Raw File
  Nonlinear Least-Squares Fitting
  \code{lsqnonlin} solves nonlinear least-squares problems, including
  nonlinear data-fitting problems, through the Levenberg-Marquardt approach.

  \code{lsqnonneg} solve nonnegative least-squares constraints problem.
lsqnonlin(fun, x0, options = list(), ...)
lsqnonneg(C, d)

lsqsep(flist, p0, xdata, ydata, const = TRUE)
lsqcurvefit(fun, p0, xdata, ydata)
  \item{fun}{User-defined, vector-valued function.}
  \item{x0}{starting point.}
  \item{...}{additional parameters passed to the function.}
  \item{options}{list of options, for details see below.}
  \item{C, d}{matrix and vector such that \code{C x - d} will be
              minimized with \code{x >= 0}.}

  \item{flist}{list of (nonlinear) functions, depending on one extra parameter.}
  \item{p0}{starting parameters.}
  \item{xdata, ydata}{data points to be fitted.}
  \item{const}{logical; shall a constant term be included.}
  \code{lsqnonlin} computes the sum-of-squares of the vector-valued function
  \code{fun}, that is if \eqn{f(x) = (f_1(x), \ldots ,f_n(x))} then
  \deqn{min || f(x) ||_2^2 = min(f_1(x)^2 + \ldots + f_n(x)^2)}
  will be minimized.

  \code{x=lsqnonlin(fun,x0)} starts at point \code{x0} and finds a minimum
  of the sum of squares of the functions described in fun. \code{fun} shall
  return a vector of values and not the sum of squares of the values.
  (The algorithm implicitly sums and squares fun(x).)

  \code{options} is a list with the following components and defaults:
    \item \code{tau}: used as starting value for Marquardt parameter.
    \item \code{tolx}: stopping parameter for step length.
    \item \code{tolg}: stopping parameter for gradient.
    \item \code{maxeval} the maximum number of function evaluations.
  Typical values for \code{tau} are from \code{1e-6...1e-3...1} with small
  values for good starting points and larger values for not so good or known
  bad starting points.

  \code{lsqnonneg} solves the linear least-squares problem \code{C x - d},
  \code{x} nonnegative, treating it through an active-set approach..

  \code{lsqsep} solves the separable least-squares fitting problem

  \code{y = a0 + a1*f1(b1, x) + ... + an*fn(bn, x)}

  where \code{fi} are nonlinear functions each depending on a single extra
  paramater \code{bi}, and \code{ai} are additional linear parameters that
  can be separated out to solve a nonlinear problem in the \code{bi} alone.

  \code{lsqcurvefit} is simply an application of \code{lsqnonlin} to fitting
  data points. \code{fun(p, x)} must be a function of two groups of variables
  such that \code{p} will be varied to minimize the least squares sum, see
  the example below.
  \code{lsqnonlin} returns a list with the following elements:
    \item \code{x}: the point with least sum of squares value.
    \item \code{ssq}: the sum of squares.
    \item \code{ng}: norm of last gradient.
    \item \code{nh}: norm of last step used.
    \item \code{mu}: damping parameter of Levenberg-Marquardt.
    \item \code{neval}: number of function evaluations.
    \item \code{errno}: error number, corresponds to error message.
    \item \code{errmess}: error message, i.e. reason for stopping.

  \code{lsqnonneg} returns a list of \code{x} the non-negative solition, and
  \code{resid.norm} the norm of the residual.

  \code{lsqsep} will return the coefficients sparately, \code{a0} for the
  constant term (being 0 if \code{const=FALSE}) and the vectors \code{a} and
  \code{b} for the linear and nonlinear terms, respectively.
  The refined approach, Fletcher's version of the Levenberg-Marquardt
  algorithm, may be added at a later time; see the references.
  Madsen, K., and H. B.Nielsen (2010). Introduction to Optimization and
  Data Fitting. Technical University of Denmark, Intitute of Computer
  Science and Mathematical Modelling.

  Lawson, C.L., and R.J. Hanson (1974). Solving Least-Squares Problems.
  Prentice-Hall, Chapter 23, p. 161.

