# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # tests for accurate updating of method tables using Base: get_world_counter, tls_world_age @test typemax(UInt) > get_world_counter() == tls_world_age() > 0 # test simple method replacement begin g265a() = f265a(0) f265a(x::Any) = 1 @test g265a() == 1 @test Base.return_types(g265a, ()) == Any[Int] @test Core.Compiler.return_type(g265a, Tuple{}) == Int f265a(x::Any) = 2.0 @test g265a() == 2.0 @test Base.return_types(g265a, ()) == Any[Float64] @test Core.Compiler.return_type(g265a, Tuple{}) == Float64 end # test signature widening begin f265b(x::Int) = 1 let ty = Any[1, 2.0e0] global g265b(i::Int) = f265b(ty[i]) end @test g265b(1) == 1 @test Base.return_types(g265b, (Int,)) == Any[Int] @test Core.Compiler.return_type(g265b, Tuple{Int,}) == Int f265b(x::Any) = 2.0 @test g265b(1) == 1 @test g265b(2) == 2.0 @test Base.return_types(g265b, (Int,)) == Any[Union{Int, Float64}] @test Core.Compiler.return_type(g265b, Tuple{Int,}) == Union{Int, Float64} end # test signature narrowing begin g265c() = f265c(0) f265c(x::Any) = 1 @test g265c() == 1 @test Base.return_types(g265c, ()) == Any[Int] @test Core.Compiler.return_type(g265c, Tuple{}) == Int f265c(x::Int) = 2.0 @test g265c() == 2.0 @test Base.return_types(g265c, ()) == Any[Float64] @test Core.Compiler.return_type(g265c, Tuple{}) == Float64 end # test constructor narrowing mutable struct A265{T} field1::T end A265_() = A265(1) @test (A265_()::A265{Int}).field1 === 1 A265(fld::Int) = A265(Float64(fld)) @test (A265_()::A265{Float64}).field1 === 1.0e0 # test constructor widening mutable struct B265{T} field1::T # dummy arg is present to prevent (::Type{T}){T}(arg) from matching the test calls B265{T}(field1::Any, dummy::Nothing) where {T} = new(field1) # prevent generation of outer ctor end # define some constructors B265(x::Int, dummy::Nothing) = B265{Int}(x, dummy) let ty = Any[1, 2.0e0, 3.0f0] global B265_(i::Int) = B265(ty[i], nothing) end # test for correct answers @test (B265_(1)::B265{Int}).field1 === 1 @test_throws MethodError B265_(2) @test_throws MethodError B265_(3) @test Base.return_types(B265_, (Int,)) == Any[B265{Int}] @test Core.Compiler.return_type(B265_, Tuple{Int,}) == B265{Int} # add new constructors B265(x::Float64, dummy::Nothing) = B265{Float64}(x, dummy) B265(x::Any, dummy::Nothing) = B265{UInt8}(x, dummy) # make sure answers are updated @test (B265_(1)::B265{Int}).field1 === 1 @test (B265_(2)::B265{Float64}).field1 === 2.0e0 @test (B265_(3)::B265{UInt8}).field1 === 0x03 @test B265{UInt8} <: only(Base.return_types(B265_, (Int,))) <: B265 @test B265{UInt8} <: Core.Compiler.return_type(B265_, Tuple{Int,}) <: B265 # test oldworld call / inference function wfunc(c1,c2) while true (f, args) = take!(c1) put!(c2, f(args...)) end end function put_n_take!(v...) put!(chnls[1], v) take!