Raw File
\title{Determine Duplicated Points in a Spatial Point Pattern}
  Determines which points in a spatial point pattern
  are duplicates of previous points, and returns a logical vector.
 \method{duplicated}{ppp}(x, \dots)
    A spatial point pattern
    (object of class \code{"ppp"}).
  A logical vector of length equal to the number of points in \code{x}.
  This is a method for the generic function \code{duplicated} for 
  point pattern datasets (of class \code{"ppp"}, see \code{\link{ppp.object}}).

  Two points in a point pattern are deemed to be identical
  if their \eqn{x,y} coordinates are the same,
  and their marks are also the same (if they carry marks).
  The Examples section illustrates how it is possible for
  a point pattern to contain a pair of identical points.

  This function determines which points in \code{x} duplicate
  other points that appeared earlier in the sequence. It 
  returns a logical vector with entries that are \code{TRUE}
  for duplicated points and \code{FALSE} for unique (non-duplicated)
   X <- ppp(c(1,1,0.5), c(2,2,1), window=square(3))

\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner
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