\name{soil} \docType{data} \alias{soil} \title{Soil data of North Bavaria, Germany} \usage{data(soil)} \description{ Soil physical and chemical data collected on a field in the Weissenstaedter Becken, Germany } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{x.coord}{x coordinates given in cm} \item{y.coord}{y coordinates given in cm} \item{nr}{number of the samples, which were taken in this order} \item{moisture}{moisture content [Kg/Kg * 100\%]} \item{NO3.N}{nitrate nitrogen [mg/Kg]} \item{Total.N}{total nitrogen [mg/Kg]} \item{NH4.N}{ammonium nitrogen [mg/Kg]} \item{DOC}{dissolved organic carbon [mg/Kg]} \item{N20N}{nitrous oxide [mg/Kg dried substance]} } } \details{ For technical reasons some of the data were obtained as differences of two measurements (which are not available anymore). Therefore, some of the data have negative values. } \source{ The data were collected by Wolfgang Falk, Soil Physics Group, % \url{http://www.geo.uni-bayreuth.de/bodenphysik/Welcome.html}, University of Bayreuth, Germany. } \references{ Falk, W. (2000) \emph{Kleinskalige raeumliche Variabilitaet von Lachgas und bodenchemischen Parameters [Small Scale Spatial Variability of Nitrous Oxide and Pedo-Chemical Parameters]}, Master thesis, University of Bayreuth, Germany. } \me \examples{\dontshow{StartExample()} % library("RandomFields") RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set ## RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again ################################################################ ## ## ## a geostatistical analysis that demonstrates ## ## features of the package 'RandomFields' ## ## ## ################################################################ data(soil) str(soil) soil <- RFspatialPointsDataFrame( coords = soil[ , c("x.coord", "y.coord")], data = soil[ , c("moisture", "NO3.N", "Total.N", "NH4.N", "DOC", "N20N")], RFparams=list(vdim=6, n=1) ) dta <- soil["moisture"] \dontshow{if (RFoptions()$internal$examples_red) { warning("data have been reduced !") rm(soil) ## muss vorher entfernt werden, sonst funktioniert data(soil) ## nicht sicher data(soil) All <- 1:7 soil <- RFspatialPointsDataFrame( coords = soil[All, c("x.coord", "y.coord")], data = soil[All, c("moisture", "NO3.N", "Total.N", "NH4.N", "DOC", "N20N")], RFparams=list(vdim=6, n=1) ) dta <- soil["moisture"] }} ## plot the data first colour <- rainbow(100) plot(dta, col=colour) ## fit by eye gui.model <- RFgui(dta) \dontshow{if (!interactive()) gui.model <- RMexp()} %ok ## fit by ML model <- ~1 + RMwhittle(scale=NA, var=NA, nu=NA) + RMnugget(var=NA) (fit <- RFfit(model, data=dta)) plot(fit, method=c("ml", "plain", "sqrt.nr", "sd.inv"), model = gui.model, col=1:8) ## Kriging ... x <- seq(min(dta@coords[, 1]), max(dta@coords[, 1]), l=121) k <- RFinterpolate(fit, x=x, y=x, data=dta) plot(x=k, col=colour) plot(x=k, y=dta, col=colour) ## what is the probability that at no point of the ## grid given by x and y the moisture is greater than 24 percent? % works well since fit$ml:nugget==0!!!! cs <- RFsimulate(model=fit@ml, x=x, y=x, data=dta, n=50) plot(cs, col=colour) plot(cs, y=dta, col=colour) Print(mean(apply(as.array(cs) <= 24, 3, all))) ## about 40 percent ... \dontshow{FinalizeExample()}} \keyword{datasets}