alrEM <- function(x, pos=ncol(x), dl=rep(0.05, ncol(x)-1), eps=0.0001, maxit=50) { stopifnot(all(x[,pos] != 0 & length(which([,pos]))) == 0)) m=matrix(rep(dl,each=nrow(x)),ncol=length(dl)) phi <- log(m/x[,pos]) xOrig <- x if(length(colnames) < 1) names <- letters[1:ncol(x)] else names <- colnames(x) nam <- colnames(x)[pos] x <- cbind(x[, -pos], x[, pos]) w <- which(colnames(x) == "x[, pos]") colnames(x)[w] <- nam ## close the X rows to 1: xc <- constSum(x) ## convert zeros into missing values: x[x==0] <- NA ## transform x into y=alr(x,pos): # x is already in the correct order y <- alr(x)$x.alr y <- data.frame(y) w <- wr <- apply(y, 1, function(x) any( ) wrr <- which(wr) it <- 0 d <- 99999999 y <- as.matrix(y) y[w] <- 0 it <- 0 amountMiss <- length(which(w)) while( d > eps & it <= maxit ){ it <- it + 1 yold <- y for(i in 1:ncol(y)){ lm1 <- lm( y[,i,drop=FALSE] ~ y[,-i,drop=FALSE] ) yhat <- predict(lm1,[,-i]) s <- sd(y[,i], na.rm=TRUE) ex <- (phi[,i] - yhat)/s yhat2 <- yhat - s*dnorm(ex)/pnorm(ex) y[w[,i],i] <- ifelse(yhat2[w[,i]] >= phi[w[,i],i], phi[w[,i],i], yhat2[w[,i]]) } d <- sum(abs(y)- sum(abs(yold)))/amountMiss } ximp <- suppressWarnings(invalr(y)) w <- which(colnames(ximp) == "rat") colnames(ximp)[w] <- nam colnames(ximp)[which(colnames(ximp) =="")] <- names[pos] ximp <- ximp[, names] res <- list(xOrig=xOrig, xImp=ximp, wind=NULL, iter=it, eps=eps) invisible(res) }