Raw File
% fields, Tools for spatial data
% Copyright 2004-2011, Institute for Mathematics Applied Geosciences
% University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
% Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html

  Boxplots for conditional distribution 
Draws boxplots for y by binning on x. This gives a coarse, but quick,  
of the conditional distrubtion of [Y|X] in terms of boxplots.  
bplot.xy(x, y, N = 10, breaks = pretty(x, N, eps.correct = 1), plot=TRUE,
Vector to use for bin membership
Vector to use for constructing boxplot statistics. 
Number of bins on x. Default is 10.
Break points defining bin boundaries. These can be unequally spaced. 

If FALSE just returns a list with the statistics used for plotting the
box plots, bin centers, etc. --  More stuff than you can imagine!
\item{\dots }{
Any other optional arguments passed to the standard \code{boxplot} function. 
bplot, draw.bplot
# condition on swim times to see how run times vary
bplot.xy( minitri$swim, minitri$run, N=5)

# bivariate normal corr= .8
set.seed( 123)
x<-rnorm( 2000)
y<- .8*x +  sqrt( 1- .8**2)*rnorm( 200)
bplot.xy( x,y, breaks=seq( -3, 3,,25) ,
                xlim =c(-4,4), ylim =c(-4,4), col="grey80", lwd=2)
points( x,y,col=3, cex=.5)
% docclass is function
% Converted by Sd2Rd version 1.21.
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