);  %compute degree of each node

if nargin == 1
    klevel = max(Degree);
elseif nargin == 2
    klevel = varargin{1};
elseif nargin > 2
    error('number of inputs incorrect. Should be [CIJ], or [CIJ, klevel]')

R = zeros(1,klevel);
Nk = zeros(1,klevel);
Ek = zeros(1,klevel);
for k = 1:klevel
    SmallNodes=find(Degree<=k);       %get 'small nodes' with degree <=k
    subCIJ=CIJ;                       %extract subnetwork of nodes >k by removing nodes <=k of CIJ
    subCIJ(SmallNodes,:)=[];          %remove rows
    subCIJ(:,SmallNodes)=[];          %remove columns
    Nk(k)=size(subCIJ,2);             %number of nodes with degree >k
    Ek(k)=sum(subCIJ(:));             %total number of connections in subgraph
    R(k)=Ek(k)/(Nk(k)*(Nk(k)-1));     %unweighted rich-club coefficient
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