Package: lsmeans Type: Package Title: Least-Squares Means Version: 2.25-5 Date: 2017-03-08 Authors@R: c(person("Russell", "Lenth", role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"), email = "")) Depends: estimability, methods, R (>= 3.2) Suggests: car, lattice, MCMCpack, mediation, multcompView, ordinal, pbkrtest (>= 0.4-1), CARBayes, coxme, gee, geepack, glmmADMB, lme4.0, lme4, lmerTest (>= 2.0.32), MASS, MCMCglmm, nnet, pscl, rsm, survival Imports: graphics, stats, utils, nlme, coda (>= 0.17), multcomp, plyr, mvtnorm, xtable (>= 1.8-2) Additional_repositories:, LazyData: yes ByteCompile: yes Description: Obtain least-squares means for many linear, generalized linear, and mixed models. Compute contrasts or linear functions of least-squares means, and comparisons of slopes. Plots and compact letter displays. License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 NeedsCompilation: no Packaged: 2017-03-09 03:42:43 UTC; rlenth Author: Russell Lenth [aut, cre, cph] Maintainer: Russell Lenth Repository: CRAN Date/Publication: 2017-03-09 08:18:33