Raw File
Tip revision: 27839dcc9ef1587086be195349310fb70fbfcaf1 authored by amykwebster on 23 May 2021, 20:03:47 UTC
Add files via upload
Tip revision: 27839dc
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

if ($#ARGV!=2) {

    die "usage: $0 MIPs reads UMIlength\n";


open (IN1, "<$ARGV[0]") || die $!;

if ($ARGV[1]=~/\.gz/) {

    open (IN2, '-|', "zcat $ARGV[1]") || die $!;


else {

  open (IN2, "<$ARGV[1]") || die $!;


my $sample_id=$ARGV[1]=~/^(\S+)\.fastq\.gz/ ? $1 : die " cannot parse sample ID: $ARGV[1]\n";

warn "sample ID: $sample_id\n";

my %mips=();

while(<IN1>) {


  my @tmp=split(/\t/);

  my  ($strain, $chr, $pos, $ref, $alt)=$tmp[19]=~/^(\S)+_(\S+):(\d+):(\S)->(\S)/ ? ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) : die "cannot parse SNP $tmp[19]\n";

  %{$mips{$tmp[19]}} = ("strain" => $strain,

			"chr" => $chr,

			"pos" => $pos,

			"ref" => $ref,

			"alt" => $alt



  my $revcompligprobe=reverse($tmp[10]);




  my $snpPos;

  if ($mips{$tmp[19]}{strand} eq '+') {

    $snpPos=$mips{$tmp[19]}{pos}-$mips{$tmp[19]}{data}[11]+0;  #0-based; mip_scan_start_position


  else {

    $snpPos=$mips{$tmp[19]}{data}[12]-$mips{$tmp[19]}{pos}+0;  #0-based; mip_scan_stop_position


  my @target=split("|", $mips{$tmp[19]}{data}[13]);

  my $seq='';

  my $revComp='';

  if ($snpPos+1 <= length($mips{$tmp[19]}{data}[13])) {      

      $seq=substr($mips{$tmp[19]}{data}[13], $snpPos+1);  #not including SNP

      $revComp=reverse $seq;



  else {

      warn "$tmp[0]\t$tmp[19]\t", $snpPos+1, "\t$mips{$tmp[19]}{data}[13]\t", length($mips{$tmp[19]}{data}[13]), "\n";


  my $revCompReadUpToSnp=$mips{$tmp[19]}{revcompligprobe}.$revComp;

  my $snpPosInRead=length($revCompReadUpToSnp);








  print "$tmp[19]\n";

  print "$mips{$tmp[19]}{strand}\n";

  print "$mips{$tmp[19]}{data}[11]\t$mips{$tmp[19]}{data}[12]\n";

  print "$mips{$tmp[19]}{data}[13]\n";

  print join("-", @target), "\n";

  print "$snpPos\t$target[$snpPos]\n";

  print "$seq\n";

  print "$revComp\n";

  print "$mips{$tmp[19]}{revcompligprobe}\n";

  print "$revCompReadUpToSnp\n";



warn scalar keys %mips, " MIPs read\n";


my $i=0;

my $readId='';

my $readCount=0;

my $withMips=0;

my $noMips=0;

my $seqMatch=0;

my %umiCounts=();


while (<IN2>) {



  if ($i==1) {

    $readId=$_=~/\@(\S+)/ ? $1 : die "cannot parse read ID: $_";



  elsif ($i==2) {

    my $umi=substr($_, 0, $ARGV[2]);

    my $seq=substr($_, $ARGV[2]);

    my $flag=0;


    foreach my $snp (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %mips) {

      if ($seq=~/^$mips{$snp}{"revcompligprobe"}/) {




	if ($seq=~/^$mips{$snp}{"revCompReadUpToSnp"}/) {  # match lig_probe and up to SNP in scan sequence



	  my $base=substr($seq, $mips{$snp}{snpPosInRead}, 1);

	  #	  warn "$seq\n$mips{$snp}{revcompligprobe}\n$mips{$snp}{revCompReadUpToSnp}\n$base\n", substr($seq, $mips{$snp}{snpPosInRead}, 5), "\n"; # correct

	  if ($mips{$snp}{strand} eq '+') {



	  if ($base eq $mips{$snp}{ref}) {




	  elsif ($base eq $mips{$snp}{alt}) {




	  else {	    



#	    warn "$snp\t$mips{$snp}{strand}\n$seq\n$mips{$snp}{revcompligprobe}\n$mips{$snp}{revCompReadUpToSnp}\n$base\n", substr($seq, $mips{$snp}{snpPosInRead}, 5), "\n";



