\name{marktable} \alias{marktable} \title{Tabulate Marks in Neighbourhood of Every Point in a Point Pattern} \description{ Visit each point in a point pattern, find the neighbouring points, and compile a frequency table of the marks of these neighbour points. } \usage{ marktable(X, R, N, exclude=TRUE, collapse=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{X}{ A marked point pattern. An object of class \code{"ppp"}. } \item{R}{ Neighbourhood radius. Incompatible with \code{N}. } \item{N}{ Number of neighbours of each point. Incompatible with \code{R}. } \item{exclude}{ Logical. If \code{exclude=TRUE}, the neighbours of a point do not include the point itself. If \code{exclude=FALSE}, a point belongs to its own neighbourhood. } \item{collapse}{ Logical. If \code{collapse=FALSE} (the default) the results for each point are returned as separate rows of a table. If \code{collapse=TRUE}, the results are aggregated according to the type of point. } } \value{ A contingency table (object of class \code{"table"}). If \code{collapse=FALSE}, the table has one row for each point in \code{X}, and one column for each possible mark value. If \code{collapse=TRUE}, the table has one row and one column for each possible mark value. } \details{ This algorithm visits each point in the point pattern \code{X}, inspects all the neighbouring points within a radius \code{R} of the current point (or the \code{N} nearest neighbours of the current point), and compiles a frequency table of the marks attached to the neighbours. The dataset \code{X} must be a multitype point pattern, that is, \code{marks(X)} must be a \code{factor}. If \code{collapse=FALSE} (the default), the result is a two-dimensional contingency table with one row for each point in the pattern, and one column for each possible mark value. The \code{[i,j]} entry in the table gives the number of neighbours of point \code{i} that have mark \code{j}. If \code{collapse=TRUE}, this contingency table is aggregated according to the type of point, so that the result is a contingency table with one row and one column for each possible mark value. The \code{[i,j]} entry in the table gives the number of neighbours of a point with mark \code{i} that have mark \code{j}. To perform more complicated calculations on the neighbours of every point, use \code{\link{markstat}} or \code{\link{applynbd}}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{markstat}}, \code{\link{applynbd}}, \code{\link{Kcross}}, \code{\link{ppp.object}}, \code{\link{table}} } \examples{ head(marktable(amacrine, 0.1)) head(marktable(amacrine, 0.1, exclude=FALSE)) marktable(amacrine, N=1, collapse=TRUE) } \author{Adrian Baddeley \email{Adrian.Baddeley@curtin.edu.au} and Rolf Turner \email{r.turner@auckland.ac.nz} } \keyword{spatial} \keyword{programming}