Raw File
\title{Prediction from a Fitted Cluster Point Process Model}
  Given a fitted cluster point process model,
  this function computes the fitted intensity of the model.
  \method{predict}{kppm}(object, ...)
    Fitted cluster point process model.
    An object of class \code{"kppm"}.
  \item{\dots}{Arguments passed to \code{\link{predict.ppm}}.}
  This is a method for the generic function \code{\link{predict}}.
  The argument \code{object} should be a cluster point process model
  (object of class \code{"kppm"}) obtained using
  the function \code{\link{kppm}}.

  Prediction computes the \emph{intensity} of the fitted model.
  The algorithm calls \code{\link{predict.ppm}} to compute the
  Usually a pixel image (object of class \code{"im"}).
  fit <- kppm(redwood, ~x, "Thomas")
  v <- predict(fit)
\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner
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