# This file contains functions for the Reverse DDF DEA model """ ReverseDDFDEAModel An data structure representing a Reverse DDF DEA model. """ struct ReverseDDFDEAModel <: AbstractTechnicalDEAModel n::Int64 m::Int64 s::Int64 measure::Symbol orient::Symbol rts::Symbol dmunames::Union{Vector{AbstractString},Nothing} eff::Vector slackX::Matrix slackY::Matrix lambda::SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} Xtarget::Matrix Ytarget::Matrix Gxrddf::Union{Vector,Matrix} Gyrddf::Union{Vector,Matrix} end """ dearddf(X, Y, measure) Compute data envelopment analysis reverse directional distance function (RDDF) model for inputs `X`, outputs `Y`, and efficiency measure `measure`. # Measure specification: - `:ERG`: Enhanced Russell Graph (or Slack Based Measure (SBM)). - `:MDDF`: Modified Directional Distance Function. # Direction specification: For the Modified Directional Distance Function, the directions `Gx` and `Gy` can be one of the following symbols. - `:Ones`: use ones. - `:Observed`: use observed values. - `:Mean`: use column means. # Optional Arguments - `orient=:Graph`: choose between graph oriented `:Graph`, input oriented `:Input`, or output oriented model `:Output`. - `rts=:CRS`: choose between constant returns to scale `:CRS` or variable returns to scale `:VRS`. - `atol=1e-6`: tolerance for DMU to be considered efficient. - `Xref=X`: Identifies the reference set of inputs against which the units are evaluated. - `Yref=Y`: Identifies the reference set of outputs against which the units are evaluated. - `names`: a vector of strings with the names of the decision making units. """ function dearddf(X::Union{Matrix,Vector}, Y::Union{Matrix,Vector}, measure::Symbol; Gx::Union{Symbol,Matrix,Vector,Nothing} = nothing, Gy::Union{Symbol,Matrix,Vector,Nothing} = nothing, orient::Symbol = :Graph, rts::Symbol = :CRS, slack::Bool = false, atol::Float64 = 1e-6, Xref::Union{Matrix,Vector,Nothing} = nothing, Yref::Union{Matrix,Vector,Nothing} = nothing, names::Union{Vector{<: AbstractString},Nothing} = nothing, optimizer::Union{DEAOptimizer,Nothing} = nothing)::ReverseDDFDEAModel # Check parameters nx, m = size(X, 1), size(X, 2) ny, s = size(Y, 1), size(Y, 2) if Xref === nothing Xref = X end if Yref === nothing Yref = Y end nrefx, mref = size(Xref, 1), size(Xref, 2) nrefy, sref = size(Yref, 1), size(Yref, 2) if nx != ny throw(DimensionMismatch("number of rows in X and Y ($nx, $ny) are not equal")); end if nrefx != nrefy throw(DimensionMismatch("number of rows in Xref and Yref ($nrefx, $nrefy) are not equal")); end if m != mref throw(DimensionMismatch("number of columns in X and Xref ($m, $mref) are not equal")); end if s != sref throw(DimensionMismatch("number of columns in Y and Yref ($s, $sref) are not equal")); end n = nx # Get directions based on efficiency measure Gxrddf, Gyrddf = dearddfdirections(X, Y, measure, Gx = Gx, Gy = Gy, orient = orient, rts = rts, atol = atol, Xref = Xref, Yref = Yref, optimizer = optimizer) # Directional model using calculated directions rddfmodel = deaddf(X, Y, Gx = Gxrddf, Gy = Gyrddf, rts = rts, Xref = Xref, Yref = Yref, slack = slack, optimizer = optimizer) effi = efficiency(rddfmodel) lambdaeff = peersmatrix(rddfmodel) slackX = slacks(rddfmodel, :X) slackY = slacks(rddfmodel, :Y) Xtarget = targets(rddfmodel, :X) Ytarget = targets(rddfmodel, :Y) return ReverseDDFDEAModel(n, m, s, measure, orient, rts, names, effi, slackX, slackY, lambdaeff, Xtarget, Ytarget, Gxrddf, Gyrddf) end """ dearddfdirections(X, Y, measure) Compute corresponding directions for data envelopment analysis Reverse DDF models for inputs `X`, outputs `Y`, and efficiency `measure`. # Measure specification: - `:ERG`: Enhanced Russell Graph (or Slack Based Measure (SBM)). - `:MDDF`: Modified Directional Distance Function. # Direction specification: For the Modified Directional Distance Function, the directions `Gx` and `Gy` can be one of the following symbols. - `:Ones`: use ones. - `:Observed`: use observed values. - `:Mean`: use column means. Alternatively, a vector or matrix with the desired directions can be supplied. # Optional