  Fletcher, R., (1971). A Modified Marquardt Subroutine for Nonlinear Least
  Squares. Report AERE-R 6799, Harwell.
  \code{\link{nlm}}, \code{\link{nls}}
##  Rosenberg function as least-squares problem
x0  <- c(0, 0)
fun <- function(x) c(10*(x[2]-x[1]^2), 1-x[1])
lsqnonlin(fun, x0)

##  Example from R-help
y <- c(5.5199668,  1.5234525,  3.3557000,  6.7211704,  7.4237955,  1.9703127,
       4.3939336, -1.4380091,  3.2650180,  3.5760906,  0.2947972,  1.0569417)
x <- c(1,   0,   0,   4,   3,   5,  12,  10,  12, 100, 100, 100)
# Define target function as difference
f <- function(b)
     b[1] * (exp((b[2] - x)/b[3]) * (1/b[3]))/(1 + exp((b[2] - x)/b[3]))^2 - y
x0 <- c(21.16322, 8.83669, 2.957765)
lsqnonlin(f, x0)        # ssq 50.50144 at c(36.133144, 2.572373, 1.079811)

# nls() will break down
# nls(Y ~ a*(exp((b-X)/c)*(1/c))/(1 + exp((b-X)/c))^2,
#     start=list(a=21.16322, b=8.83669, c=2.957765), algorithm = "plinear")
# Error: step factor 0.000488281 reduced below 'minFactor' of 0.000976563

##  Example: Hougon function
x1 <- c(470, 285, 470, 470, 470, 100, 100, 470, 100, 100, 100, 285, 285)
x2 <- c(300,  80, 300,  80,  80, 190,  80, 190, 300, 300,  80, 300, 190)
x3 <- c( 10,  10, 120, 120,  10,  10,  65,  65,  54, 120, 120,  10, 120)
rate <- c(8.55,  3.79, 4.82, 0.02,  2.75, 14.39, 2.54,
          4.35, 13.00, 8.50, 0.05, 11.32,  3.13)
fun <- function(b)
        (b[1]*x2 - x3/b[5])/(1 + b[2]*x1 + b[3]*x2 + b[4]*x3) - rate
lsqnonlin(fun, rep(1, 5))
# $x    [1.25258502 0.06277577 0.04004772 0.11241472 1.19137819]
# $ssq  0.298901

##  Example for lsqnonneg()
C1 <- matrix( c(0.1210, 0.2319, 0.4398, 0.9342, 0.1370,
                0.4508, 0.2393, 0.3400, 0.2644, 0.8188,
                0.7159, 0.0498, 0.3142, 0.1603, 0.4302,
                0.8928, 0.0784, 0.3651, 0.8729, 0.8903,
                0.2731, 0.6408, 0.3932, 0.2379, 0.7349,
                0.2548, 0.1909, 0.5915, 0.6458, 0.6873,
                0.8656, 0.8439, 0.1197, 0.9669, 0.3461,
                0.2324, 0.1739, 0.0381, 0.6649, 0.1660,
                0.8049, 0.1708, 0.4586, 0.8704, 0.1556,
                0.9084, 0.9943, 0.8699, 0.0099, 0.1911), ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)
C2 <- C1 - 0.5
d <- c(0.4225, 0.8560, 0.4902, 0.8159, 0.4608,
       0.4574, 0.4507, 0.4122, 0.9016, 0.0056)
( sol <- lsqnonneg(C1, d) )     #-> resid.norm   0.3694372
( sol <- lsqnonneg(C2, d) )     #-> $resid.norm  2.863979

##  Example for lsqcurvefit()
#   Lanczos1 data (artificial data)
#   f(x) = 0.0951*exp(-x) + 0.8607*exp(-3*x) + 1.5576*exp(-5*x)
x <- linspace(0, 1.15, 24)
y <- c(2.51340000, 2.04433337, 1.66840444, 1.36641802, 1.12323249, 0.92688972,
       0.76793386, 0.63887755, 0.53378353, 0.44793636, 0.37758479, 0.31973932,
       0.27201308, 0.23249655, 0.19965895, 0.17227041, 0.14934057, 0.13007002,
       0.11381193, 0.10004156, 0.08833209, 0.07833544, 0.06976694, 0.06239313)

p0 <- c(1.2, 0.3, 5.6, 5.5, 6.5, 7.6)
fp <- function(p, x) p[1]*exp(-p[2]*x) + p[3]*exp(-p[4]*x) + p[5]*exp(-p[6]*x)
lsqcurvefit(fp, p0, x, y)

##  Example for lsqsep()
f <- function(x) 0.5 + x^-0.5 + exp(-0.5*x)
set.seed(8237); n <- 15
x <- sort(0.5 + 9*runif(n))
y <- f(x)                       #y <- f(x) + 0.01*rnorm(n)

m <- 2
f1 <- function(b, x) x^b
f2 <- function(b, x) exp(b*x)
flist <- list(f1, f2)
start <- c(-0.25, -0.75)

sol <- lsqsep(flist, start, x, y, const = TRUE)
a0 <- sol$a0; a <- sol$a; b <- sol$b
fsol <- function(x) a0 + a[1]*f1(b[1], x) + a[2]*f2(b[2], x)

    ezplot(f, 0.5, 9.5, col = "gray")
    points(x, y, col = "blue")
    xs <- linspace(0.5, 9.5, 51)
    ys <- fsol(xs)
    lines(xs, ys, col = "red")
\keyword{ fitting }
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