## HEAD ### Major Enhancements ### Minor Enhancements * Move the building of related posts into their own class (#1057) ### Bug Fixes * Rename Jekyll::Logger to Jekyll::Stevenson to fix inheritance issue (#1106) ### Site Enhancements * Add link to jekyll-minibundle in the doc's plugins list (#1035) * Quick patch for importers documentation * Fix prefix for WordpressDotCom importer in docs (#1107) * Add jekyll-contentblocks plugin to docs (#1068) * Make code bits in notes look more natural, more readable (#1089) * Fix logic for `relative_permalinks` instructions on Upgrading page (#1101) * Add docs for post excerpt (#1072) * Add docs for gist tag (#1072) ### Development Fixes ## 1.0.2 / 2013-05-12 ### Major Enhancements * Add `jekyll doctor` command to check site for any known compatibility problems (#1081) * Backwards-compatibilize relative permalinks (#1081) ### Minor Enhancements * Add a `data-lang=""` attribute to Redcarpet code blocks (#1066) * Deprecate old config `server_port`, match to `port` if `port` isn't set (#1084) * Update pygments.rb version to 0.5.0 (#1061) * Update Kramdown version to 1.0.2 (#1067) ### Bug Fixes * Fix issue when categories are numbers (#1078) * Catching that Redcarpet gem isn't installed (#1059) ### Site Enhancements * Add documentation about `relative_permalinks` (#1081) * Remove pygments-installation instructions, as pygments.rb is bundled with it (#1079) * Move pages to be Pages for realz (#985) * Updated links to Liquid documentation (#1073) ## 1.0.1 / 2013-05-08 ### Minor Enhancements * Do not force use of toc_token when using generate_tok in RDiscount (#1048) * Add newer `language-` class name prefix to code blocks (#1037) * Commander error message now preferred over process abort with incorrect args (#1040) ### Bug Fixes * Make Redcarpet respect the pygments configuration option (#1053) * Fix the index build with LSI (#1045) * Don't print deprecation warning when no arguments are specified. (#1041) * Add missing `` to site template used by `new` subcommand, fixed typos in code (#1032) ### Site Enhancements * Changed https to http in the GitHub Pages link (#1051) * Remove CSS cruft, fix typos, fix HTML errors (#1028) * Removing manual install of Pip and Distribute (#1025) * Updated URL for Markdown references plugin (#1022) ### Development Fixes * Markdownify history file (#1027) * Update links on README to point to new jekyllrb.com (#1018) ## 1.0.0 / 2013-05-06 ### Major Enhancements * Add `jekyll new` subcommand: generate a jekyll scaffold (#764) * Refactored jekyll commands into subcommands: build, serve, and migrate. (#690) * Removed importers/migrators from main project, migrated to jekyll-import sub-gem (#793) * Added ability to render drafts in `_drafts` folder via command line (#833) * Add ordinal date permalink style (/:categories/:year/:y_day/:title.html) (#928) ### Minor Enhancements * Site template HTML5-ified (#964) * Use post's directory path when matching for the post_url tag (#998) * Loosen dependency on Pygments so it's only required when it's needed (#1015) * Parse strings into Time objects for date-related Liquid filters (#1014) * Tell the user if there is no subcommand specified (#1008) * Freak out if the destination of `jekyll new` exists and is non-empty (#981) * Add `timezone` configuration option for compilation (#957) * Add deprecation messages for pre-1.0 CLI options (#959) * Refactor and colorize logging (#959) * Refactor Markdown parsing (#955) * Added application/vnd.apple.pkpass to mime.types served by WEBrick (#907) * Move template site to default markdown renderer (#961) * Expose new attribute to Liquid via `page`: `page.path` (#951) * Accept multiple config files from command line (#945) * Add page variable to liquid custom tags and blocks (#413) * Add paginator.previous_page_path and paginator.next_page_path (#942) * Backwards compatibility for 'auto' (#821, #934) * Added date_to_rfc822 used on RSS feeds (#892) * Upgrade version of pygments.rb to 0.4.2 (#927) * Added short month (e.g. "Sep") to permalink style options for posts (#890) * Expose site.baseurl to Liquid templates (#869) * Adds excerpt attribute to posts which contains first paragraph of content (#837) * Accept custom configuration file via CLI (#863) * Load in GitHub Pages MIME Types on `jekyll serve` (#847, #871) * Improve debugability of error message for a malformed highlight tag (#785) * Allow symlinked files in unsafe mode (#824) * Add 'gist' Liquid tag to core (#822, #861) * New format of Jekyll output (#795) * Reinstate --limit_posts and --future switches (#788) * Remove ambiguity from command descriptions (#815) * Fix SafeYAML Warnings (#807) * Relaxed Kramdown version to 0.14 (#808) * Aliased `jekyll server` to `jekyll serve`. (#792) * Updated gem versions for Kramdown, Rake, Shoulda, Cucumber, and RedCarpet. (#744) * Refactored jekyll subcommands into Jekyll::Commands submodule, which now contains them (#768) * Rescue from import errors in Wordpress.com migrator (#671) * Massively accelerate LSI performance (#664) * Truncate post slugs when importing from Tumblr (#496) * Add glob support to include, exclude option (#743) * Layout of Page or Post defaults to 'page' or 'post', respectively (#580) REPEALED by (#977) * "Keep files" feature (#685) * Output full path & name for files that don't parse (#745) * Add source and destination directory protection (#535) * Better YAML error message (#718) * Bug Fixes * Paginate in subdirectories properly (#1016) * Ensure post and page URLs have a leading slash (#992) * Catch all exceptions, not just StandardError descendents (#1007) * Bullet-proof limit_posts option (#1004) * Read in YAML as UTF-8 to accept non-ASCII chars (#836) * Fix the CLI option --plugins to actually accept dirs and files (#993) * Allow 'excerpt' in YAML Front-Matter to override the extracted excerpt (#946) * Fix cascade problem with site.baseurl, site.port and site.host. (#935) * Filter out directories with valid post names (#875) * Fix symlinked static files not being correctly built in unsafe mode (#909) * Fix integration with directory_watcher 1.4.x (#916) * Accepting strings as arguments to jekyll-import command (#910) * Force usage of older directory_watcher gem as 1.5 is broken (#883) * Ensure all Post categories are downcase (#842, #872) * Force encoding of the rdiscount TOC to UTF8 to avoid conversion errors (#555) * Patch for multibyte URI problem with jekyll serve (#723) * Order plugin execution by priority (#864) * Fixed Page#dir and Page#url for edge cases (#536) * Fix broken post_url with posts with a time in their YAML Front-Matter (#831) * Look for plugins under the source directory (#654) * Tumblr Migrator: finds _posts dir correctly, fixes truncation of long post names (#775) * Force Categories to be Strings (#767) * Safe YAML plugin to prevent vulnerability (#777) * Add SVG support to Jekyll/WEBrick. (#407, #406) * Prevent custom destination from causing continuous regen on watch (#528, #820, #862) ### Site Enhancements * Responsify (#860) * Fix spelling, punctuation and phrasal errors (#989) * Update quickstart instructions with `new` command (#966) * Add docs for page.excerpt (#956) * Add docs for page.path (#951) * Clean up site docs to prepare for 1.0 release (#918) * Bring site into master branch with better preview/deploy (#709) * Redesigned site (#583) ### Development Fixes * Exclude Cucumber 1.2.4, which causes tests to fail in 1.9.2 (#938) * Added "features:html" rake task for debugging purposes, cleaned up cucumber profiles (#832) * Explicitly require HTTPS rubygems source in Gemfile (#826) * Changed Ruby version for development to 1.9.3-p374 from p362 (#801) * Including a link to the GitHub Ruby style guide in CONTRIBUTING.md (#806) * Added script/bootstrap (#776) * Running Simplecov under 2 conditions: ENV(COVERAGE)=true and with Ruby version of greater than 1.9 (#771) * Switch