### FILE="Main.annotation" ## Copyright: Public domain. ## Filename: SUBROUTINE_CALLS.agc ## Purpose: Part of the source code for Artemis (i.e., Colossus 3), ## build 072. This is for the Command Module's (CM) ## Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC), for ## Apollo 15-17. ## Assembler: yaYUL ## Contact: Onno Hommes ## Website: www.ibiblio.org/apollo/index.html ## Page Scans: www.ibiblio.org/apollo/ScansForConversion/Artemis072/ ## Mod history: 2009-07-29 OH New file created. ## 2009-09-04 JL Fix typo. ## 2010-02-20 RSB Un-##'d this header. ## 2017-01-04 RSB Proofed comment text using octopus/ProoferComments ## and fixed errors found. ## Page 37 SUBRO ERASTOTL 041 SUBRO DIOGENES 064 SUBRO MEDUSA 035 SUBRO MENLAUS 061 SUBRO ULYSSES 029 SUBRO ZEUS 046