Raw File
  Extract Coordinates of a Spatial or Spatiotemporal Point Pattern
  Given any kind of spatial or space-time point pattern,
  this function extracts the
  (space and/or time) coordinates of the points
  and returns them as a data frame.
  coords(x, ...)
  \method{coords}{ppp}(x, ...)
  \method{coords}{ppx}(x, ..., spatial = TRUE, temporal = TRUE)
    A point pattern: either a two-dimensional point pattern
    (object of class \code{"ppp"}), a three-dimensional point pattern
    (object of class \code{"pp3"}), or a 
    general multidimensional space-time point pattern 
    (object of class \code{"ppx"}).
    Further arguments passed to methods.
    Logical values indicating whether to extract spatial and temporal
    coordinates, respectively. The default is to return both
    spatial and temporal coordinates.
  The function \code{coords} is generic, with methods for
  the classes \code{"ppp"}) and \code{"ppx"}.
  An object of class \code{"pp3"} also inherits from \code{"ppx"} and
  is handled by the method for \code{"ppx"}.
  A \code{data.frame} with one row for each point, containing the
\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner
   df <- data.frame(x=runif(4),y=runif(4),t=runif(4))
   X <- ppx(data=df, temporal="t")
   coords(X, temporal=FALSE)
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