\name{orth} \alias{orth} \title{ Range Space } \description{ Range space or image of a matrix. } \usage{ orth(M) } \arguments{ \item{M}{Numeric matrix; vectors will be considered as column vectors.} } \details{ \code{B=orth(A)} returns an orthonormal basis for the range of \code{A}. The columns of \code{B} span the same space as the columns of \code{A}, and the columns of \code{B} are orthogonal to each other. The number of columns of \code{B} is the rank of \code{A}. } \value{ Matrix of orthogonal columns, spanning the image of \code{M}. } \references{ Trefethen, L. N., and D. Bau III. (1997). Numerical Linear Algebra. SIAM, Philadelphia. } \seealso{ \code{\link{nullspace}} } \examples{ M <- matrix(1:12, 3, 4) Rank(M) #=> 2 orth(M) } \keyword{ array }