environment: # USEMSVC: "1" matrix: - ARCH: "i686" - ARCH: "x86_64" JULIA_CPU_CORES: 1 # Run win64 tests in serial for now to avoid #7942 causing timeouts # Only build on master and PR's for now, not personal branches # Whether or not PR's get built is determined in the webhook settings branches: only: - master - release-0.3 clone_depth: 50 init: # Carriage returns are bad - git config --global core.autocrlf input build_script: # Remove C:\MinGW\bin from the path, the version of MinGW installed on # AppVeyor is not compatible with the cross-compiled Julia Windows binaries - set PATH=%PATH:C:\MinGW\bin;=% # - '"%VS120COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64' # Since the AppVeyor VMs have Git installed, they have MSYS1 - sh --login /c/projects/julia/contrib/windows/msys_build.sh test_script: - cd test && ..\usr\bin\julia runtests.jl all