## ## l s q n o n l i n . R Nonlinear Least-Squares Fitting ## lsqnonlin <- function(fun, x0, options = list(), ...) { stopifnot(is.numeric(x0)) #-- Option list handling ----------- opts <- list(tau = 1e-3, tolx = 1e-8, tolg = 1e-8, maxeval = 700) namedOpts <- match.arg(names(options), choices = names(opts), several.ok = TRUE) if (!is.null(names(options))) opts[namedOpts] <- options # x0 is good...not so good start value tau <- opts$tau # tau = 1e-6...1e-3...1 tolx <- opts$tolx # tolg <- opts$tolg # maxeval <- opts$maxeval # max. number of iterations #-- Matching function fct <- match.fun(fun) fun <- function(x) fct(x, ...) n <- length(x0) # fun: R^n --> R^m; n <- nrow(A) m <- length(fun(x0)) # Initialization: Compute f, r, and J x <- x0; r <- fun(x) f <- 0.5 * sum(r^2); J <- jacobian(fun, x) g <- t(J) %*% r; ng <- Norm(g, Inf) A <- t(J) %*% J # g is a column vector mu <- tau * max(diag(A)) # damping parameter nu <- 2; nh <- 0 #-- Main loop errno <- 0 k <- 1 while (k < maxeval) { k <- k + 1 # h <- solve(A + mu*eye(n), -g) # compute step through linear system R <- chol(A + mu*eye(n)) # use the Cholesky decomposition h <- c(-t(g) %*% chol2inv(R)) # h <- solve(R, solve(t(R), -g)) nh <- Norm(h); nx <- tolx + Norm(x) if (nh <= tolx * nx) {errno <- 1; break} xnew <- x + h; h <- xnew - x dL <- sum(h * (mu*h - g))/2 rn <- fun(xnew) fn <- 0.5 * sum(rn^2); Jn <- jacobian(fun, xnew) if (length(rn) != length(r)) {df <- f - fn } else {df <- sum((r - rn) * (r + rn))/2} if (dL > 0 && df > 0) { x <- xnew; f <- fn; J <- Jn; r <- rn; A <- t(J) %*% J; g <- t(J) %*% r; ng <- Norm(g,Inf) mu <- mu * max(1/3, 1 - (2*df/dL - 1)^3); nu <- 2 } else { mu <- mu*nu; nu <- 2*nu } if (ng <= tolg) { errno <- 2; break } } if (k >= maxeval) errno <- 3 errmess <- switch(errno, "Stopped by small x-step.", "Stopped by small gradient.", "No. of function evaluations exceeded.") return(list(x = c(xnew), ssq = sum(fun(xnew)^2), ng = ng, nh = nh, mu = mu, neval = k, errno = errno, errmess = errmess)) } lsqnonneg <- function(C, d) { stopifnot(is.numeric(C), is.numeric(d)) if (!is.matrix(C) || !is.vector(d)) stop("Argument 'C' must be a matrix, 'd' a vector.") n <- nrow(C); m <- ncol(C); ld <- length(d) if (n != ld) stop("Arguments 'C' and 'd' have nonconformable dimensions.") fn <- function(x) C %*% as.matrix(exp(x)) - d x0 <- rep(0, m) sol <- lsqnonlin(fn, x0) xs <- exp(sol$x) resi <- d - C %*% as.matrix(xs) resn <- Norm(resi) return(list(x = xs, resnorm = resn, residual = resi, exitflag = sol$errmess)) } lsqcurvefit <- function(fun, p0, xdata, ydata) { stopifnot(is.function(fun), is.numeric(p0)) stopifnot(is.numeric(xdata), is.numeric(ydata)) if (length(xdata) != length(ydata)) stop("Aguments 'xdata', 'ydata' must have the same length.") fn <- function(p, x) fun(p, xdata) - ydata lsqnonlin(fn, p0) }