Development Changelog ''''''''''''''''''''' **NB:** The changelog for releases can be found at: This file lists the changes added to each version of octez-node, octez-client, and the other Octez executables. The changes to the economic protocol are documented in the ``docs/protocols/`` directory; in particular in ``docs/protocols/alpha.rst``. When you make a commit on master, you can add an item in one of the following subsections (node, client, …) to document your commit or the set of related commits. This will ensure that this change is not forgotten in the final changelog, which can be found in ``docs/CHANGES.rst``. By having your commits update this file you also make it easy to find the commits which are related to your changes using ``git log -p -- CHANGES.rst``. Relevant items are moved to ``docs/CHANGES.rst`` after each release. Only describe changes which affect users (bug fixes and new features), or which will affect users in the future (deprecated features), not refactorings or tests. Changes to the documentation do not need to be documented here either. General ------- Node ---- - Changed the bounding specification of valid operations in the mempool: + Before, the number of valid **manager operations** in the mempool was at most ``max_prechecked_manager_operations`` (default 5_000), with no other constraints. (Operations to keep were selected according to a "weight" that consists in the ratio of fee over "resources"; the latter is the maximum between the following ratios: operation gas over maximal allowed gas, and operation size over maximal allowed size. The baker uses the same notion of "weight" to select operations.) + Now, the number of valid **operations of any kind** is at most ``max_operations`` (default 10_000), and also the **sum of the sizes in bytes** of all valid operations is at most ``max_total_bytes`` (default 10_000_000). See [src/lib_shell/prevalidator_bounding.mli] for the reasoning behind the default values. (Operations are selected according to the protocol's ``compare_operations`` function, which currently orders operations according to their validation pass (consensus is highest and manager is lowest); note that two manager operations are ordered using their fee over gas ratio.) The values of ``max_operations`` and ``max_total_bytes`` can be retrieved with ``GET /chains//mempool/filter`` and configured with ``POST /chains//mempool/filter`` (just as ``max_prechecked_manager_operations`` used to be). As a result, the JSON format of the outputs of these two RPCs and the input of the second one have slightly changed; see their updated descriptions. (MR :gl:`!6787`) - Errors ``prefilter.fees_too_low_for_mempool`` and ``plugin.removed_fees_too_low_for_mempool`` have been replaced with ``node.mempool.rejected_by_full_mempool`` and ``node.mempool.removed_from_full_mempool`` with different descriptions and messages. In particular, the ``rejected_by_full_mempool`` error no longer indicates the minimal fee needed by the rejected operation to be accepted by the full mempool (however, we are working on providing this information again). (MR :gl:`!6787`) Client ------ Baker ----- - Changed the baker liquidity baking vote file ``per_block_votes.json`` lookup so that it also considers its client data directory when searching an existing file. The previous semantics, which looks for this file in the current working directory, takes predecence. Accuser ------- Signer ------ Proxy Server ------------ Protocol Compiler And Environment --------------------------------- Codec ----- Docker Images ------------- Smart Rollup node ----------------- Smart Rollup client ------------------- Smart Rollup WASM Debugger -------------------------- Miscellaneous -------------