import os, sys import math #from Tkinter import Frame, Tk, Label, Button, Scale, HORIZONTAL, Checkbutton, IntVar from Tkinter import * from tkFileDialog import * from PIL import Image, ImageStat, ImageDraw, ImageFont, TiffImagePlugin, ImageTk import scipy #import pylab from scipy import polyval, polyfit, ndimage from pylab import polyfit, polyval import numpy as np def Show_pic(pic): im = pic.copy() im.thumbnail((800,800), Image.ANTIALIAS) imtk=ImageTk.PhotoImage(im) label = Label(image=imtk, height =600, width = 800) label.image= imtk label.grid(row =5, rowspan=50, column =2) main.update() def Pixel_check(curFile, dirF, file): pic = pic2= picr= if (rotPic.get()): print "Rotating picture 180" pic = pic.rotate(180) if (flipPic.get()): print "Flipping picture" pic = pic.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) imgdata = pic.load() print file," loaded" speedP=speedPscale.get() xsize, ysize = pic.size xsize=xsize/speedP ysize=ysize/speedP pic=pic.resize((xsize,ysize)) pic2=pic2.resize((xsize,ysize)) picr=picr.resize((xsize,ysize)) xsize, ysize = pic.size print xsize,"x", ysize #minG=minGscale.get() minR=minRscale.get() #minR = 30 #ratG=ratGscale.get() #ratGb=ratGbscale.get() threshW = threshWscale.get() ratR=ratRscale.get() #ratR = 1.1 ################################## ################################# #print minG, minR, ratG, ratR pixels = pic.load() # create the pixel map leafpix = [] scalepix = [] backpix = [] leafonly = pic2.load() scaleonly = picr.load() for i in range(pic.size[0]): # for every pixel: for j in range(pic.size[1]): r, g, b = pixels[i,j] ############################## #here we change red to blue ############################# #if r>minR and g*ratRminR and g*ratR1000: if s == maxscale: cnti=0 cntj=0 gcnt=0 parcnt=parcnt+1 for i in range(pic.size[0]): # for every pixel: for j in range(pic.size[1]): if blobsr[j,i]==cnt: gcnt=gcnt+1 rCnt=rCnt+1 cnti=cnti+i cntj=cntj+j pixels[i,j]=(255,0,0) flat[j,i] = (0) cnti=cnti/gcnt cntj=cntj/gcnt largescale.append(gcnt) if labpix.get(): draw=ImageDraw.Draw(pic) draw.text((cnti,cntj),str(gcnt), (0,0,0)) cnt=cnt+1 #################### scalesize = SSscale.get() if scalesize ==0: print "No scale. Leaf lengths not to scale" #scalesize =1 scalesquarelength=1 scalelength=1 else: scalesquarelength=math.sqrt(gcnt) if scalesquarelength ==0: scalesquarelength=1 scalelength = math.sqrt(SSscale.get()) ########## ########## ############ #Leaf blob analysis blobhist=ndimage.measurements.histogram(blobs, 1,leaves,leaves) minPsize=minPscale.get() ########largest leaf elements only instead of minimum particle size try: maxleaf=max(blobhist) except: pass if ThereCanBeOnlyOne.get(): cnt=1 gcnt=0 parcnt=0 gCnt=0 largeleaf = [] ############ ######## totleaflength=0 ######### ############# for s in blobhist: if s == maxleaf: cnti=0 cntj=0 gcnt=0 parcnt=parcnt+1 for i in range(pic.size[0]): # for every pixel: for j in range(pic.size[1]): if blobs[j,i]==cnt: gcnt=gcnt+1 gCnt=gCnt+1 cnti=cnti+i cntj=cntj+j pixels[i,j]=(0,255,0) flat[j,i] = (0) cnti=cnti/gcnt cntj=cntj/gcnt ############## ######## #print gcnt if SSscale.get()>0: gcnt = float(gcnt)/float(rCnt)*SSscale.get() gcnt = "%.3f" % gcnt #gcnt=int(gcnt) #print gcnt ######## ########################################## largeleaf.append(gcnt) ############## ########## leaflength=0 templength=0 ######### ########### ########################## #Creates an outline array for leaf ################## if (doleaflength.get()): blobedgepix = [] for i in range(pic.size[0]): # for every pixel: for j in range(pic.size[1]): if blobs[j,i]==cnt: try: if blobs[j-1,i]!=cnt or blobs[j,i-1]!=cnt or blobs[j,i+1]!=cnt or blobs[j+1,i]!