\name{gtrafo} \alias{gtrafo} \alias{htrafo} \alias{rtrafo} \title{Goodness-of-Fit Testing Transformations for (Nested) Archimedean Copulas} \description{ \code{htrafo()} the transformation described in Hofert and Hering (2011). \code{rtrafo()} the transformation of Rosenblatt (1952). } \usage{ htrafo(u, cop, include.K=TRUE, n.MC=0) rtrafo(u, cop, n.MC=0) } \arguments{ \item{u}{\eqn{n\times d}{n x d}-matrix of (pseudo-/copula-)observations (each value in \eqn{[0,1]}) from the copula \code{cop} based on which the transformation is carried out. Consider applying the function \code{\link{pobs}} first in order to obtain \code{u}.} \item{cop}{the \code{"\linkS4class{outer_nacopula}"} with specified parameters based on which the transformation is computed (currently only Archimedean copulas are provided).} \item{n.MC}{parameter \code{n.MC} for \code{\link{K}} (for \code{htrafo}) or for approximating the derivatives involved (for \code{rtrafo}).} \item{include.K}{logical indicating whether the last component, involving the Kendall distribution function \code{\link{K}}, is used in \code{htrafo}.} } \details{ \describe{ \item{\code{gnacopulatrafo}}{Given a \eqn{d}-dimensional random vector \eqn{\bm{U}} following an Archimedean copula \eqn{C} with generator \eqn{\psi}, Hering and Hofert (2011) showed that \eqn{\bm{U}^\prime\sim\mathrm{U}[0,1]^d}{U'~U[0,1]^d}, where \deqn{U_{j}^\prime=\left(\frac{\sum_{k=1}^{j}\psi^{-1}(U_{k})}{ \sum_{k=1}^{j+1}\psi^{-1}(U_{k})}\right)^{j},\ j\in\{1,\dots,d-1\},\ U_{d}^\prime=K(C(\bm{U})).}{% U'_j=((psi^{-1}(U_1)+...+psi^{-1}(U_j)) / (psi^{-1}(U_1)+...+psi^{-1}(U_{j+1})))^j, j in {1,...,d-1}, U'_d=K(C(U)).} \code{gnacopulatrafo} applies this transformation row-wise to \code{u} and thus returns either an \eqn{n\times d}{n x d}- or an \eqn{n\times (d-1)}{n x (d-1)}-matrix, depending on whether the last component \eqn{U^\prime_d}{U'_d} which involves the (possibly numerically challenging) Kendall distribution function \eqn{K} is used (\code{include.K=TRUE}) or not (\code{include.K=FALSE}).} \item{\code{rtrafo}}{Given a \eqn{d}-dimensional random vector \eqn{\bm{U}} following an Archimedean copula \eqn{C} with generator \eqn{\psi}, the conditional copula of \eqn{U_j=u_j} given \eqn{U_1=u_1,\dots,U_{j-1}=u_{j-1}}{U_1=u_1,...,U_{j-1}=u_{j-1}} is given by \deqn{C(u_j\,|\,u_1,\dots,u_{j-1})= \frac{\psi^{(j-1)} \Bigl(\sum_{k=1}^j \psi^{(-1)}(u_k)\Bigr)}{ \psi^{(j-1)} \Bigl(\sum_{k=1}^{j-1}\psi^{(-1)}(u_k)\Bigr)}.}{% C(u_j | u_1,...,u_{j-1}) = (psi^{(j-1)}(sum(k=1..j) psi^{(-1)}(u_k))) / (psi^{(j-1)}(sum(k=1..j-1) psi^{(-1)}(u_k))).} This formula is either evaluated with the exact derivatives or, if \code{n.MC} is positive, via Monte Carlo; see \code{\link{psiDabsMC}}. Rosenblatt (1952) showed that \eqn{\bm{U}^\prime\sim\mathrm{U}[0,1]^d}{U'~U[0,1]^d}, where \eqn{U_1^\prime=U_1}{U'_1=U_1}, \eqn{U_2^\prime=C(U_2\,|\,U_1)}{U'_2=C(U_2|U_1)}, ..., and \eqn{U_d^\prime=C(U_d\,|\,U_1,\dots,U_{d-1})}{U'_d=C(U_d|U_1,...,U_{d-1})}. \code{rtrafo} applies this transformation row-wise to \code{u} and thus returns an \eqn{n\times d}{n x d}-matrix. } } } \value{ \code{htrafo()} returns an \eqn{n\times d}{n x d}- or \eqn{n\times (d-1)}{n x (d-1)}-matrix (depending on whether \code{include.K} is \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}) containing the transformed input \code{u}. \code{rtrafo()} returns an \eqn{n\times d}{n x d}-matrix containing the transformed input \code{u}. } \author{Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler.} \references{ Genest, C., R\enc{é}{e}millard, B., and Beaudoin, D. (2009), Goodness-of-fit tests for copulas: A review and a power study \emph{Insurance: Mathematics and Economics}, \bold{44}, 199--213. Rosenblatt, M. (1952), Remarks on a Multivariate Transformation, \emph{The Annals of Mathematical Statistics}, \bold{23}, 3, 470--472. Hering, C. and Hofert, M. (2011), Goodness-of-fit tests for Archimedean copulas in large dimensions, submitted. Hofert, M., \enc{Mächler}{Maechler}, M., and McNeil, A. J. (2011b), Likelihood inference for Archimedean copulas, submitted. } \seealso{ \code{\link{gnacopula}} where both transformations are applied or \code{\link{emde}} where \code{htrafo} is applied. } \examples{ tau <- 0.5 (theta <- copGumbel@tauInv(tau)) # 2 d <- 5 (copG <- onacopulaL("Gumbel", list(theta,1:d))) set.seed(1) n <- 1000 x <- rnacopula(n, copG) x <- qnorm(x) # x now follows a meta-Gumbel model with N(0,1) marginals u <- pobs(x) # build pseudo-observations ## graphically check if the data comes from a meta-Gumbel model ## with the transformation of Hering and Hofert (2011): u.prime <- htrafo(u, cop=copG) # transform the data pairs(u.prime, cex=0.2) # looks good ## with the transformation of Rosenblatt (1952): u.prime. <- rtrafo(u, cop=copG) # transform the data pairs(u.prime., cex=0.2) # looks good ## what about a meta-Clayton model? ## the parameter is chosen such that Kendall's tau equals (the same) tau copC <- onacopulaL("Clayton", list(copClayton@tauInv(tau), 1:d)) ## plot of the transformed data (Hering and Hofert (2011)) to see the ## deviations from uniformity u.prime <- htrafo(u, cop=copC) # transform the data pairs(u.prime, cex=0.2) # clearly visible ## plot of the transformed data (Rosenblatt (1952)) to see the ## deviations from uniformity u.prime. <- rtrafo(u, cop=copC) # transform the data pairs(u.prime., cex=0.2) # clearly visible } \keyword{transformation} \keyword{distribution} \keyword{multivariate}