	else {

#	  warn "$seq\n$mips{$snp}{revcompligprobe}\n$mips{$snp}{revCompReadUpToSnp}\n"; #seemd correct - at least one mismatch





    if (!$flag) {





  elsif ($i==4) {




my $umiCountsTotal=scalar keys %{$umiCounts{total}};

my $umiCountsWithMips=scalar keys %{$umiCounts{withMips}};

my $umiCountsSeqMatch=scalar keys %{$umiCounts{seqMatch}};

my $umiCountsNoMips=scalar keys %{$umiCounts{noMips}};

warn "$readCount reads read ($umiCountsTotal unique UMIs)\n";

warn "$withMips reads with MIPs identified ($umiCountsWithMips unique UMIs)\n";

warn "$seqMatch reads match sequence to SNP ($umiCountsSeqMatch unique UMIs)\n";

warn "$noMips reads had no corresponding MIPs ($umiCountsNoMips unique UMIs)\n";

print "# sample ID:\t$sample_id\n";

print "# reads in library:\t$readCount\t($umiCountsTotal unique UMIs)\n";

print "# reads with lig_probe sequence:\t$withMips\t($umiCountsWithMips unique UMIs)\n";

print "# reads with lig_probe and scan sequence (up to SNP):\t$seqMatch\t($umiCountsSeqMatch unique UMIs)\n";

print "# reads with no match:\t$noMips\t($umiCountsNoMips unique UMIs)\n";

print "mip_name\tref\talt\tref_read_count\talt_read_count\tother1_read_count\tother2_read_count\tref_read_freq\talt_read_freq\tother1_read_freq\tother2_read_freq\tref_umi_count\talt_umi_count\tother1_umi_count\tother2_umi_count\tref_umi_freq\talt_umi_freq\tother1_umi_freq\tother2_umi_freq\n";

foreach my $snp (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %mips) {

  my $refUmiCount=scalar keys %{$mips{$snp}{refUmi}};

  my $altUmiCount=scalar keys %{$mips{$snp}{altUmi}};

  print "$snp\t$mips{$snp}{ref}\t$mips{$snp}{alt}\t$mips{$snp}{refCount}\t$mips{$snp}{altCount}";

  #  foreach my $base (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$mips{$snp}{other}}) {

  foreach my $base ("A", "C", "G", "T") {

    if ($base eq $mips{$snp}{ref} || $base eq $mips{$snp}{alt}) {



    else {

      print "\t$base:";

      if ($mips{$snp}{other}{$base}{count}) {

	print "$mips{$snp}{other}{$base}{count}";


      else {

	print "0";




  my ($ref_freq, $alt_freq, $other_freq)=(0,0,0);

  $ref_freq=sprintf("%.6f", $mips{$snp}{refCount}/$seqMatch);

  $alt_freq=sprintf("%.6f", $mips{$snp}{altCount}/$seqMatch);

  print "\t$ref_freq\t$alt_freq";

  foreach my $base ("A", "C", "G", "T") {

      if ($base eq $mips{$snp}{ref} || $base eq $mips{$snp}{alt}) {



      else {

	  print "\t$base:";

	  if ($mips{$snp}{other}{$base}{count}) {

	      $other_freq=sprintf("%.6f", $mips{$snp}{other}{$base}{count}/$seqMatch);

	      print "$other_freq";


	  else {

	      print "0";




#  print "\n";

  print "\t$refUmiCount\t$altUmiCount";

#  foreach my $base (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$mips{$snp}{other}}) {

  foreach my $base ("A", "C", "G", "T") {

    if ($base eq $mips{$snp}{ref} || $base eq $mips{$snp}{alt}) {



    else {

      print "\t$base:";

      if ($mips{$snp}{other}{$base}{umi}) {

	my $umiCount=scalar keys %{$mips{$snp}{other}{$base}{umi}};

	print "$umiCount";


      else {

	print "0";




  $ref_freq=sprintf("%.6f", $refUmiCount/$umiCountsSeqMatch);

  $alt_freq=sprintf("%.6f", $altUmiCount/$umiCountsSeqMatch);

  print "\t$ref_freq\t$alt_freq";

  foreach my $base ("A", "C", "G", "T") {

      if ($base eq $mips{$snp}{ref} || $base eq $mips{$snp}{alt}) {



      else {

	  print "\t$base:";

	  if ($mips{$snp}{other}{$base}{umi}) {

	      my $umiCount=scalar keys %{$mips{$snp}{other}{$base}{umi}};

	      $other_freq=sprintf("%.6f", $umiCount/$umiCountsSeqMatch);

	      print "$other_freq"


	  else {

	      print "0";




  print "\n";


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