open Environment open GrammarCommon open HGrammar open TargetEnvs open Type open TypingCommon open Utilities module NTTyInitMap = Map.Make (struct type t = nt_ty * bool let compare = compare end) module HeadTyMap = Map.Make (struct type t = head * ty let compare = Utilities.compare_pair compare end) (* note that var_assumptions is redundant, since it is included in derived *) type proof = { derived : nt_ty; used_nts: used_nts; loc_types : loc_types; positive : bool; initial : bool} let proof_compare (ignore_initial : bool) (proof1 : proof) (proof2 : proof) : int = compare_pair (compare_pair nt_ty_compare @@ compare) compare ((proof1.derived, proof1.used_nts), (proof1.positive, proof1.initial || ignore_initial)) ((proof2.derived, proof2.used_nts), (proof2.positive, proof2.initial || ignore_initial)) (** Information necessary to categorize given terminal or nonterminal as occuring everywhere with the same types or not. *) type head_types = SingleLocCombination of int TyMap.t | MultiLocCombination let string_of_proof (hg : hgrammar) (proof_ids : int NTTyInitMap.t option) (proof : proof) : string = let nt, ty = proof.derived in let hterm = hg#nt_body nt in (* info about proof number *) let proof_id_title = match proof_ids with | Some proof_ids -> let proof_id = NTTyInitMap.find (proof.derived, proof.initial) proof_ids in "(Proof " ^ string_of_int proof_id ^ ")\n" | None -> "" in let merge_loc_types (loc : hloc) (ty_counts : int TyMap.t) : head_types option -> head_types option = function | Some (SingleLocCombination existing_ty_counts) as single -> if TyMap.equal (fun count1 count2 -> count1 = count2 && count1 = 1) existing_ty_counts ty_counts then single else Some MultiLocCombination | Some MultiLocCombination as multi -> multi | None -> Some (SingleLocCombination ty_counts) in let loc2occ = hg#loc2head_occurence hterm in (* map from terminals/nonterminals to locations of their occurences and whether they should be marked, i.e., two locations have different sets of non-empty types or it is used multiple times in one location and there is another location where it has non-empty type *) let loc_combinations : head_types HeadMap.t = HeadMap.empty |> HlocMap.fold (fun loc ty_counts acc -> acc |> HeadMap.update (fst @@ HlocMap.find loc loc2occ) (merge_loc_types loc ty_counts) ) proof.loc_types in let multi_heads : HeadSet.t = HeadSet.of_seq @@ fst @@ Seq.filter (fun (h, combinations) -> match combinations with | MultiLocCombination -> true | SingleLocCombination _ -> false ) @@ HeadMap.to_seq loc_combinations in let loc2mark = loc2occ |> HlocMap.mapi (fun loc (h, occ) -> if HeadSet.mem h multi_heads then "#" ^ string_of_int (occ + 1) else "" ) in let head_ty_locs : HlocSet.t HeadTyMap.t = HlocMap.bindings proof.loc_types |> List.fold_left (fun acc (loc, ty_counts) -> let head = fst @@ HlocMap.find loc loc2occ in TyMap.fold (fun ty _ acc -> acc |> HeadTyMap.update (head, ty) (function | Some locs -> Some (HlocSet.add loc locs) | None -> Some (HlocSet.singleton loc) ) ) ty_counts acc ) HeadTyMap.empty in (* info which atom has which type *) let assumptions : string list = HeadTyMap.bindings head_ty_locs |> (fun ((head, ty), locs) -> let prefix = match head with | HT a -> "(|-) " | HNT nt -> begin match proof_ids with | Some proof_ids -> (* There can still be two kinds of proofs - initial (first registered) and not. Initial proofs can always point at initial proofs. Other proofs are proofs of path to cycle and cycle itself, with all dependencies. So, the non-initial proof may point at initial proof, but initial proof will never point at non-initial proof unless it wasn't in the data. The dependency searched for is with the same initial-ness, and, if it doesn't exist, with reverse initial-ness. *) let proof_id = match NTTyInitMap.find_opt ((nt, ty), proof.initial) proof_ids with | Some proof_id' -> proof_id' | None -> NTTyInitMap.find ((nt, ty), not proof.initial) proof_ids in "(" ^ string_of_int proof_id ^ ") " | None -> "" end | HVar v -> "" in let count_str_for_loc (loc : hloc) : string = let count : int = TyMap.find ty @@ HlocMap.find loc proof.loc_types in if count = 1 then "" else " (x" ^ string_of_int count ^ ")" in let heads_str : string = if HeadSet.mem head multi_heads then concat_map ", " (fun loc -> hg#string_of_head head ^ HlocMap.find loc loc2mark ^ count_str_for_loc loc ) @@ HlocSet.elements locs else (* it is guaranteed that either all locs have 1 or there is only one loc *) hg#string_of_head head ^ count_str_for_loc (HlocSet.choose locs) in prefix ^ heads_str ^ " : " ^ string_of_ty ty ) in let annotated_hterm = hg#string_of_hterm false loc2mark 0 hterm in let positive_info = if proof.positive then " (+)" else "" in let nt_app = String.concat " " @@ hg#nt_name nt :: hg#var_names nt in proof_id_title ^ String.concat ",\n" assumptions ^ "\n|- " ^ nt_app ^ " = " ^ annotated_hterm ^ " : " ^ string_of_ty (codomain ty) ^ positive_info (** Full information necessary to prove existence of a cycle and that the cycle is not omega. *) class cycle_proof (path_to_cycle : (proof * bool) list) (cycle : (proof * bool) list) (escape : proof) (proofs : proof list) = object(self) (** Numerical identifiers of proofs, initial on the left, the rest on the right. *) val proof_ids : int NTTyInitMap.t = let proof_id = ref 0 in let assign_id () = proof_id := !proof_id + 1; !proof_id in List.fold_left (fun acc proof -> NTTyInitMap.add (proof.derived, proof.initial) (assign_id ()) acc ) NTTyInitMap.empty proofs method string_of_nt_ty (hg : hgrammar) (nt, ty : nt_ty) : string = hg#nt_name nt ^ " : " ^ string_of_ty ty method string_of_paths (hg : hgrammar) : string = let prefix_empty = " " in let prefix_mid = "| " in let arrow_from_bottom = ".-> " in let string_of_edge (line_prefix : string) (proof : proof) (edge : bool) : string = let sign = if edge then "+" else "-" in let proof_id = NTTyInitMap.find (proof.derived, proof.initial) proof_ids in line_prefix ^ " |\n" ^ line_prefix ^ " (" ^ string_of_int proof_id ^ " " ^ sign ^ ") " ^ "\n" ^ line_prefix ^ " |\n" ^ line_prefix ^ " v" in let string_of_last_edge (proof, edge : proof * bool) : string = let sign = if edge then "+" else "-" in let proof_id = NTTyInitMap.find (proof.derived, proof.initial) proof_ids in "| |\n" ^ "`---- (" ^ string_of_int proof_id ^ " " ^ sign ^ ")\n" ^ " |\n" ^ " ...\n" ^ " |\n" ^ " v" in let proof_and_edge first_line_prefix line_prefix (proof, edge) = first_line_prefix ^ self#string_of_nt_ty hg proof.derived ^ "\n" ^ string_of_edge line_prefix proof edge in let path_to_cycle_strs = (proof_and_edge prefix_empty prefix_empty) path_to_cycle in let cycle_len = List.length cycle in let cycle_head = List.hd cycle in let cycle_mid, cycle_last = if cycle_len > 1 then Utilities.split_list (cycle_len - 2) @@ cycle else ([], []) in let cycle_head_strs = if cycle_len > 1 then [proof_and_edge arrow_from_bottom prefix_mid cycle_head] else [ arrow_from_bottom ^ self#string_of_nt_ty hg (fst cycle_head).derived; string_of_last_edge cycle_head ] in let cycle_mid_strs = (proof_and_edge prefix_mid prefix_mid) cycle_mid in let cycle_last_strs = (fun (proof, edge) -> prefix_mid ^ self#string_of_nt_ty hg proof.derived ^ "\n" ^ string_of_last_edge (proof, edge) ) cycle_last in let escape_vertex = [prefix_empty ^ self#string_of_nt_ty hg escape.derived] in let escape_continuation = let continuation_str = if NTTyMap.is_empty escape.used_nts then " T" else "..." in let proof_id = NTTyInitMap.find (escape.derived, escape.initial) proof_ids in [ prefix_empty ^ " |"; prefix_empty ^ " (" ^ string_of_int proof_id ^ ")"; prefix_empty ^ " |"; prefix_empty ^ " v"; prefix_empty ^ " " ^ continuation_str ] in String.concat "\n" ( path_to_cycle_strs @ cycle_head_strs @ cycle_mid_strs @ cycle_last_strs @ escape_vertex @ escape_continuation ) method string_of_proofs (hg : hgrammar) : string = concat_map "\n\n" (fun proof -> string_of_proof hg (Some proof_ids) proof ) proofs method to_string (hg : hgrammar) : string = "A path in the Duplication Factor Graph proving infiniteness (the number is proof identifier, the sign is whether the edge is positive):\n\n" ^ self#string_of_paths hg ^ "\n\n" ^ "Proofs with identifiers (+ - positive duplication factor/multiple uses):\n\n" ^ self#string_of_proofs hg (** All data contained in cycle proof. For testing purposes. *) method raw_data = (path_to_cycle, cycle, escape, proofs) (** For testing purposes. *) method to_raw_edges : (nt_ty * bool) list = let cycle_border = fst @@ List.hd cycle in ( (fun (proof, edge_pos) -> (proof.derived, edge_pos)) @@ path_to_cycle @ cycle) @ [(cycle_border.derived, false)] end