# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license """ Tools for collecting and manipulating stack traces. Mainly used for building errors. """ module StackTraces import Base: hash, ==, show import Core: CodeInfo, MethodInstance export StackTrace, StackFrame, stacktrace """ StackFrame Stack information representing execution context, with the following fields: - `func::Symbol` The name of the function containing the execution context. - `linfo::Union{Core.MethodInstance, CodeInfo, Nothing}` The MethodInstance containing the execution context (if it could be found). - `file::Symbol` The path to the file containing the execution context. - `line::Int` The line number in the file containing the execution context. - `from_c::Bool` True if the code is from C. - `inlined::Bool` True if the code is from an inlined frame. - `pointer::UInt64` Representation of the pointer to the execution context as returned by `backtrace`. """ struct StackFrame # this type should be kept platform-agnostic so that profiles can be dumped on one machine and read on another "the name of the function containing the execution context" func::Symbol "the path to the file containing the execution context" file::Symbol "the line number in the file containing the execution context" line::Int "the MethodInstance or CodeInfo containing the execution context (if it could be found), \ or Module (for macro expansions)" linfo::Union{MethodInstance, Method, Module, CodeInfo, Nothing} "true if the code is from C" from_c::Bool "true if the code is from an inlined frame" inlined::Bool "representation of the pointer to the execution context as returned by `backtrace`" pointer::UInt64 # Large enough to be read losslessly on 32- and 64-bit machines. end StackFrame(func, file, line) = StackFrame(Symbol(func), Symbol(file), line, nothing, false, false, 0) """ StackTrace An alias for `Vector{StackFrame}` provided for convenience; returned by calls to `stacktrace`. """ const StackTrace = Vector{StackFrame} const empty_sym = Symbol("") const UNKNOWN = StackFrame(empty_sym, empty_sym, -1, nothing, true, false, 0) # === lookup(C_NULL) #= If the StackFrame has function and line information, we consider two of them the same if they share the same function/line information. =# function ==(a::StackFrame, b::StackFrame) return a.line == b.line && a.from_c == b.from_c && a.func == b.func && a.file == b.file && a.inlined == b.inlined # excluding linfo and pointer end function hash(frame::StackFrame, h::UInt) h += 0xf4fbda67fe20ce88 % UInt h = hash(frame.line, h) h = hash(frame.file, h) h = hash(frame.func, h) h = hash(frame.from_c, h) h = hash(frame.inlined, h) return h end get_inlinetable(::Any) = nothing function get_inlinetable(mi::MethodInstance) isdefined(mi, :def) && mi.def isa Method && isdefined(mi, :cache) && isdefined(mi.cache, :inferred) && mi.cache.inferred !== nothing || return nothing linetable = ccall(:jl_uncompress_ir, Any, (Any, Any, Any), mi.def, mi.cache, mi.cache.inferred).linetable return filter!(x -> x.inlined_at > 0, linetable) end get_method_instance_roots(::Any) = nothing function get_method_instance_roots(mi::Union{Method, MethodInstance}) m = mi isa MethodInstance ? mi.def : mi m isa Method && isdefined(m, :roots) || return nothing return filter(x -> x isa MethodInstance, m.roots) end function lookup_inline_frame_info(func::Symbol, file::Symbol, linenum::Int, inlinetable::Vector{Core.LineInfoNode}) #REPL frames and some base files lack this prefix while others have it; should fix? filestripped = Symbol(lstrip(string(file), ('.', '\\', '/'))) linfo = nothing #= Some matching entries contain the MethodInstance directly. Other matching entries contain only a Method or Symbol (function name); such entries are located after the entry with the MethodInstance, so backtracking is required. If backtracking fails, the Method or Module is stored for return, but we continue the search in case a MethodInstance is found later. TODO: If a backtrack has failed, do we need to backtrack again later if another Method or Symbol match is found? Or can a limit on the subsequent backtracks be placed? =# for (i, line) in enumerate(inlinetable) Base.IRShow.method_name(line) === func && line.file ∈ (file, filestripped) && line.line == linenum || continue if line.method isa MethodInstance linfo = line.method break elseif line.method isa Method || line.method isa Symbol linfo = line.method isa Method ? line.method : line.module # backtrack to find the matching MethodInstance, if possible for j in (i - 1):-1:1 nextline = inlinetable[j] nextline.inlined_at == line.inlined_at && Base.IRShow.method_name(line) === Base.IRShow.method_name(nextline) && line.file === nextline.file || break if nextline.method isa MethodInstance linfo = nextline.method break end end end end return linfo end function lookup_inline_frame_info(func::Symbol, file::Symbol, miroots::Vector{Any}) # REPL frames and some base files lack this prefix while others have it; should fix? filestripped = Symbol(lstrip(string(file), ('.', '\\', '/'))) matches = filter(miroots) do x x.def isa Method || return false m = x.def::Method return m.name == func && m.file ∈ (file, filestripped) end if length(matches) > 1 # ambiguous, check if method is same and return that instead all_matched = true for m in matches all_matched = m.def.line == matches[1].def.line && m.def.module == matches[1].def.module all_matched || break end if all_matched return matches[1].def end # all else fails, return module if they match, or give up all_matched = true for m in matches all_matched = m.def.module == matches[1].def.module all_matched || break end return all_matched ? matches[1].def.module : nothing elseif length(matches) == 1 return matches[1] end return nothing end """ lookup(pointer::Ptr{Cvoid}) -> Vector{StackFrame} Given a pointer to an execution context (usually generated by a call to `backtrace`), looks up stack frame context information. Returns an array of frame information for all functions inlined at that point, innermost function first. """ Base.@constprop :none function lookup(pointer::Ptr{Cvoid}) infos = ccall(:jl_lookup_code_address, Any, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint), pointer, false)::Core.SimpleVector pointer = convert(UInt64, pointer) isempty(infos) && return [StackFrame(empty_sym, empty_sym, -1, nothing, true, false, pointer)] # this is equal to UNKNOWN parent_linfo = infos[end][4] inlinetable = get_inlinetable(parent_linfo) miroots = inlinetable === nothing ? get_method_instance_roots(parent_linfo) : nothing # fallback if linetable missing res = Vector{StackFrame}(undef, length(infos)) for i in reverse(1:length(infos)) info = infos[i]::Core.SimpleVector @assert(length(info) == 6) func = info[1]::Symbol file = info[2]::Symbol linenum = info[3]::Int linfo = info[4] if i < length(infos) if inlinetable !== nothing linfo = lookup_inline_frame_info(func, file, linenum, inlinetable) elseif miroots !== nothing linfo = lookup_inline_frame_info(func, file, miroots) end linfo = linfo === nothing ? parentmodule(res[i + 1]) : linfo # e.g. `macro expansion` end res[i] = StackFrame(func, file, linenum, linfo, info[5]::Bool, info[6]::Bool, pointer) end return res end const top_level_scope_sym = Symbol("top-level scope") function lookup(ip::Union{Base.InterpreterIP,Core.Compiler.InterpreterIP}) code = ip.code if code === nothing # interpreted top-level expression with no CodeInfo return [StackFrame(top_level_scope_sym, empty_sym, 0, nothing, false, false, 0)] end codeinfo = (code isa MethodInstance ? code.uninferred : code)::CodeInfo # prepare approximate code info if code isa MethodInstance && (meth = code.def; meth isa Method) func = meth.name file = meth.file line = meth.line else func = top_level_scope_sym file = empty_sym line = Int32(0) end i = max(ip.stmt+1, 1) # ip.stmt is 0-indexed if i > length(codeinfo.codelocs) || codeinfo.codelocs[i] == 0 return [StackFrame(func, file, line, code, false, false, 0)] end lineinfo = codeinfo.linetable[codeinfo.codelocs[i]]::Core.LineInfoNode scopes = StackFrame[] while true inlined = lineinfo.inlined_at != 0 push!(scopes, StackFrame(Base.IRShow.method_name(lineinfo)::Symbol, lineinfo.file, lineinfo.line, inlined ? nothing : code, false, inlined, 0)) inlined || break lineinfo = codeinfo.linetable[lineinfo.inlined_at]::Core.LineInfoNode end return scopes end """ stacktrace([trace::Vector{Ptr{Cvoid}},] [c_funcs::Bool=false]) -> StackTrace Return a stack trace in the form of a vector of `StackFrame`s. (By default stacktrace doesn't return C functions, but this can be enabled.) When called without specifying a trace, `stacktrace` first calls `backtrace`. """ Base.