to Simplecov for coverage report (#765) ## 0.12.1 / 2013-02-19 ### Minor Enhancements * Update Kramdown version to 0.14.1 (#744) * Test Enhancements * Update Rake version to 10.0.3 (#744) * Update Shoulda version to 3.3.2 (#744) * Update Redcarpet version to 2.2.2 (#744) ## 0.12.0 / 2012-12-22 ### Minor Enhancements * Add ability to explicitly specify included files (#261) * Add --default-mimetype option (#279) * Allow setting of RedCloth options (#284) * Add post_url Liquid tag for internal post linking (#369) * Allow multiple plugin dirs to be specified (#438) * Inline TOC token support for RDiscount (#333) * Add the option to specify the paginated url format (#342) * Swap out albino for pygments.rb (#569) * Support Redcarpet 2 and fenced code blocks (#619) * Better reporting of Liquid errors (#624) * Bug Fixes * Allow some special characters in highlight names * URL escape category names in URL generation (#360) * Fix error with limit_posts (#442) * Properly select dotfile during directory scan (#363, #431, #377) * Allow setting of Kramdown smart_quotes (#482) * Ensure front-matter is at start of file (#562) ## 0.11.2 / 2011-12-27 * Bug Fixes * Fix gemspec ## 0.11.1 / 2011-12-27 * Bug Fixes * Fix extra blank line in highlight blocks (#409) * Update dependencies ## 0.11.0 / 2011-07-10 ### Major Enhancements * Add command line importer functionality (#253) * Add Redcarpet Markdown support (#318) * Make markdown/textile extensions configurable (#312) * Add `markdownify` filter ### Minor Enhancements * Switch to Albino gem * Bundler support * Use English library to avoid hoops (#292) * Add Posterous importer (#254) * Fixes for Wordpress importer (#274, #252, #271) * Better error message for invalid post date (#291) * Print formatted fatal exceptions to stdout on build failure * Add Tumblr importer (#323) * Add Enki importer (#320) * Bug Fixes * Secure additional path exploits ## 0.10.0 / 2010-12-16 * Bug Fixes * Add --no-server option. ## 0.9.0 / 2010-12-15 ### Minor Enhancements * Use OptionParser's [no-] functionality for better boolean parsing. * Add Drupal migrator (#245) * Complain about YAML and Liquid errors (#249) * Remove orphaned files during regeneration (#247) * Add Marley migrator (#28) ## 0.8.0 / 2010-11-22 ### Minor Enhancements * Add wordpress.com importer (#207) * Add --limit-posts cli option (#212) * Add uri_escape filter (#234) * Add --base-url cli option (#235) * Improve MT migrator (#238) * Add kramdown support (#239) * Bug Fixes * Fixed filename basename generation (#208) * Set mode to UTF8 on Sequel connections (#237) * Prevent _includes dir from being a symlink ## 0.7.0 / 2010-08-24 ### Minor Enhancements * Add support for rdiscount extensions (#173) * Bug Fixes * Highlight should not be able to render local files * The site configuration may not always provide a 'time' setting (#184) ## 0.6.2 / 2010-06-25 * Bug Fixes * Fix Rakefile 'release' task (tag pushing was missing origin) * Ensure that RedCloth is loaded when textilize filter is used (#183) * Expand source, destination, and plugin paths (#180) * Fix page.url to include full relative path (#181) ## 0.6.1 / 2010-06-24 * Bug Fixes * Fix Markdown Pygments prefix and suffix (#178) ## 0.6.0 / 2010-06-23 ### Major Enhancements * Proper plugin system (#19, #100) * Add safe mode so unsafe converters/generators can be added * Maruku is now the only processor dependency installed by default. Other processors will be lazy-loaded when necessary (and prompt the user to install them when necessary) (#57) ### Minor Enhancements * Inclusion/exclusion of future dated posts (#59) * Generation for a specific time (#59) * Allocate site.time on render not per site_payload invocation (#59) * Pages now present in the site payload and can be used through the site.pages and site.html_pages variables * Generate phase added to site#process and pagination is now a generator * Switch to RakeGem for build/test process * Only