\encoding{UTF-8} \name{Separation Reliability} \alias{SepRel} \alias{print.eRm_SepRel} \alias{summary.eRm_SepRel} % % % \title{Person Separation Reliability} % \description{% This function calculates the proportion of person variance that is not due to error. The concept of person separation reliability is very similar to reliability indices such as Cronbach's \eqn{\alpha}. } % % % \usage{SepRel(pobject) \method{print}{eRm_SepRel}(x, \dots) \method{summary}{eRm_SepRel}(object, \dots)} % \arguments{ \item{pobject}{Object of class \code{ppar} (see \code{\link{person.parameter}}).} \item{x}{Object of class \code{eRm_SepRel}.} \item{object}{Object of class \code{eRm_SepRel}.} \item{\dots}{Further arguments.} } % % % \details{ Returns the person separation reliability \eqn{\frac{\mathrm{SSD}-\mathrm{MSE}}{\mathrm{SSD}}}{(SSD-MSE)/SSD} where SSD is the squared standard deviation and MSE the mean squared error. \subsection{Caveats}{% Please note that the concept of \emph{reliability} and associated problems are fundamentally different between \acronym{IRT} and \acronym{CTT} (Classical Test Theory). Separation reliability is more like a workaround to make the \dQuote{change} from \acronym{CTT} to \acronym{IRT} easier for users by providing something \dQuote{familiar.} Hence, we recommend not to put too much emphasis on this particular measure and use it with caution. } \subsection{Varying results in different programs}{% If you compare the separation reliability obtained using \pkg{eRm} with values by other software, you will find that they are most likely not equal. This has a couple of reasons, one of the most important is the employed estimation method. \pkg{eRm} uses a conditional maximum likelihood (\acronym{CML}) framework and handles missing values as separate groups during the estimation of item parameters. Person parameters are computed in a second step using unconditional or joint maximum likelihood (\acronym{UML} or \acronym{JML}) estimation with item parameters assumed to be known from the first step. Other programs might do \acronym{JML} to estimate item and person parameters at the same time, or employ marginal maximum likelihood \acronym{MML} to estimate item parameters, assuming a certain distribution for person parameters. In the latter case person parameters might be obtained by various methods like \acronym{EAP}, \acronym{MAP}, \ldots. Even \acronym{CML}-based programs yield different values, for example, if they use Warm's weighted maximum likelihood estimation \acronym{WLE} to compute person parameters in the second step. The bottom line is that, since there is not \dQuote{definite} solution for this problem, you will end up with different values under different circumstances. This is another reason to take results and implications with a grain of salt. } } % % % \value{\code{SepRel} returns a list object of class \code{eRm_SepRel} containing: \item{sep.rel}{the person separation reliability,} \item{SSD.PS}{the squared standard deviation (i.e., total person variability),} \item{MSE}{the mean square measurement error (i.e., model error variance).} } % % % \references{% Wright, B.D., and Stone, M.H. (1999). \emph{Measurement essentials.} Wide Range Inc., Wilmington. (\url{http://www.rasch.org/measess/me-all.pdf} 28Mb).% } \author{Original code by Adrian Brügger (\email{Adrian.Bruegger@imu.unibe.ch}), adapted by Marco J. Maier} %\note{} % % % \examples{# Compute Separation Reliability for a Rasch Model: pers <- person.parameter(RM(raschdat1)) res <- SepRel(pers) res summary(res) }