function [s,r] = medit(varargin) % MEDIT wrapper to launch medit to visualize a given tetmesh % % [s,r] = medit(V,T,F) % [s,r] = medit(V,T,F,'ParameterName',ParameterValue) % % Inputs: % V #V by 3 list of vertex positions % T #T by 4|5 list of tetrahedron findices (additional column is color % index) % F #F by 3|4 list of face indices (additional column is color index) % Optional: % 'Wait' followed by boolean whether to wait for completion {true} % 'Data' followed by #V|#F+#T data values {[]} % 'Subplot' follwed by [x y i] defining subplot window (see subplot) % 'Edges' follwed by E list of edges to write along with mesh (see % writeMESH) % 'Palette' followed by list (up to 5) iso values % Outputs: % s,r result of system call % % Example: % % tet mesh in (V,T), per-tet data in D % [F,J] = boundary_faces(T); % % Display data at tets and also on boundary facets % medit(V,T,F,'Data',[D(J);D]) % % See also: tetramesh % V = varargin{1}; T = varargin{2}; if nargin<3 F = []; else F = varargin{3}; end wait = true; D = []; E = []; subp = []; palette = []; ii = 4; while(ii<=nargin) switch varargin{ii} case 'Wait' ii = ii + 1; assert(ii<=nargin); wait = varargin{ii}; case 'Data' ii = ii + 1; assert(ii<=nargin); D = varargin{ii}; case 'Edges' ii = ii + 1; assert(ii<=nargin); E = varargin{ii}; case 'Subplot' ii = ii + 1; assert(ii<=nargin); subp = varargin{ii}; case 'Palette' ii = ii + 1; assert(ii<=nargin); palette = varargin{ii}; otherwise error(['Unsupported parameter: ' varargin{ii}]); end ii = ii+1; end assert(numel(palette)<=5); if ~exist('wait','var') wait = true; end % Change these paths accordingly MEDIT_PATH = path_to_medit; TEMP_MESH_FILE = '/var/tmp/temp.mesh'; TEMP_MEDIT_FILE = '/var/tmp/temp.medit'; TEMP_BB_FILE = '/var/tmp/'; % write default medit options f = fopen(TEMP_MEDIT_FILE,'w'); fprintf(f, [... 'BackgroundColor 1 1 1\n' ... 'LineColor 0 0 0\n']); if size(F,2) > 3 || size(T,2) > 4 fprintf(f,['NbMaterials\n']); %% collect indices %I = [F(:,3:end);T(:,4:end)]; %count = max(I) - min(I); %fprintf(f,'%d\n',count); fprintf(f,'RenderMode colorshadinglines\n'); else fprintf(f,'RenderMode shading + lines\n'); end if isempty(subp) fprintf(f,'WindowSize 1024 800\n'); else ss = get(0,'ScreenSize'); w = ss(3)/subp(2); h = ss(4)/subp(1); [i j] = ind2sub(subp(1:2),subp(3)); j = (j-1)*w; i = (i-1)*h; fprintf(f,'WindowSize %d %d\n',round(w),round(h)); fprintf(f,'WindowPosition %d %d\n',round(j),round(i)); end if ~isempty(palette) fprintf(f,'Palette'); fprintf(f,' %g',palette(:)); fprintf(f,'\n'); end fclose(f); % write bb file if isempty(D) if exist(TEMP_BB_FILE,'file') delete(TEMP_BB_FILE); end else switch size(D,1) case size(F,1) warning('Appending junk for tet data since medit needs it.'); D = [D;mean(D)*ones(size(T,1),1)]; type = 1; case size(T,1) if size(F,1) == 0 allF = [ ... T(:,2) T(:,4) T(:,3); ... T(:,1) T(:,3) T(:,4); ... T(:,1) T(:,4) T(:,2); ... T(:,1) T(:,2) T(:,3); ... ]; [I,C] = on_boundary(T); DF = repmat(D,4,1); F = allF(C(:),:); DF = DF(C(:),:); D = [DF;D]; else warning('Appending junk for face data since medit needs it.'); D = [mean(D)*ones(size(F,1),1);D]; end type = 1; case size(V,1) type = 2; case size(F,1)+size(T,1) type = 1; otherwise error('size(Data,1) %d should be == size(V,1) (%d) or size(T,1) + size(F,1) (%d + %d = %d)',size(D,1),size(V,1),size(T,1),size(F,1),size(T,1)+size(F,1)); end writeBB(TEMP_BB_FILE,D,type); end % write temporary mesh writeMESH(TEMP_MESH_FILE,V,T,F,E); command = [MEDIT_PATH ' ' TEMP_MESH_FILE ' ' TEMP_MEDIT_FILE]; command if ~wait command = [command ' &']; end [s,r] = system(command); if(s ~= 0) error(r); end end