Raw File
/*  ruint_arazi.cpp - Arazi & Qi for RecInt library test file

    Return value.
    0    No error
    != 0 Bad result for an operation

    The following constants have to be defined.
    STD_RECINT_SIZE     size of recint (> 6)
    LOOPS               number of loops

#include <recint/ruint.h>
#include <givaro/givtimer.h>

#if not defined(STD_RECINT_SIZE)

#if not defined(LOOPS)
#define LOOPS 100

#define ALEA_MAX  64
#define ALEA_MASK 63

using namespace RecInt;

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    size_t nbloops = static_cast<size_t>((argc > 1)? atoi(argv[1]) : LOOPS);

    ruint<STD_RECINT_SIZE> p, pinv;
    ruint<STD_RECINT_SIZE+1> P, P1, R;
    Givaro::Timer tim;

    // Random
    RecInt::srand(static_cast<unsigned long>(time(NULL)));

    R.High = 1;
    tim.clear(); tim.start();
    for (UDItype l = 0; l < nbloops; l++) {
        rand(P.Low); if (P.Low % 2 == 0) P.Low++;

        // P1 = inv(P) mod R
        inv_mod(P1, P, R);
        copy(pinv, P1.Low);

    // -----------
    // Standard output for benchmark - Alexis Breust 2014/12/11
    << "Time: " << tim.usertime()
    << " Mflops: " << std::scientific << (double(nbloops))/tim.usertime()/1000.0/1000.0
    << " SIZE: " << STD_RECINT_SIZE
    << std::endl ;

    return 0;

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