(chnls[2]) end g265() = [f265(x) for x in 1:3.] wc265 = get_world_counter() wc265_41332a = Task(tls_world_age) @test tls_world_age() == wc265 (function () global wc265_41332b = Task(tls_world_age) @eval f265(::Any) = 1.0 global wc265_41332c = Base.invokelatest(Task, tls_world_age) global wc265_41332d = Task(tls_world_age) nothing end)() @test wc265 + 2 == get_world_counter() == tls_world_age() schedule(wc265_41332a) schedule(wc265_41332b) schedule(wc265_41332c) schedule(wc265_41332d) @test wc265 == fetch(wc265_41332a) @test wc265 + 1 == fetch(wc265_41332b) @test wc265 + 2 == fetch(wc265_41332c) @test wc265 + 1 == fetch(wc265_41332d) chnls, tasks = Base.channeled_tasks(2, wfunc) t265 = tasks[1] wc265 = get_world_counter() @test put_n_take!(get_world_counter, ()) == wc265 @test put_n_take!(tls_world_age, ()) == wc265 f265(::Int) = 1 @test put_n_take!(get_world_counter, ()) == wc265 + 1 == get_world_counter() == tls_world_age() @test put_n_take!(tls_world_age, ()) == wc265 @test g265() == Int[1, 1, 1] @test Core.Compiler.return_type(f265, Tuple{Any,}) == Union{Float64, Int} @test Core.Compiler.return_type(f265, Tuple{Int,}) == Int @test Core.Compiler.return_type(f265, Tuple{Float64,}) == Float64 @test put_n_take!(g265, ()) == Float64[1.0, 1.0, 1.0] @test put_n_take!(Core.Compiler.return_type, (f265, Tuple{Any,})) == Float64 @test put_n_take!(Core.Compiler.return_type, (f265, Tuple{Int,})) == Float64 @test put_n_take!(Core.Compiler.return_type, (f265, Tuple{Float64,})) == Float64 @test put_n_take!(Core.Compiler.return_type, (f265, Tuple{Float64,})) == Float64 # test that reflection ignores worlds @test Base.return_types(f265, (Any,)) == Any[Int, Float64] @test put_n_take!(Base.return_types, (f265, (Any,))) == Any[Int, Float64] # test for method errors h265() = true file = @__FILE__ Base.stacktrace_contract_userdir() && (file = Base.contractuser(file)) loc_h265 = "@ $(@__MODULE__) $file:$(@__LINE__() - 3)" @test h265() @test_throws TaskFailedException(t265) put_n_take!(h265, ()) @test_throws TaskFailedException(t265) fetch(t265) @test istaskdone(t265) let ex = t265.exception @test ex isa MethodError @test ex.f == h265 @test ex.args == () @test ex.world == wc265 str = sprint(showerror, ex) wc = get_world_counter() cmps = """ MethodError: no method matching h265() The applicable method may be too new: running in world age $wc265, while current world is $wc.""" @test startswith(str, cmps) cmps = "\n h265() (method too new to be called from this world context.)\n $loc_h265" @test occursin(cmps, str) end # test for generated function correctness # and min/max world computation validity of cache_method f_gen265(x) = 1 @generated g_gen265(x) = f_gen265(x) @generated h_gen265(x) = :(f_gen265(x)) f_gen265(x::Int) = 2 f_gen265(x::Type{Int}) = 3 @generated g_gen265b(x) = f_gen265(x) @test h_gen265(0) == 2 @test g_gen265(0) == 1 @test f_gen265(Int) == 3 @test g_gen265b(0) == 3 # Test that old, invalidated specializations don't get revived for # intermediate worlds by later additions to the method table that # would have capped those specializations if they were still valid f26506(@nospecialize(x)) = 1 g26506(x) = Base.inferencebarrier(f26506)(x[1]) z = Any["ABC"] f26506(x::Int) = 2 g26506(z) # Places an entry for f26506(::String) in mt.name.cache f26506(x::String) = 3 let cache = typeof(f26506).name.mt.cache # The entry we created above should have been truncated @test cache.min_world == cache.max_world end c26506_1, c26506_2 = Condition(), Condition() # Captures the world age result26506 = Any[] t = Task(()->begin wait(c26506_1) push!