=cnt: blobedgepix.append((i,j)) except IndexError: blobedgepix.append((i,j)) ########### #Checks for maximum length between any two pixels in perimeter of leaf. ################## for i in blobedgepix: xpix,ypix =i for j in blobedgepix: xtemp,ytemp = j templength=math.sqrt((xpix-xtemp)**2+(ypix-ytemp)**2) if leaflength< templength: leaflength=templength totleaflength=totleaflength+leaflength ############ ################# #################### ########### if (doleaflength.get()): if scalesize ==0: #print "No scale. Leaf length not to scale" leaflength=int(leaflength) #print leaflength #scalesize =1 else: leaflength=int(10*scalelength/scalesquarelength*leaflength) #print "Maximum Length in mm (Only if your scale is square)" #leaflength=int(leaflength) #print leaflength largeleaf.append(gcnt) ############ ##################### ############## if labpix.get(): draw=ImageDraw.Draw(pic) ############## ############## if scalesize ==0: draw.text((cnti,cntj),str(gcnt)+' pixels area', (0,0,0)) if (doleaflength.get()): draw.text((cnti,cntj-10),str(leaflength)+' pixels long', (0,0,0)) #scalesize =1 else: ## draw.text((cnti,cntj),str(gcnt)+' cm^2', (0,0,0)) if (doleaflength.get()): draw.text((cnti,cntj-10),str(leaflength)+' mm', (0,0,0)) ####gcnt=gcnt*scalesize/ #draw.text((cnti,cntj),str(gcnt), (0,0,0)) cnt=cnt+1 ############### ########### if (doleaflength.get()): if scalesize ==0: totleaflength=int(totleaflength) else: totleaflength=int(10*scalelength/scalesquarelength*totleaflength) print "Total length in mm (Only if your scale is square)" #largeleaf.append(int(totleaflength)) leafprint= ', '.join(map(str, largeleaf)) #print int(totleaflength) ########### #################### #Leaf element minimum particle size: elif minPsize>10: cnt=1 gcnt=0 parcnt=0 gCnt=0 ############ ######## totleaflength=0 ######### ############# largeleaf = [] for s in blobhist: if s>minPsize: cnti=0 cntj=0 gcnt=0 ############## ########## leaflength=0 templength=0 ######### ########### parcnt=parcnt+1 ########################## #Creates an outline array for leaf ################## if (doleaflength.get()): blobedgepix = [] for i in range(pic.size[0]): # for every pixel: for j in range(pic.size[1]): if blobs[j,i]==cnt: try: if blobs[j-1,i]!=cnt or blobs[j,i-1]!=cnt or blobs[j,i+1]!=cnt or blobs[j+1,i]!=cnt: blobedgepix.append((i,j)) except IndexError: blobedgepix.append((i,j)) ########### #Checks for maximum length between any two pixels in perimeter of leaf. ################## for i in blobedgepix: xpix,ypix =i for j in blobedgepix: xtemp,ytemp = j templength=math.sqrt((xpix-xtemp)**2+(ypix-ytemp)**2) if leaflength< templength: leaflength=templength totleaflength=totleaflength+leaflength ############ ################# for i in range(pic.size[0]): # for every pixel: for j in range(pic.size[1]): if blobs[j,i]==cnt: #################### gcnt=gcnt+1 gCnt=gCnt+1 cnti=cnti+i cntj=cntj+j pixels[i,j]=(0,255,0) flat[j,i] = (0) cnti=cnti/gcnt cntj=cntj/gcnt #################### ########### if (doleaflength.get()): if scalesize ==0: #print "No scale. Leaf areas not to scale" leaflength=int(leaflength) #print leaflength #scalesize =1 else: leaflength=int(10*scalelength/scalesquarelength*leaflength) #print "Maximum Length in mm (Only if your scale is square)" #leaflength=int(leaflength) #print leaflength largeleaf.append(leaflength) ############ ##################### ############## ######## if SSscale.get()>0: gcnt = float(gcnt)/float(rCnt)*SSscale.get() gcnt = "%.3f" % gcnt #gcnt=(gcnt*100) ######## ########################################## largeleaf.append(gcnt) if labpix.get(): draw=ImageDraw.Draw(pic) #draw.text((cnti,cntj),str(gcnt)+'cm^2', (0,0,0)) ############## if