Raw File
``pycbc_make_psd_estimation_workflow``: A workflow generator for noise estimation

It can be useful to estimate the average noise PSD of a long period of data, for
instance for building template banks manually or doing bank simulations. The
program ``pycbc_make_psd_estimation_workflow`` is devoted to this task.

The program sets up a Pegasus workflow which is basically a small subset of a
coincident search workflow:

 * Find the data frames and the segments
 * Segment the analyzable data in each detector
 * Run ``pycbc_calculate_psd`` to estimate the PSD in each segment in each detector
 * Run ``pycbc_average_psd`` to combine the PSD estimates over time for each detector, as well as over time and detectors.

Configuration file

``pycbc_make_psd_estimation_workflow`` is configured through an .ini file,
similarly to search workflows. An example for ER8 data, broken by sections, is
given here.

The sections below control which data are being used and they are basically the
same as found in a coincidence workflow. In this example, ER8 data are used and
the analyzable time is broken into 2048 s segments for PSD estimation.::

    start-time = 1123858817
    end-time = 1125217722
    h1-channel-name = H1:GDS-CALIB_STRAIN
    l1-channel-name = L1:GDS-CALIB_STRAIN
    file-retention-level = no_intermediates

    h1 =
    l1 =

    datafind-h1-frame-type = H1_HOFT_C00
    datafind-l1-frame-type = L1_HOFT_C00
    datafind-method = AT_RUNTIME_SINGLE_FRAMES
    datafind-check-segment-gaps = update_times
    datafind-check-frames-exist = raise_error
    datafind-check-segment-summary = warn

    segments-h1-science-name = H1:DMT-ANALYSIS_READY:1
    segments-l1-science-name = L1:DMT-ANALYSIS_READY:1
    segments-database-url = https://segments.ligo.org
    segments-veto-definer-url = https://code.pycbc.phy.syr.edu/detchar/veto-definitions/download/d06231daa8edf28c4760106599f86c8d8659cc3e/cbc/ER8/H1L1-HOFT_C00_ER8B_CBC.xml
    segments-science-veto = 1
    segments-veto-groups =
    segments-final-veto-group = 12H
    segments-method = ALL_SINGLE_IFO_TIME

    urltype = file

    matchedfilter-method = WORKFLOW_INDEPENDENT_IFOS
    analysis-length = 2048
    min-analysis-segments = 15
    max-analysis-segments = 15
    output-type = hdf

The sections below specifies the location of the various executables called by
the workflow. The ``${which:X}`` syntax replaces the line with the full path to
the executable, wherever that happens to be at the time of running

    segment_query = ${which:ligolw_segment_query_dqsegdb}
    segments_from_cats = ${which:ligolw_segments_from_cats_dqsegdb}
    llwadd = ${which:ligolw_add}
    ligolw_combine_segments = ${which:ligolw_combine_segments}
    plot_segments = ${which:pycbc_page_segments}
    calculate_psd = ${which:pycbc_calculate_psd}
    average_psd = ${which:pycbc_average_psd}
    plot_spectrum = ${which:pycbc_plot_psd_file}
    plot_range = ${which:pycbc_plot_range}
    page_segtable = ${which:pycbc_page_segtable}
    page_segplot = ${which:pycbc_page_segplot}
    results_page = ${which:pycbc_make_html_page}

The sections below control how the PSD is estimated in each segment. The program
devoted to this is ``pycbc_calculate_psd``, see its ``--help`` for details. In
this example, two instances of ``pycbc_calculate_psd`` are launched (one per
detector) and each instance uses 4 CPU cores. For details on PSD estimation,
see for instance the `FindChirp paper <http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0509116>`_.::

    cores = 4
    low-frequency-cutoff = 10
    pad-data = 8
    strain-high-pass = 8
    sample-rate = 4096
    segment-length = 256
    segment-start-pad = 64
    segment-end-pad = 64
    psd-estimation = median
    psd-segment-length = 16
    psd-segment-stride = 8

    channel-name = H1:GDS-CALIB_STRAIN

    channel-name = L1:GDS-CALIB_STRAIN

    condor|request_cpus = 4

The section below controls how the averaging of the PSDs over time and detector
is done, i.e. it contains options for the ``pycbc_average_psd`` program.
Currently the program does not take options and the only supported averaging
method is the harmonic mean.::


The sections below control plotting jobs.::


    mass1 = 1.4
    mass2 = 1.4
    approximant = SPAtmplt

    psd-model = aLIGOZeroDetHighPower



    analysis-title="PSD Estimation"

Generating and running the workflow

Once you have an .ini file at ``/path/to/ini/file``, create the workflow in the
following way:


    pycbc_make_psd_estimation_workflow \
        --workflow-name RUN_NAME \
        --output-dir /path/to/run/directory \
        --config-files /path/to/ini/file

``RUN_NAME`` should be replaced with a meaningful descriptive name for the
workflow and ``/path/to/run/directory`` should point to the directory where the
run is supposed to take place. Once the workflow is generated, move to
``/path/to/run/directory`` and start the workflow with


    pycbc_submit_dax \
        --dax RUN_NAME.dax \
        --accounting-group ACCOUNTING_TAG

where again ``RUN_NAME`` and ``ACCOUNTING_TAG`` should be given meaningful
values. When the workflow completes, the average PSDs should be available in
``/path/to/run/directory/psds`` and diagnostic plots should be in
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