(result26506, g26506(z)) notify(c26506_2) end) yield(t) f26506(x::Float64) = 4 let cache = typeof(f26506).name.mt.cache # The entry we created above should have been truncated @test cache.min_world == cache.max_world end notify(c26506_1) wait(c26506_2) @test result26506[1] == 3 # issue #38435 f38435(::Int, ::Any) = 1 f38435(::Any, ::Int) = 2 g38435(x) = f38435(x, x) @test_throws MethodError(f38435, (1, 1), Base.get_world_counter()) g38435(1) f38435(::Int, ::Int) = 3.0 @test g38435(1) === 3.0 # Invalidation # ============ function method_instance(f, types=Base.default_tt(f)) m = which(f, types) inst = nothing tt = Base.signature_type(f, types) for mi in Base.specializations(m) if mi.specTypes <: tt && tt <: mi.specTypes inst = mi break end end return inst end function worlds(mi::Core.MethodInstance) w = Tuple{UInt,UInt}[] if isdefined(mi, :cache) ci = mi.cache push!(w, (ci.min_world, ci.max_world)) while isdefined(ci, :next) ci = ci.next push!(w, (ci.min_world, ci.max_world)) end end return w end # avoid adding this to Base function equal(ci1::Core.CodeInfo, ci2::Core.CodeInfo) return ci1.code == ci2.code && ci1.codelocs == ci2.codelocs && ci1.ssavaluetypes == ci2.ssavaluetypes && ci1.ssaflags == ci2.ssaflags && ci1.method_for_inference_limit_heuristics == ci2.method_for_inference_limit_heuristics && ci1.linetable == ci2.linetable && ci1.slotnames == ci2.slotnames && ci1.slotflags == ci2.slotflags && ci1.slottypes == ci2.slottypes end equal(p1::Pair, p2::Pair) = p1.second == p2.second && equal(p1.first, p2.first) ## Union-splitting based on state-of-the-world: check that each invalidation corresponds to new code applyf35855(c) = f35855(c[1]) f35855(::Int) = 1 f35855(::Float64) = 2 applyf35855([1]) applyf35855([1.0]) applyf35855(Any[1]) wint = worlds(method_instance(applyf35855, (Vector{Int},))) wfloat = worlds(method_instance(applyf35855, (Vector{Float64},))) wany2 = worlds(method_instance(applyf35855, (Vector{Any},))) src2 = code_typed(applyf35855, (Vector{Any},))[1] f35855(::String) = 3 applyf35855(Any[1]) @test worlds(method_instance(applyf35855, (Vector{Int},))) == wint @test worlds(method_instance(applyf35855, (Vector{Float64},))) == wfloat wany3 = worlds(method_instance(applyf35855, (Vector{Any},))) src3 = code_typed(applyf35855, (Vector{Any},))[1] @test !(wany3 == wany2) || equal(src3, src2) # code doesn't change unless you invalidate f35855(::AbstractVector) = 4 applyf35855(Any[1]) wany4 = worlds(method_instance(applyf35855, (Vector{Any},))) src4 = code_typed(applyf35855, (Vector{Any},))[1] @test !(wany4 == wany3) || equal(src4, src3) # code doesn't change unless you invalidate f35855(::Dict) = 5 applyf35855(Any[1]) wany5 = worlds(method_instance(applyf35855, (Vector{Any},))) src5 = code_typed(applyf35855, (Vector{Any},))[1] @test (wany5 == wany4) == equal(src5, src4) f35855(::Set) = 6 # with current settings, this shouldn't invalidate applyf35855(Any[1]) wany6 = worlds(method_instance(applyf35855, (Vector{Any},))) src6 = code_typed(applyf35855, (Vector{Any},))[1] @test wany6 == wany5 @test equal(src6, src5) applyf35855_2(c) = f35855_2(c[1]) f35855_2(::Int) = 1 f35855_2(::Float64) = 2 applyf35855_2(Any[1]) wany3 = worlds(method_instance(applyf35855_2, (Vector{Any},))) src3 = code_typed(applyf35855_2, (Vector{Any},))[1] f35855_2(::AbstractVector) = 4 applyf35855_2(Any[1]) wany4 = worlds(method_instance(applyf35855_2, (Vector{Any},))) src4 = code_typed(applyf35855_2, (Vector{Any},))[1] @test !