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Tip revision: 81ed4b1c2c07db12de7e9db78fa6538ad31e01de authored by Suneel Sarswat on 23 February 2021, 12:55:22 UTC
time stamp comment added
Tip revision: 81ed4b1
Require Export MQFair.
Require Export MQUM.
Require Export MQMM.
Require Export Bound.
Require Export Uniqueness.
(*This is a demo file and it contains results from our paper titled
"Verified Double Sided Auctions in Financial Markets". This file contains
three important processes and their main theorems of corrctness. Besides we also have a combinatorial property.
Here is semantics of term.
1. matching_in M B A : 
M is a matching in the list of bids B and list of asks A.
2a. QM(M) : measures the total volume of a matching M.
2b. QB(B) : measures the total volume of bids of B.
2c. QA(A) : measures the total volume of asks of A.
3. NDB is assertations that bids are duplicate-free. Similarly, NDA.
4. NZT, NZA and NZB are assertations that quantity of a transaction, ask and
 bid is non-zero, respectively.
5. unique_timestampbid and unique_timestampask are for the unique time-stamp.
6a. sort by_dbp : order the lists of bids by their competativeness.
6b. sort by_sp :  order the lists of asks by their competativeness.
6c. sort by_dsp : increasing order the lists of asks by their competativeness.
( simlialrly, list of matching is also sorted by bids present in the matching
 and asks present in the matching. The term m_sp and m_dsp is used.
7. Is_uniform M B A: M is a matching which is uniform and IR.

Section Demo.

Hypothesis unique_timestampbid:forall b1 b2, (btime b1 = btime b2) -> b1 = b2.
Hypothesis unique_timestampask:forall s1 s2, (stime s1 = stime s2) -> s1 = s2.

(*############### 1. FAIR  #######################*)

(*This is FAIR process. The FAIR process takes a matching M and a lis of duplicate-free Bids B and a list of duplicate-free Asks A as inputs. 
It outputs a fair matching on the same list of bids and asks (B and A) 
without compromizing on the total volume of M. A direct cosequence of this
 result is that there always exists a maximum matching which is also fair.*)

Definition fair_on_asks (M: list fill_type) (A: list Ask):=
  (forall s s', In s A /\ In s' A -> s <> s' -> by_sp s s' -> In s' (asks_of M) ->
  (ttqa M s')>0 -> 
  (In s (asks_of M)/\(ttqa M s= sq s))).

Definition fair_on_bids (M: list fill_type)(B: list Bid):=
  (forall b b', In b B /\ In b' B -> b <> b' -> by_dbp b b' -> In b' (bids_of M) -> 
  (ttqb M b')>0-> 
  (In b (bids_of M)/\(ttqb M b= bq b))).

Definition Is_fair (M: list fill_type) (B: list Bid) (A: list Ask) 
  :=  fair_on_asks M A /\ fair_on_bids M B.

Definition FAIR (M: list fill_type) (B: list Bid) (A: list Ask) :=
FOB (sort m_dbp (FOA (sort m_sp M) (sort by_sp A))) (sort by_dbp B).

Theorem FAIR_main (M: list fill_type)(B: list Bid)(A:list Ask)(NDB: NoDup B)
        (NDA: NoDup A)(NZT:(forall m, In m M -> (tq m) > 0))
         (NZA:(forall a0, In a0 A -> (sq a0) > 0)): 
        matching_in B A M-> 
        (matching_in B A (FAIR M B A))/\(Is_fair (FAIR M B A) B A)/\(QM(M)= QM((FAIR M B A))).
Proof. eapply FAIR_correct with (M:=M)(B:=B)(A:=A). all: auto. Qed.

(*############### 2. UM  #######################*)

(*This is UM process. The UM process takes a list of duplicate-free Bids B and a list of duplicate-free Asks A as inputs. 
It outputs a matching on the same list of bids and asks (B and A). The output
of UM is fair, uniform, IR and maximum amongst all the uniform matchings.
This process is used by the financial exchanges (stock, commodities etc. )
to match buyers and sellers.*)

Definition UM B A:=  
(UM_aux (sort by_dbp B) (sort by_sp A) 0 0) 
(uniform_price (sort by_dbp B) (sort by_sp A)).

Print UM_aux.
Theorem UM_main (B:list Bid)(A:list Ask)(M:list fill_type)
(NZT: forall m : fill_type, In m M -> tq m > 0)
(NZB: forall b, In b B -> (bq b)>0)
(NZA: forall a, In a A -> (sq a)>0)
(NDA:NoDup (idas_of A))
(NDB:NoDup (idbs_of B)):
Is_uniform M B A ->
(Is_uniform (UM B A) B A)/\  (*UM is uniform and IR*)
(Is_fair (UM B A) B A)/\     (*UM is fair *)
(QM((UM B A))>=QM(M)).       (*UM is maximum amongs all uniform and IR*)
Proof. intro. split. apply UM_Is_Uniform. all: auto. 
       split. apply UM_FAIR. all: auto. apply UM_Maximum. all:auto. Qed.