scalesize ==0: draw.text((cnti,cntj),str(gcnt)+' pixels area', (0,0,0)) if (doleaflength.get()): draw.text((cnti,cntj-10),str(leaflength)+' pixels long', (0,0,0)) #scalesize =1 else: draw.text((cnti,cntj),str(gcnt)+' cm^2', (0,0,0)) if (doleaflength.get()): draw.text((cnti,cntj-10),str(leaflength)+' mm', (0,0,0)) ####gcnt=gcnt*scalesize/ ############## cnt=cnt+1 ############### ########### if (doleaflength.get()): if scalesize ==0: totleaflength=int(totleaflength) else: totleaflength=int(10*scalelength/scalesquarelength*totleaflength) print "Total length in mm (Only if your scale is square)" print int(totleaflength) ########## #largeleaf.append(int(totleaflength)) leafprint= ', '.join(map(str, largeleaf)) ########### #################### else: print "NO CONNECTED COMPONENT ANALYSIS" for i in leafpix: pixels[i] = (0,255,0) leafprint = "No connected component analysis" if rCnt < 1: rCnt+=1 scalesize = SSscale.get() #if scalesize ==0: #print "No scale. Leaf areas not to scale" #scalesize =1 leafarea = float(gCnt)/float(rCnt)*scalesize Show_pic(pic) highlightfile = dirF+'/leafarea.csv' pixdata=file+', '+str(gCnt)+', '+str(rCnt)+', '+'%.2f' % leafarea+','+str(int(totleaflength))+','+leafprint+'\n' #pixdata=file+', '+str(gCnt)+', '+str(rCnt)+', '+'%.2f' % leafarea+','+leafprint+'\n' return totleaflength, gCnt, rCnt, pic, pixdata def test_LA(): print "Measuring..." global chosfile global dirF #get absolute path dirF = os.path.dirname(chosfile) pic = xsize, ysize = pic.size file = os.path.basename(chosfile) (totleaflength, gCnt, rCnt, pic, pixdata) = Pixel_check(chosfile, dirF, file) if rCnt < 1: rCnt+=1 scalesize = SSscale.get() if scalesize ==0: print "No scale. Leaf area not to scale." ####### #### ###### #scalesize =1 leafarea = float(gCnt)/float(rCnt)*scalesize if rCnt <2: rCnt = 0 filelabel= Label (main, height =1, width=60) speedP=speedPscale.get() xsize=xsize/speedP ysize=ysize/speedP filelabel.configure (text = file+" "+str(xsize)+ "x"+str(ysize)) filelabel.grid (row =1, column =2) Pixlabel = Label(main, height = 1, width = 60) ################# scalesquarelength=math.sqrt(rCnt) if scalesquarelength ==0: scalesquarelength =1 scalelength = math.sqrt(SSscale.get()) if (doleaflength.get()): if scalesize ==0: totleaflength=int(totleaflength) Pixlabel.configure (text = "Leaf pixels: "+ str(gCnt)+ " Scale pixels: "+ str(rCnt)+ " Leaf length pixels: "+ str(totleaflength)) else: totleaflength=int(10*scalelength/scalesquarelength*totleaflength) print "Total length in mm (Only if your scale is square)" Pixlabel.configure (text = "Leaf pix: "+ str(gCnt)+ " Scale pix: "+ str(rCnt)+ " Leaf area: "+ '%.2f' % leafarea+ "cm^2"+" Length mm: "+ str(totleaflength)) else: Pixlabel.configure (text = "Leaf pixels: "+ str(gCnt)+ " Scale pixels: "+ str(rCnt)+ " Leaf area: "+ '%.2f' % leafarea+ "cm^2") ############# ################## ######################### #Pixlabel.configure (text = "Leaf pixels: "+ str(gCnt)+ " Scale pixels: "+ str(rCnt)+ " Leaf area: "+ '%.2f' % leafarea+ "cm^2") Pixlabel.grid(row =2, column =2) print "Finished processing image" def single_LA(): print "Measuring..." global chosfile global dirF dirF = os.path.dirname(chosfile) pic = xsize, ysize = pic.size file = os.path.basename(chosfile) (totleaflength, gCnt, rCnt, pic, pixdata) = Pixel_check(chosfile, dirF, file) if rCnt < 1: rCnt+=1 leafarea = float(gCnt)/float(rCnt)*SSscale.get() if rCnt <2: rCnt = 0 filelabel= Label (main, height =1, width=60) speedP=speedPscale.get() xsize=xsize/speedP ysize=ysize/speedP filelabel.configure (text = file+" "+str(xsize)+ "x"+str(ysize)) filelabel.grid (row =1, column =2) Pixlabel = Label(main, height = 1, width = 60) Pixlabel.configure (text = "Leaf pixels: "+ str(gCnt)+ " Scale pixels: "+ str(rCnt)+ " Leaf area: "+ '%.2f' % leafarea+ "cm^2") Pixlabel.grid(row =2, column =2) highlightfile = dirF+'/leafarea.csv' # try: with open(highlightfile, "a") as f: #################### if (doleaflength.get()): if SSscale.get() ==0: f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, leaf length pixels, Component length pixels:, Component green pixels:") else: f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, leaf length mm, Component length mm:, Component area cm^2:") else: if SSscale.get() ==0: f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, Component green pixels:") else: f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, Component area cm^2:") # f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, leaf length, Component green pixels:") f.write("\n") except: open (dirF+'/leafarea.csv', "w") print "creating new output file" with open(highlightfile, "a") as f: #################### if (doleaflength.get()): if SSscale.get() ==0: f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, leaf length pixels, Component green pixels:") else: f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, leaf length mm, Component area cm^2:") else: if SSscale.get() ==0: f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, Component green pixels:") else: f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, Component area cm^2:") # f.write("\n") # f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (4 cm^2),leaf area cm^2, leaf length, Component green pixels:") f.write("\n") save_Output(highlightfile, file, pixdata, pic, dirF) print "Finished processing image" def run_LA(): print "Measuring..." global dirS global dirF global chosfile dirS = os.path.abspath(dirS) dirF = os.path.abspath(dirF) filesInCurDir = os.listdir(dirS) # try: with open(dirF+'/leafarea.csv', "a") as f: #################### if (doleaflength.get()): if SSscale.get() ==0: f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, leaf length pixels, Component length pixels, Component green pixels:") else: f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, leaf length mm, Component length mm:, Component area cm^2:") else: if SSscale.get() ==0: f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, Component green pixels:") else: f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, Component area cm^2:") # f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, leaf length, Component green pixels:") f.write("\n") except: open (dirF+'/leafarea.csv', "w") #print "creating new output file" with open(dirF+'/leafarea.csv', "a") as f: ################### if (doleaflength.get()): if SSscale.get() ==0: f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, leaf length pixels, Component length pixels, Component green pixels:") else: f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, leaf length mm, Component length mm:, Component area cm^2:") else: if SSscale.get() ==0: f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, Component green pixels:") else: f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (scale),leaf area cm^2, Component area cm^2:") # f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (4 cm^2),leaf area cm^2, leaf length, Component green pixels:") f.write("\n") # try: # with open(dirF+'/leafarea.csv', "a") as f: # f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (4 cm^2),leaf area cm^2, Component green pixels:") # f.write("\n") # except: # open (dirF+'/leafarea.csv', "w") # with open(dirF+'/leafarea.csv', "a") as f: # f.write("filename,total green pixels,red