\name{tim.colors} \alias{tim.colors} \title{ Tim's useful color table } \description{ A pleasing rainbow style color table patterned after that used in Matlab by Tim. } \usage{ tim.colors(n = 64) } \arguments{ \item{n}{ Number of color levels. The setting \code{n}=64 is the orignal definition.} } \details{ Ask Tim. } \value{ A vector of character strings giving the colors in a hexadecimal format. } \seealso{ topo.colors, terrain.colors } \examples{ tim.colors(10) # returns an array of 10 strings in hex format #e.g. (red, green, blue) values of (16,255, 239) # translates to "#10FFEF" . image( outer( 1:20,1:20,"+"), col=tim.colors( 75)) } \keyword{ aplot}