(*############### 3. MM  #######################*)

(*This is MM process. The MM process takes a list of duplicate-free Bids B and a list of duplicate-free Asks A as inputs. 
It outputs a matching on the same list of bids and asks (B and A). The output
of MM is fair, IR and maximum amongst all the matchings on B and A.

Definition MM B A:=  
(MM_aux (sort by_dbp B) (sort by_dsp A) 0 0).

Theorem MM_main (B:list Bid)(A:list Ask)(M:list fill_type)
(NZB: forall b, In b B -> (bq b)>0)
(NZA: forall a, In a A -> (sq a)>0)
(NDA:NoDup (idas_of A))
(NDB:NoDup (idbs_of B))
(NZT: forall m : fill_type, In m M -> tq m > 0):
Sorted by_dbp B ->
Sorted by_dsp A ->
matching_in B A M /\ Is_IR M->
(matching_in B A (MM B A))/\(Is_IR (MM B A))/\(QM((MM B A))>=QM(M)).
Proof. intros. split. apply MM_Is_IR_Matching. all:auto.
               split. apply MM_Is_IR_Matching. all:auto.
               apply MM_Maximum. all:auto. Qed.

(*A maximum fair matching can be obtained by applying the FAIR function of the 
output of MM. And the proof follows from FAIR_main *)

Definition MM_FAIR B A := FAIR (MM B A) B A.               

Theorem MM_fair (B:list Bid)(A:list Ask)(M:list fill_type)
(NZB: forall b, In b B -> (bq b)>0)
(NZA: forall a, In a A -> (sq a)>0)
(NDA:NoDup (idas_of A))
(NDB:NoDup (idbs_of B)):
Is_fair (MM_FAIR B A) B A.
Proof. apply MM_FAIR_correct. all:auto. Qed. 

(*############### 4. Combinatorial results #######################*)

(*Below we have main combinatorial result from the paper.

The term (buyers_above p B) reprents bids of B with limit price more than or
 equal to  p. Similarly, (sellers_below p A) represents asks of A with limit
  price less than or equal to p. Hence QB(buyers_above p B) and QA(sellers_below p A) is total demand and supply at price p, respectively. *)

Theorem bound
(M: list fill_type) (B:list Bid) (A:list Ask) (p:nat)
(NDB: NoDup B)(NDA: NoDup A):
(matching_in B A M) -> 
QM(M)<= QB(buyers_above p B) + QA(sellers_below p A).
Proof. apply bound_on_M. all:auto. Qed.

(*Below we have our main uniqueness results from the paper.*)

Theorem uniqueness (M1 M2: list fill_type) (B:list Bid) (A:list Ask)
(NZB: forall b, In b B -> (bq b)>0)
(NZA: forall a, In a A -> (sq a)>0)
(NDB: NoDup B)(NDA: NoDup A)
(b:Bid) (a:Ask):
(matching_in B A M1)/\ (matching_in B A M2) /\(QM(M1) = QM(M2))
/\(Is_fair M1 B A) /\ (Is_fair M2 B A)
-> (ttqa M1 a = ttqa M2 a)/\(ttqb M1 b = ttqb M2 b).
Proof. apply completeness. all:auto. Qed. 

Theorem reverse_uniqueness (M1 M2: list fill_type) (B:list Bid) (A:list Ask)
(NZB: forall b, In b B -> (bq b)>0)
(NZA: forall a, In a A -> (sq a)>0)
(NDB: NoDup B)(NDA: NoDup A):
(matching_in B A M1)-> (matching_in B A M2) ->
(forall b, (ttqb M1 b = ttqb M2 b))/\(forall a, (ttqa M1 a = ttqa M2 a))
->(Is_fair M1 B A)  
-> (Is_fair M2 B A).
Proof. apply soundness. all:auto. Qed.

(*Note: For all other intermediate results please look at respective files*)

End Demo.

(*################ Extracted Programs ############################*)
(*Now we extract programs from the above process*)

Require Extraction.
Extraction  Language Haskell.
Recursive Extraction FAIR.
Recursive Extraction UM.
Recursive Extraction MM_FAIR.

(*This part is tellling coq to extract nat, bool, additions, multiplications, equality and less than
 Into the corrsponding OCaml types. *)
Require Import ExtrOcamlBasic.
Require Import ExtrOcamlString.
Extract Inductive bool => "bool" [ "true" "false" ].
Extract Inductive nat => "int"
  [ "0" "(fun x -> x + 1)" ]
  "(fun zero succ n -> if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1))".
Extract Constant plus => "( + )".
Extract Constant mult => "( * )".
Extract Constant Nat.eqb => "( = )".
Extract Constant Nat.leb => "(<=)".

Extraction  Language OCaml.
Extraction "Demonstration/" ttqa ttqb UM MM FAIR.
Recursive Extraction FAIR.
Recursive Extraction UM.
Recursive Extraction MM_FAIR.
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