Arguments - `orient=:Graph`: choose between graph oriented `:Graph`, input oriented `:Input`, or output oriented model `:Output`. - `rts=:CRS`: choose between constant returns to scale `:CRS` or variable returns to scale `:VRS`. - `atol=1e-6`: tolerance for DMU to be considered efficient. - `Xref=X`: Identifies the reference set of inputs against which the units are evaluated. - `Yref=Y`: Identifies the reference set of outputs against which the units are evaluated. """ function dearddfdirections(X::Union{Matrix,Vector}, Y::Union{Matrix,Vector}, measure::Symbol; Gx::Union{Symbol,Matrix,Vector,Nothing} = nothing, Gy::Union{Symbol,Matrix,Vector,Nothing} = nothing, orient::Symbol = :Graph, rts::Symbol = :CRS, atol::Float64 = 1e-6, Xref::Union{Matrix,Vector,Nothing} = nothing, Yref::Union{Matrix,Vector,Nothing} = nothing, optimizer::Union{DEAOptimizer,Nothing} = nothing) # Calculate direction based on efficiency measure Gxrddf = zeros(size(X)) Gyrddf = zeros(size(Y)) n = size(X, 1) if measure == :ERG # Show error if user specify directions if (Gx !== nothing) | (Gy !== nothing) throw(ArgumentError("`Gx` and `Gy` should not be specified for ERG measure.")); end # Enhanced Russels Graph (ERG) (or Slack Based Measure (SBM)) if orient == :Graph ergmodel = deaerg(X, Y, rts = rts, Xref = Xref, Yref = Yref, optimizer = optimizer) elseif orient == :Input ergmodel = dearussell(X, Y, orient = :Input, rts = rts, Xref = Xref, Yref = Yref, slack = false, optimizer = optimizer) elseif orient == :Output ergmodel = dearussell(X, Y, orient = :Output, rts = rts, Xref = Xref, Yref = Yref, slack = false, optimizer = optimizer) else throw(ArgumentError("`orient` must be :Input or :Output")); end eff = efficiency(ergmodel) if orient == :Graph || orient == :Input ineff = 1 .- eff elseif orient == :Output #ineff = eff .- 1 ineff = 1 .- (1 ./ eff) end Xtarget = targets(ergmodel, :X) Ytarget = targets(ergmodel, :Y) for i = 1:n if abs(ineff[i]) <= atol Gxrddf[i,:] .= 1 Gyrddf[i,:] .= 1 else Gxrddf[i,:] = (X[i,:] - Xtarget[i,:]) ./ ineff[i] Gyrddf[i,:] = (Ytarget[i,:] - Y[i,:]) ./ ineff[i] end end elseif measure == :MDDF # Modified DDF if orient != :Graph throw(ArgumentError("Measure MDDF only available for Graph orientation")) end # Build or get user directions if typeof(Gx) == Symbol if Gx == :Ones Gx = ones(size(X)) elseif Gx == :Observed Gx = X elseif Gx == :Mean Gx = repeat(mean(X, dims = 1), size(X, 1)) else throw(ArgumentError("Invalid `Gx`")); end end if typeof(Gy) == Symbol if Gy == :Ones Gy = ones(size(Y)) elseif Gy == :Observed Gy = Y elseif Gy == :Mean Gy = repeat(mean(Y, dims = 1), size(Y, 1)) else throw(ArgumentError("Invalid `Gy`")); end end mddfmodel = deamddf(X, Y, Gx = Gx, Gy = Gy, rts = rts, Xref = Xref, Yref = Yref, slack = false, optimizer = optimizer) betax = mddfmodel.betax betay = mddfmodel.betay for i = 1:n if betax[i] != 0 Gxrddf[i,:] = (betax[i] / (betax[i] + betay[i])) .* Gx[i,:] else Gxrddf[i,:] .= 0 end if betay[i] != 0 Gyrddf[i,:] = (betay[i] / (betax[i] + betay[i])) .* Gy[i,:] else Gyrddf[i,:] .= 0 end end else throw(ArgumentError("Invalid efficiency `measure`")); end # Set directions to 0 if Input or Output oriented if orient == :Input Gyrddf = zeros(size(Y)) elseif orient == :Output Gxrddf = zeros(size(X)) end return Gxrddf, Gyrddf end function Base.show(io::IO, x::ReverseDDFDEAModel) compact = get(io, :compact, false) n = nobs(x) m = ninputs(x) s = noutputs(x) eff = efficiency(x) dmunames = names(x) slackX = slacks(x, :X) slackY = slacks(x, :Y) hasslacks = ! isempty(slackX) if !compact print(io, "Reverse DDF DEA Model \n") print(io, "DMUs = ", n) print(io, "; Inputs = ", m) print(io, "; Outputs = ", s) print(io, "\n") print(io, "Orientation = ", string(x.orient)) print(io, "; Returns to Scale = ", string(x.rts)) print(io, "\n") print(io, "Associated efficiency measure = ", string(x.measure)) print(io, "\n") if hasslacks == true show(io, CoefTable(hcat(eff, slackX, slackY), ["efficiency"; ["slackX$i" for i in 1:m ]; ["slackY$i" for i in 1:s ]], dmunames)) else show(io, CoefTable(hcat(eff), ["efficiency"], dmunames)) end end end