pixels (4 cm^2),leaf area cm^2, Component green pixels:") # f.write("\n") for file in filesInCurDir: curFile = os.path.join(dirS, file) try: pic = xsize, ysize = pic.size except: continue Show_pic(pic) chosfile = curFile if (autocheck.get()): global ConsData ConsData = [0,0,0,0,0] auto_Settings(ConsData) (totleaflength, gCnt, rCnt, pic, pixdata) = Pixel_check(curFile, dirF, file) if rCnt < 1: rCnt+=1 leafarea = float(gCnt)/float(rCnt)*SSscale.get() if rCnt <2: rCnt = 0 filelabel= Label (main, height =1, width=60) speedP=speedPscale.get() xsize=xsize/speedP ysize=ysize/speedP filelabel.configure (text = file+" "+str(xsize)+ "x"+str(ysize)) filelabel.grid (row =1, column =2) Pixlabel = Label(main, height = 1, width = 60) Pixlabel.configure (text = "Leaf pixels: "+ str(gCnt)+ " Scale pixels: "+ str(rCnt)+ " Leaf area: "+ '%.2f' % leafarea+ "cm^2") Pixlabel.grid(row =2, column =2) highlightfile = dirF+'/leafarea.csv' save_Output(highlightfile, file, pixdata, pic, dirF) print "Finished processing images" def S_dir(): global dirS dirS = askdirectory() Slabel.configure(text = dirS) def F_dir(): global dirF dirF = askdirectory() Flabel.configure(text = dirF) def check_Sett(): print "Batch processing" run_LA() def chos_file(): global chosfile chosfile = askopenfilename(filetypes=[("image file", "*.jpg; *.jpe; *.jpeg; *.tiff; *.tif")]) pic = xsize, ysize = pic.size Show_pic(pic) file = os.path.basename(chosfile) filelabel= Label (main, height =1, width=60) filelabel.configure (text = file+" "+str(xsize)+ "x"+str(ysize)) filelabel.grid (row =1, column =2) Pixlabel = Label(main, height = 1, width = 60) Pixlabel.configure (text = " ") Pixlabel.grid(row =2, column =2) print "loaded "+chosfile def chos_calib(): global choscalib choscalib = askopenfilename(filetypes=[("comma-delimited","*.csv")]) print "loading calib file" with open(choscalib) as csvfile: #next(csvfile) # ignore header a = [row.strip().split(',') for row in csvfile] ######linear regression for min G x = [float(i[0]) for i in a] y = [float(i[3]) for i in a] (m,b) =polyfit(x,y,1) mg=m bg=b ######linear regression for G/R x = [float(i[1]) for i in a] y = [float(i[4]) for i in a] (m,b) =polyfit(x,y,1) mgr=m bgr=b ######linear regression for G/B x = [float(i[2]) for i in a] y = [float(i[5]) for i in a] (m,b) =polyfit(x,y,1) mgb=m bgb=b ############ ############ x = [float(i[6]) for i in a] y = [float(i[8]) for i in a] (m,b) =polyfit(x,y,1) mmr=m bmr=b x = [float(i[7]) for i in a] y = [float(i[9]) for i in a] (m,b) =polyfit(x,y,1) mmg=m bmg=b print "min G equation:",mg, "x+", bg,"\n G/R equation:", mgr,"x+",bgr,"\n G/B equation:",mgb, "x+",bgb print "min R equation:",mmr, "x+", bmr,"\n R/G&R/B equation:", mmg,"x+",bmg print "Loaded calib file" return mg,bg,mgr,bgr,mgb,bgb, mmr, bmr, mmg, bmg def load_calib(): try: with open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], "calib.csv")) as csvfile: #next(csvfile) # ignore header a = [row.strip().split(',') for row in csvfile] ######linear regression for min G x = [float(i[0]) for i in a] y = [float(i[3]) for i in a] (m,b) =polyfit(x,y,1) #################### print sum((polyval(polyfit(x,y,1),x)-y)**2)/(len(x)) #################### mg=m bg=b ######linear regression for G/R x = [float(i[1]) for i in a] y = [float(i[4]) for i in a] (m,b) =polyfit(x,y,1) mgr=m bgr=b ######linear regression for G/B x = [float(i[2]) for i in a] y = [float(i[5]) for i in a] (m,b) =polyfit(x,y,1) mgb=m bgb=b ############ ############ x = [float(i[6]) for i in a] y = [float(i[8]) for i in a] (m,b) =polyfit(x,y,1) mmr=m bmr=b x = [float(i[7]) for i in a] y = [float(i[9]) for i in a] (m,b) =polyfit(x,y,1) mmg=m bmg=b print "loaded calib" except: mg= 1.223 bg=-111 mgr=0.360 bgr=0.589 mgb=0.334 bgb=0.534 mmr=1.412 bmr=-140.6 mmg=0.134 bmg=0.782 print "calib file not found" print "Set to default arabidopsis values" return mg,bg,mgr,bgr,mgb,bgb, mmr, bmr, mmg, bmg def sing_Meas(): print "Measuring image" test_LA() def show_Output(): global dirF print dirF print "Opening output file in default application" outputfile = 'start '+dirF+'/leafarea.csv' os.system(outputfile) def save_Output(highlightfile, file, pixdata, pic, dirF): print "save output" with open(highlightfile, "a") as f: f.write(pixdata) tifffile = file.replace('.jpg', '.tiff')'/highlight'+tifffile) def auto_Settings(WhatData): global chosfile pic = speedP=8 xsize, ysize = pic.size xsize=xsize/speedP ysize=ysize/speedP pic=pic.resize((xsize,ysize)) xsize, ysize = pic.size print xsize,"x", ysize ratG=2 ratGb=1.8 minG = 75 cnt =0 lpcntb = 0 lpcnt =-1 pixMinGreen = xsize*ysize*0.0025 pixels = pic.load() # create the pixel map ratR=2 minR = 150 cnt =0 lpcntb = 0 lpcnt =0 # Conservative pixel selection of 200+ pixels at 1/8th resolution: while cnt minR: scalepix.append((r,g,b)) cnt=len(scalepix) lpcnt=lpcnt+1 if lpcnt <8: ratR = 0.94*ratR if lpcnt >7: ratR = 2 minR = 0.99*minR if lpcnt >10: cnt =(pixMinGreen+10) print minR, ratR, "to select >",pixMinGreen," scale pixels after", lpcnt, "loops" ravg=0 rgavg=0 rbavg=0 cnt=len(scalepix) if cnt>0: for i in scalepix: r, g, b = i if g<1: g=r if b<1: b=r ravg=ravg+r rgavg= rgavg+(float(r)/float(g)) rbavg= rbavg+(float(r)/float(b)) ravg=float(ravg)/float(cnt) rgavg=float(rgavg)/float(cnt) rbavg=float(rbavg)/float(cnt) rgavg=(rgavg+rbavg)/2 rrat=mmrgset*rgavg+bmrgset if rrat <1.011: rrat=1.01 minRscale.set(mmrset*ravg+bmrset) ratRscale.set(rrat) else: minRscale.set(255) ratRscale.set(2) print "No Scale detected" gavg=1 gravg=1 bravg=1 ConsData = [gavg, gravg, bravg, ravg, rgavg] #print ConsData, "Values can be added to calib file" print ravg, mmrset, bmrset, (mmrset*ravg+bmrset) #ratGbscale.set(0.334*bravg+0.534) return ConsData def auto_Sing(): global ConsData ConsData = [0,0,0,0,0] auto_Settings(ConsData) sing_Meas() #load calib file on first run #mgset, bgset, mgrset, bgrset, mgbset, bgbset = load_calib() #load calib file on first run mgset, bgset, mgrset, bgrset, mgbset, bgbset, mmrset, bmrset, mmrgset, bmrgset = load_calib() main = Tk() main.title("Easy Leaf Area (Scanner edition with length measurements)") Frame1 = Frame(main) Frame1.grid (row= 1, column = 1, rowspan = 17) runsingbut = Button(Frame1, text ="Analyze with current settings", command = test_LA) saveresults = Button(Frame1, text ="Save analysis", command = single_LA) SObut = Button(main, text ="Open output csv file", command = show_Output) singbut = Button(Frame1, text = "Open an image", command = chos_file) singlabel = Label(Frame1) ############################### #loadcalibbut= Button(Frame1, text = "Load calib File", command = calib_set) ############################### Batchlabel = Label(Frame1) Batchlabel.configure (text ="Batch Processing:") dirS ="C:/" Sbut = Button(Frame1, text = "Select batch source Folder", command = S_dir) Slabel = Label(Frame1) Slabel.configure (text ="C:/") dirF ="C:/" Fbut = Button(Frame1, text = "Select batch output Folder", command = F_dir) Flabel = Label(Frame1) Flabel.configure (text ="C:/") CSbut = Button(Frame1, text ="Start Batch with current settings", command = check_Sett) Frame3 = Frame(main) Frame3.grid (row= 1, column = 3, rowspan = 10) ################## #addTocalibbut = Button (Frame1,text = "Add to calib File", command =addTocalib) ############### #minG =100 #minGscale = Scale(Frame3, from_=0, to=255, label="Leaf