@constprop :none function stacktrace(trace::Vector{<:Union{Base.InterpreterIP,Core.Compiler.InterpreterIP,Ptr{Cvoid}}}, c_funcs::Bool=false) stack = StackTrace() for ip in trace for frame in lookup(ip) # Skip frames that come from C calls. if c_funcs || !frame.from_c push!(stack, frame) end end end return stack end Base.@constprop :none function stacktrace(c_funcs::Bool=false) stack = stacktrace(backtrace(), c_funcs) # Remove frame for this function (and any functions called by this function). remove_frames!(stack, :stacktrace) # also remove all of the non-Julia functions that led up to this point (if that list is non-empty) c_funcs && deleteat!(stack, 1:(something(findfirst(frame -> !frame.from_c, stack), 1) - 1)) return stack end """ remove_frames!(stack::StackTrace, name::Symbol) Takes a `StackTrace` (a vector of `StackFrames`) and a function name (a `Symbol`) and removes the `StackFrame` specified by the function name from the `StackTrace` (also removing all frames above the specified function). Primarily used to remove `StackTraces` functions from the `StackTrace` prior to returning it. """ function remove_frames!(stack::StackTrace, name::Symbol) deleteat!(stack, 1:something(findlast(frame -> frame.func == name, stack), 0)) return stack end function remove_frames!(stack::StackTrace, names::Vector{Symbol}) deleteat!(stack, 1:something(findlast(frame -> frame.func in names, stack), 0)) return stack end """ remove_frames!(stack::StackTrace, m::Module) Return the `StackTrace` with all `StackFrame`s from the provided `Module` removed. """ function remove_frames!(stack::StackTrace, m::Module) filter!(f -> !from(f, m), stack) return stack end is_top_level_frame(f::StackFrame) = f.linfo isa CodeInfo || (f.linfo === nothing && f.func === top_level_scope_sym) function show_spec_linfo(io::IO, frame::StackFrame) linfo = frame.linfo if linfo === nothing if frame.func === empty_sym print(io, "ip:0x", string(frame.pointer, base=16)) elseif frame.func === top_level_scope_sym print(io, "top-level scope") else Base.print_within_stacktrace(io, Base.demangle_function_name(string(frame.func)), bold=true) end elseif linfo isa CodeInfo print(io, "top-level scope") elseif linfo isa Module Base.print_within_stacktrace(io, Base.demangle_function_name(string(frame.func)), bold=true) else def, sig = if linfo isa MethodInstance linfo.def, linfo.specTypes else linfo, linfo.sig end if def isa Method argnames = Base.method_argnames(def) argnames = replace(argnames, :var"#unused#" => :var"") if def.nkw > 0 # rearrange call kw_impl(kw_args..., func, pos_args...) to func(pos_args...) kwarg_types = Any[ fieldtype(sig, i) for i = 2:(1+def.nkw) ] uw = Base.unwrap_unionall(sig)::DataType pos_sig = Base.rewrap_unionall(Tuple{uw.parameters[(def.nkw+2):end]...}, sig) kwnames = argnames[2:(def.nkw+1)] for i = 1:length(kwnames) str = string(kwnames[i])::String if endswith(str, "...") kwnames[i] = Symbol(str[1:end-3]) end end Base.show_tuple_as_call(io, def.name, pos_sig; demangle=true, kwargs=zip(kwnames, kwarg_types), argnames=argnames[def.nkw+2:end]) else Base.show_tuple_as_call(io, def.name, sig; demangle=true, argnames) end else Base.show_mi(io, linfo, true) end end end function show(io::IO, frame::StackFrame) show_spec_linfo(io, frame) if frame.file !== empty_sym file_info = basename(string(frame.file)) print(io, " at ") print(io, file_info, ":") if frame.line >= 0 print(io, frame.line) else print(io, "?") end end if frame.inlined print(io, " [inlined]") end end function Base.parentmodule(frame::StackFrame) linfo = frame.linfo if linfo isa MethodInstance def = linfo.def if def isa Module return def else return (def::Method).module end elseif linfo isa Method return linfo.module elseif linfo isa Module return linfo else # The module is not always available (common reasons include # frames arising from the interpreter) nothing end end """ from(frame::StackFrame, filter_mod::Module) -> Bool Return whether the `frame` is from the provided `Module` """ function from(frame::StackFrame, m::Module) return parentmodule(frame) === m end end