Raw File
# using Revise, Plots
using BifurcationKit, LinearAlgebra, Setfield, SparseArrays
const BK = BifurcationKit

k = 2
N = 10
F = (x, p) -> p[1] .* x .+ x.^(k+1)/(k+1) .+ 0.01
Jac_m = (x, p) -> diagm(0 => p[1] .+ x.^k)

normInf = x -> norm(x, Inf)

opts = BK.ContinuationPar(dsmax = 0.051, dsmin = 1e-3, ds=0.001, maxSteps = 140, pMin = -3., saveSolEveryStep = 0, newtonOptions = NewtonPar(tol = 1e-8, verbose = false), saveEigenvectors = false)
x0 = 0.01 * ones(N)

opts = @set opts.doArcLengthScaling = true
br0, = @time BK.continuation(F,Jac_m,x0, -1.5, (@lens _),opts,verbosity=0) #(17.18 k allocations: 1.014 MiB)

# test with callbacks
br0, = @time BK.continuation(F,Jac_m,x0, -1.5, (@lens _), (@set opts.maxSteps = 3), verbosity=2, callbackN = (x, f, J, res, iteration, itlinear, optionsN; kwargs...)->(@show x;true))

###### Used to check type stability of the methods
# using RecursiveArrayTools
# iter = BK.BKIterable(F,Jac_m,x0,-1.5, (@lens _), opts,verbosity=0)
# state = iterate(iter)[1]
# contRes = BK.initContRes(iter, state)
# @time continuation!(iter, state, contRes)
# typeof(contRes)
# state = iterate(iter)[1]
#     contRes = BK.initContRes(iter, state)
#     @code_warntype continuation!(iter, state, contRes)

opts = @set opts.detectBifurcation = 1
br1, sol, _ = @time BK.continuation(F,Jac_m,x0,-1.5, (@lens _),opts,verbosity=0) #(14.28 k allocations: 1001.500 KiB)

br2, sol, _ = @time BK.continuation(F,Jac_m,x0,-1.5, (@lens _),opts,verbosity=0, printSolution = (x,p) -> norm(x,2))

# test for different norms
br3, sol, _ = @time BK.continuation(F,Jac_m,x0,-1.5, (@lens _),opts,verbosity=0, normC = normInf)

# test for linesearch in Newton method
opts = @set opts.newtonOptions.linesearch = true
br4, sol, _ = @time BK.continuation(F,Jac_m,x0,-1.5, (@lens _),opts,verbosity=0, normC = normInf) # (15.61 k allocations: 1.020 MiB)

# test for different ways to solve the bordered linear system arising during the continuation step
opts = @set opts.newtonOptions.linesearch = false
br5, sol, _ = @time BK.continuation(F,Jac_m,x0,-1.5, (@lens _),opts,verbosity=0, normC = normInf, linearAlgo = BK.BorderingBLS())

br5, sol, _ = @time BK.continuation(F,Jac_m,x0,-1.5, (@lens _),opts,verbosity=0, normC = normInf, linearAlgo = BK.MatrixBLS())

# test for stopping continuation based on user defined function
finaliseSolution = (z, tau, step, contResult) -> (step < 20)
br5a, sol, _ = @time BK.continuation(F,Jac_m,x0,-1.5, (@lens _),opts,verbosity=2, finaliseSolution = finaliseSolution)
@test length(br5a.branch) == 21

# test for different predictors
br6, sol, _ = @time BK.continuation(F,Jac_m,x0,-1.5, (@lens _),opts,verbosity=0, tangentAlgo = BK.SecantPred())

optsnat = setproperties(opts; ds = 0.001, dsmax = 0.02, dsmin = 0.0001)
br7, sol, _ = @time BK.continuation(F,Jac_m,x0,-1.5, (@lens _),optsnat,verbosity=0, tangentAlgo = BK.NaturalPred())

# tangent prediction with Bordered predictor
br8, sol, _ = @time BK.continuation(F,Jac_m,x0,-1.5, (@lens _),opts,verbosity=0, tangentAlgo = BK.BorderedPred())

# further testing with sparse Jacobian operator
Jac_sp_simple = (x, p) -> SparseArrays.spdiagm(0 => p  .+ x.^k)
brsp, sol, _ = @time BK.continuation(F,Jac_sp_simple,x0,-1.5, (@lens _),opts,verbosity=0)
brsp, sol, _ = @time BK.continuation(F,Jac_sp_simple,x0,-1.5, (@lens _),opts,verbosity=0, printSolution = (x,p) -> norm(x,2))
brsp, sol, _ = @time BK.continuation(F,Jac_sp_simple,x0,-1.5, (@lens _),opts,verbosity=0,linearAlgo = BK.BorderingBLS())
brsp, sol, _ = @time BK.continuation(F,Jac_sp_simple,x0,-1.5, (@lens _),opts,verbosity=0,linearAlgo = BK.MatrixBLS())
# plotBranch(br1,marker=:d);title!("")
# plotBranch!(br8,marker=:d);title!("")
# testing when starting with 2 points on the branch
opts = BK.ContinuationPar(dsmax = 0.051, dsmin = 1e-3, ds=0.001, maxSteps = 140, pMin = -3., saveSolEveryStep = 0, newtonOptions = NewtonPar(verbose = false), detectBifurcation = 3)
x0 = 0.01 * ones(2)

x0, = newton(F,Jac_m,x0, -1.5, opts.newtonOptions)
x1, = newton(F,Jac_m,x0, -1.45, opts.newtonOptions)

br0, = BK.continuation(F,Jac_m, x0, -1.5, (@lens _), opts, verbosity=0)

br1, = BK.continuation(F,Jac_m, x1, -1.45, x0, -1.5, (@lens _), ContinuationPar(opts; ds = -0.001), verbosity=0)

br2, = BK.continuation(F,Jac_m,x0, -1.5, x1, -1.45, (@lens _), opts, verbosity=0, tangentAlgo = BorderedPred())
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