minimum Green RGB value:", orient=HORIZONTAL, tickinterval = 50, length = 250, variable = minG ) #minGscale.set(25) minR =200 minRscale = Scale(Frame3, from_=0, to=255, label="Scale minimum Blue RGB value:", orient=HORIZONTAL, tickinterval = 50, length = 250, variable = minR ) minRscale.set(20) #ratG =1.2 #ratGscale = Scale(Frame3, from_=0.9, to=2, resolution = 0.02, label="Leaf Green Ratio: (G/R)", orient=HORIZONTAL, tickinterval = 0.5, length = 200, variable = ratG ) #ratGscale.set(1.05) threshW =220 threshWscale = Scale(Frame3, from_=0, to=255, resolution = 1, label="Scanner threshold", orient=HORIZONTAL, tickinterval = 50, length = 200, variable = threshW ) threshWscale.set(222) ratR =1.3 ratRscale = Scale(Frame3, from_=1, to=2, resolution = 0.02, label="Scale Blue Ratio: (B/G & B/R)", orient=HORIZONTAL, tickinterval = 0.5, length = 200, variable = ratR ) ratRscale.set(1.14) speedP =1 speedPscale = Scale(Frame3, from_=1, to=8, resolution = 1, label="Processing Speed:", orient=HORIZONTAL, tickinterval = 1, length = 200, variable = speedP ) speedPscale.set(8) minPsize =500 minPscale = Scale(Frame3, from_=1, to=5000, resolution = 10, label="Minimum Leaf Size (pixels):", orient=HORIZONTAL, tickinterval = 1000, length = 250, variable = minPsize ) minPscale.set(20) ################# Scalesize =4.1 SSscale = Scale(Frame3, from_=0, to=20, resolution = 0.1, label="Scale area (cm^2):", orient=HORIZONTAL, tickinterval = 4, length = 250, variable = Scalesize ) SSscale.set(4) ################### flipPic = IntVar() C1 = Checkbutton(Frame1, text = "Flip image horizontal", variable = flipPic) flipPic.get() rotPic = IntVar() C2 = Checkbutton(Frame1, text = "Rotate image 180 deg", variable = rotPic) rotPic.get() delBack = IntVar() C3 = Checkbutton(Frame1, text = "Delete background", variable = delBack) delBack.get() labpix = IntVar() C5 = Checkbutton(main, text = "Label Pixels", variable = labpix) labpix.get() ############################# doleaflength = IntVar() C7 = Checkbutton(main, text = "Measure Leaf Length", variable = doleaflength) doleaflength.get() ###################### ThereCanBeOnlyOne = IntVar() C6 = Checkbutton(main, text = "Only one Leaf component", variable = ThereCanBeOnlyOne) ThereCanBeOnlyOne.get() ###################### autosetbut = Button(Frame1, text ="Auto settings", command = auto_Sing) autocheck = IntVar() C4 = Checkbutton(Frame1, text = "Use auto settings", variable = autocheck) autocheck.get() singbut.grid(row=1, column =1, pady=5) autosetbut.grid(row=2, column =1, pady=5) runsingbut.grid(row=3, column =1, pady=5) saveresults.grid(row=4, column =1, pady=5) C1.grid(row=5, column =1, pady=5) C2.grid(row = 6, column =1, pady=5) C3.grid(row=7, column = 1, pady=5) Batchlabel.grid(row=9, column=1, pady=10) Sbut.grid(row=10, column=1, pady=5) Slabel.grid(row=11, column=1, pady=5) Fbut.grid(row=12, column=1, pady=5) Flabel.grid(row=13, column=1, pady=5) CSbut.grid(row=14, column=1, pady=5) C4.grid(row=15, column = 1, pady=5) ############### #loadcalibbut.grid(row=16, column = 1, pady=5) #addTocalibbut.grid(row=17, column =1, pady=5) C6.grid(row=15, column = 3, pady=5) #################### C7.grid(row=16, column=3, pady=5) ############## threshWscale.grid(row=1, column =3) #ratGscale.grid(row=2, column =3) #ratGbscale.grid(row=3, column =3) minRscale.grid(row=4, column =3) ratRscale.grid(row=5, column =3) speedPscale.grid(row=7, column=3) minPscale.grid(row=8, column = 3) SSscale.grid(row=6, column =3) filelabel= Label (main, height =1, width=100) filelabel.configure (text = " ") filelabel.grid (row =1, column =2) SObut.grid(row=3, column =2) C5.grid(row=4, column = 2) main.mainloop()