(wany4 == wany3) || equal(src4, src3) # code doesn't change unless you invalidate ## ambiguities do not trigger invalidation m = which(+, (Char, UInt8)) mi = Core.Compiler.specialize_method(m, Tuple{typeof(+), AbstractChar, UInt8}, Core.svec()) w = worlds(mi) abstract type FixedPoint35855{T <: Integer} <: Real end struct Normed35855 <: FixedPoint35855{UInt8} i::UInt8 Normed35855(i::Integer, _) = new(i % UInt8) end (::Type{X})(x::Real) where {T, X<:FixedPoint35855{T}} = X(round(T, typemax(T)*x), 0) @test worlds(mi) == w mi = method_instance(convert, (Type{Nothing}, String)) w = worlds(mi) abstract type Colorant35855 end Base.convert(::Type{C}, c) where {C<:Colorant35855} = false @test worlds(mi) == w ## NamedTuple and extensions of eltype outer(anyc) = inner(anyc[]) inner(s::Union{Vector,Dict}; kw=false) = inneri(s, kwi=maximum(s), kwb=kw) inneri(s, args...; kwargs...) = inneri(IOBuffer(), s, args...; kwargs...) inneri(io::IO, s::Union{Vector,Dict}; kwi=0, kwb=false) = (print(io, first(s), " "^kwi, kwb); String(take!(io))) @test outer(Ref{Any}([1,2,3])) == "1 false" mi = method_instance(Core.kwcall, (NamedTuple{(:kwi,:kwb),TT} where TT<:Tuple{Any,Bool}, typeof(inneri), Vector{T} where T)) w = worlds(mi) abstract type Container{T} end Base.eltype(::Type{C}) where {T,C<:Container{T}} = T @test worlds(mi) == w ## invoke call _invoke46741(a::Int) = a > 0 ? :int : println(a) _invoke46741(a::Integer) = a > 0 ? :integer : println(a) invoke46741(a) = @invoke _invoke46741(a::Integer) @test invoke46741(42) === :integer invoke46741_world = worlds(method_instance(invoke46741, (Int,))) _invoke46741(a::Int) = a > 0 ? :int2 : println(a) @test invoke46741(42) === :integer @test worlds(method_instance(invoke46741, (Int,))) == invoke46741_world _invoke46741(a::UInt) = a > 0 ? :uint2 : println(a) @test invoke46741(42) === :integer @test worlds(method_instance(invoke46741, (Int,))) == invoke46741_world _invoke46741(a::Integer) = a > 0 ? :integer2 : println(a) @test invoke46741(42) === :integer2 @test worlds(method_instance(invoke46741, (Int,))) ≠ invoke46741_world # const-prop'ed call _invoke46741(a::Int) = a > 0 ? :int : println(a) _invoke46741(a::Integer) = a > 0 ? :integer : println(a) invoke46741() = @invoke _invoke46741(42::Integer) @test invoke46741() === :integer invoke46741_world = worlds(method_instance(invoke46741, ())) _invoke46741(a::Int) = a > 0 ? :int2 : println(a) @test invoke46741() === :integer @test worlds(method_instance(invoke46741, ())) == invoke46741_world _invoke46741(a::UInt) = a > 0 ? :uint2 : println(a) @test invoke46741() === :integer @test worlds(method_instance(invoke46741, ())) == invoke46741_world _invoke46741(a::Integer) = a > 0 ? :integer2 : println(a) @test invoke46741() === :integer2 @test worlds(method_instance(invoke46741, ())) ≠ invoke46741_world # invoke_in_world # =============== f_inworld(x) = "world one; x=$x" g_inworld(x; y) = "world