Raw File
\title{Marks of a Tessellation}
  Extract or change the marks attached to
  the tiles of a tessellation.
\method{marks}{tess}(x, \dots)           

\method{marks}{tess}(x, \dots) <- value

    Tessellation (object of class \code{"tess"}).
    Vector or data frame of mark values,
    or \code{NULL}.
  For \code{marks(x)}, the result is a vector, factor or data frame,
  containing the mark values attached to the tiles of \code{x}.
  If there are no marks, the result is \code{NULL}.

  For \code{unmark(x)}, the result is the tessellation without marks.
  For \code{marks(x) <- value}, the result is the updated tessellation
  \code{x} (with the side-effect that the dataset \code{x} is updated in
  the current environment).
  These functions extract or change the marks
  attached to each of the tiles in the tessellation \code{x}.
  They are methods for the generic functions
  \code{\link{marks}} and \code{\link{marks<-}}
  for the class \code{"tess"} of tessellations.
  The expression \code{marks(x)} extracts the marks of \code{x}.
  The assignment \code{marks(x) <- value} assigns new marks to the
  dataset \code{x}, and updates the dataset \code{x} in the current
  The marks can be a vector, a factor, or a data frame.
  For the assignment \code{marks(x) <- value}, the \code{value}
  should be a vector or factor of length equal to the number of
  tiles in \code{x}, or a data frame with as many rows
  as there are tiles in \code{x}. If \code{value} is a single value,
  or a data frame with one row, then it will be replicated
  so that the same marks will be attached to each tile.
  To remove marks, use \code{marks(x) <- NULL} or \code{unmark(x)}.
  D <- dirichlet(cells)
  marks(D) <- tile.areas(D)


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