regenerate static files when they have changed (#142) * Allow arbitrary options to Pygments (#31) * Allow URL to be set via command line option (#147) * Bug Fixes * Render highlighted code for non markdown/textile pages (#116) * Fix highlighting on Ruby 1.9 (#65) * Fix extension munging when pretty permalinks are enabled (#64) * Stop sorting categories (#33) * Preserve generated attributes over front matter (#119) * Fix source directory binding using Dir.pwd (#75) ## 0.5.7 / 2010-01-12 ### Minor Enhancements * Allow overriding of post date in the front matter (#62, #38) * Bug Fixes * Categories isn't always an array (#73) * Empty tags causes error in read_posts (#84) * Fix pagination to adhere to read/render/write paradigm * Test Enhancement * cucumber features no longer use site.posts.first where a better alternative is available ## 0.5.6 / 2010-01-08 * Bug Fixes * Require redcloth >= 4.2.1 in tests (#92) * Don't break on triple dashes in yaml frontmatter (#93) ### Minor Enhancements * Allow .mkd as markdown extension * Use $stdout/err instead of constants (#99) * Properly wrap code blocks (#91) * Add javascript mime type for webrick (#98) ## 0.5.5 / 2010-01-08 * Bug Fixes * Fix pagination % 0 bug (#78) * Ensure all posts are processed first (#71) ## NOTE * After this point I will no longer be giving credit in the history; that is what the commit log is for. ## 0.5.4 / 2009-08-23 * Bug Fixes * Do not allow symlinks (security vulnerability) ## 0.5.3 / 2009-07-14 * Bug Fixes * Solving the permalink bug where non-html files wouldn't work [github.com/jeffrydegrande] ## 0.5.2 / 2009-06-24 * Enhancements * Added --paginate option to the executable along with a paginator object for the payload [github.com/calavera] * Upgraded RedCloth to 4.2.1, which makes tags work once again. * Configuration options set in config.yml are now available through the site payload [github.com/vilcans] * Posts can now have an empty YAML front matter or none at all [github.com/bahuvrihi] * Bug Fixes * Fixing Ruby 1.9 issue that requires to_s on the err object [github.com/Chrononaut] * Fixes for pagination and ordering posts on the same day [github.com/ujh] * Made pages respect permalinks style and permalinks in yml front matter [github.com/eugenebolshakov] * Index.html file should always have index.html permalink [github.com/eugenebolshakov] * Added trailing slash to pretty permalink style so Apache is happy [github.com/eugenebolshakov] * Bad markdown processor in config fails sooner and with better message [github.com/gcnovus] * Allow CRLFs in yaml frontmatter [github.com/juretta] * Added Date#xmlschema for Ruby versions < 1.9 ## 0.5.1 / 2009-05-06 ### Major Enhancements * Next/previous posts in site payload [github.com/pantulis, github.com/tomo] * Permalink templating system * Moved most of the README out to the GitHub wiki * Exclude option in configuration so specified files won't be brought over with generated site [github.com/duritong] * Bug Fixes * Making sure config.yaml references are all gone, using only config.yml * Fixed syntax highlighting breaking for UTF-8 code [github.com/henrik] * Worked around RDiscount bug that prevents Markdown from getting parsed after highlight [github.com/henrik] * CGI escaped post titles [github.com/Chrononaut] ## 0.5.0 / 2009-04-07 ### Minor Enhancements * Ability to set post categories via YAML [github.com/qrush] * Ability to set prevent a post from publishing via YAML [github.com/qrush] * Add textilize filter [github.com/willcodeforfoo] * Add 'pretty' permalink style for wordpress-like urls [github.com/dysinger] * Made it possible to enter categories from YAML as an array [github.com/Chrononaut] * Ignore Emacs autosave files [github.com/Chrononaut] * Bug Fixes * Use block syntax of popen4 to ensure that subprocesses are properly disposed [github.com/jqr] * Close open4 streams to prevent zombies [github.com/rtomayko] * Only query required fields from the WP Database [github.com/ariejan] * Prevent _posts from being copied to the destination directory [github.com/bdimcheff] * Refactors * Factored the filtering code into a method [github.com/Chrononaut] * Fix tests and convert to Shoulda [github.com/qrush, github.com/technicalpickles] * Add Cucumber acceptance test suite [github.com/qrush, github.com/technicalpickles] ## 0.4.1 ### Minor Enhancements * Changed date format on wordpress converter (zeropadding) [github.com/dysinger] * Bug Fixes * Add jekyll binary as executable to gemspec [github.com/dysinger] ## 0.4.0 / 2009-02-03 ### Major Enhancements * Switch to Jeweler for packaging tasks ### Minor Enhancements * Type importer [github.com/codeslinger] * site.topics accessor [github.com/baz] * Add array_to_sentence_string filter [github.com/mchung] * Add a converter for textpattern [github.com/PerfectlyNormal] * Add a working Mephisto / MySQL converter [github.com/ivey] * Allowing .htaccess files to be copied over into the generated site [github.com/briandoll] * Add option to not put file date in permalink URL [github.com/mreid] * Add line number capabilities to highlight blocks [github.com/jcon] * Bug Fixes * Fix permalink behavior [github.com/cavalle] * Fixed an issue with pygments, markdown, and newlines [github.com/zpinter] * Ampersands need to be escaped [github.com/pufuwozu, github.com/ap] * Test and fix the site.categories hash [github.com/zzot] * Fix site payload available to files [github.com/matrix9180] ## 0.3.0 / 2008-12-24 ### Major Enhancements * Added --server option to start a simple WEBrick server on destination directory [github.com/johnreilly and github.com/mchung] ### Minor Enhancements * Added post categories based on directories containing _posts [github.com/mreid] * Added post topics based on directories underneath _posts * Added new date filter that shows the full month name [github.com/mreid] * Merge Post's YAML front matter into its to_liquid payload [github.com/remi] * Restrict includes to regular files underneath _includes * Bug Fixes * Change YAML delimiter matcher so as to not chew up 2nd level markdown headers [github.com/mreid] * Fix bug that meant page data (such as the date) was not available in templates [github.com/mreid] * Properly reject directories in _layouts ## 0.2.1 / 2008-12-15 * Major Changes * Use Maruku (pure Ruby) for Markdown by default [github.com/mreid] * Allow use of RDiscount with --rdiscount flag ### Minor Enhancements * Don't load directory_watcher unless it's needed [github.com/pjhyett] ## 0.2.0 / 2008-12-14 * Major Changes * related_posts is now found in site.related_posts ## 0.1.6 / 2008-12-13 * Major Features * Include files in _includes with {% include x.textile %} ## 0.1.5 / 2008-12-12 ### Major Enhancements * Code highlighting with Pygments if --pygments is specified * Disable true LSI by default, enable with --lsi ### Minor Enhancements * Output informative message if RDiscount is not available [github.com/JackDanger] * Bug Fixes * Prevent Jekyll from picking up the output directory as a source [github.com/JackDanger] * Skip related_posts when there is only one post [github.com/JackDanger] ## 0.1.4 / 2008-12-08 * Bug Fixes * DATA does not work properly with rubygems ## 0.1.3 / 2008-12-06 * Major Features * Markdown support [github.com/vanpelt] * Mephisto and CSV converters [github.com/vanpelt] * Code hilighting [github.com/vanpelt] * Autobuild * Bug Fixes * Accept both \r\n and \n in YAML header [github.com/vanpelt] ## 0.1.2 / 2008-11-22 * Major Features * Add a real "related posts" implementation using Classifier * Command Line Changes * Allow cli to be called with 0, 1, or 2 args intuiting dir paths if they are omitted ## 0.1.1 / 2008-11-22 * Minor Additions * Posts now support introspectional data e.g. {{ page.url }} ## 0.1.0 / 2008-11-05 * First release * Converts posts written in Textile * Converts regular site pages * Simple copy of binary files ## 0.0.0 / 2008-10-19 * Birthday!