one; x=$x, y=$y" wc_aiw1 = get_world_counter() # redefine f_inworld, g_inworld, and check that we can invoke both versions f_inworld(x) = "world two; x=$x" g_inworld(x; y) = "world two; x=$x, y=$y" wc_aiw2 = get_world_counter() @test Base.invoke_in_world(wc_aiw1, f_inworld, 2) == "world one; x=2" @test Base.invoke_in_world(wc_aiw2, f_inworld, 2) == "world two; x=2" @test Base.invoke_in_world(wc_aiw1, g_inworld, 2, y=3) == "world one; x=2, y=3" @test Base.invoke_in_world(wc_aiw2, g_inworld, 2, y=3) == "world two; x=2, y=3" # logging mc48954(x, y) = false mc48954(x::Int, y::Int) = x == y mc48954(x::Symbol, y::Symbol) = x == y function mcc48954(container, y) x = container[1] return mc48954(x, y) end mcc48954(Any[1], 1) mc48954i = method_instance(mc48954, (Any, Int)) mcc48954i = method_instance(mcc48954, (Vector{Any}, Int)) list48954 = ccall(:jl_debug_method_invalidation, Any, (Cint,), 1) mc48954(x::AbstractFloat, y::Int) = x == y ccall(:jl_debug_method_invalidation, Any, (Cint,), 0) @test list48954 == [ mcc48954i, 1, mc48954i, "jl_method_table_insert", which(mc48954, (AbstractFloat, Int)), "jl_method_table_insert" ] # issue #50091 -- missing invoke edge affecting nospecialized dispatch module ExceptionUnwrapping @nospecialize unwrap_exception(@nospecialize(e)) = e unwrap_exception(e::Base.TaskFailedException) = e.task.exception @noinline function _summarize_task_exceptions(io::IO, exc, prefix = nothing) _summarize_exception((;prefix,), io, exc) nothing end @noinline function _summarize_exception(kws, io::IO, e::TaskFailedException) _summarize_task_exceptions(io, e.task, kws.prefix) end # This is the overload that prints the actual exception that occurred. result = Bool[] @noinline function _summarize_exception(kws, io::IO, @nospecialize(exc)) global result push!(result, unwrap_exception(exc) === exc) if unwrap_exception(exc) !== exc # something uninferrable return _summarize_exception(kws, io, unwrap_exception(exc)) end end struct X; x; end end let e = ExceptionUnwrapping.X(nothing) @test ExceptionUnwrapping.unwrap_exception(e) === e ExceptionUnwrapping._summarize_task_exceptions(devnull, e) @test ExceptionUnwrapping.result == [true] empty!(ExceptionUnwrapping.result) end ExceptionUnwrapping.unwrap_exception(e::ExceptionUnwrapping.X) = e.x let e = ExceptionUnwrapping.X(nothing) @test !(ExceptionUnwrapping.unwrap_exception(e) === e) ExceptionUnwrapping._summarize_task_exceptions(devnull, e) @test ExceptionUnwrapping.result == [false, true] empty!(ExceptionUnwrapping.result) end fshadow() = 1 gshadow() = fshadow() @test fshadow() === 1 @test gshadow() === 1 fshadow_m1 = which(fshadow, ()) fshadow() = 2 fshadow() = 3 @test fshadow() === 3 @test gshadow() === 3 fshadow_m3 = which(fshadow, ()) Base.delete_method(fshadow_m1) @test fshadow() === 3 @test gshadow() === 3 Base.delete_method(fshadow_m3) fshadow_m2 = which(fshadow, ()) @test fshadow() === 2 @test gshadow() === 2 Base.delete_method(fshadow_m2) @test_throws MethodError(fshadow, (), Base.tls_world_age()) gshadow() @test Base.morespecific(fshadow_m3, fshadow_m2) @test Base.morespecific(fshadow_m2, fshadow_m1) @test Base.morespecific(fshadow_m3, fshadow_m1) @test !Base.morespecific(fshadow_m2, fshadow_m3)