(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - Inria * * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C-V1 license * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) open EcUtils open EcSymbols open EcPath open EcDecl open EcModules (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Sp = EcPath.Sp (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type theory = theory_item list and theory_item = | Th_type of (symbol * tydecl) | Th_operator of (symbol * operator) | Th_axiom of (symbol * axiom) | Th_modtype of (symbol * module_sig) | Th_module of module_expr | Th_theory of (symbol * (theory * thmode)) | Th_export of EcPath.path | Th_instance of (ty_params * EcTypes.ty) * tcinstance | Th_typeclass of (symbol * typeclass) | Th_baserw of symbol | Th_addrw of EcPath.path * EcPath.path list | Th_auto of (bool * Sp.t) and tcinstance = [ `Ring of ring | `Field of field | `General of path ] and thmode = [ `Abstract | `Concrete ] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type ctheory = { cth_desc : ctheory_desc; cth_struct : ctheory_struct; } and ctheory_desc = | CTh_struct of ctheory_struct | CTh_clone of ctheory_clone and ctheory_struct = ctheory_item list and ctheory_item = | CTh_type of (symbol * tydecl) | CTh_operator of (symbol * operator) | CTh_axiom of (symbol * axiom) | CTh_modtype of (symbol * module_sig) | CTh_module of module_expr | CTh_theory of (symbol * (ctheory * thmode)) | CTh_export of EcPath.path | CTh_instance of (ty_params * EcTypes.ty) * tcinstance | CTh_typeclass of (symbol * typeclass) | CTh_baserw of symbol | CTh_addrw of EcPath.path * EcPath.path list | CTh_auto of (bool * Sp.t) and ctheory_clone = { cthc_base : EcPath.path; cthc_ext : (EcIdent.t * ctheory_override) list; } and ctheory_override = | CTHO_Type of EcTypes.ty (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let module_comps_of_module_sig_comps (comps : module_sig_body) = let onitem = function | Tys_function(funsig, oi) -> MI_Function { f_name = funsig.fs_name; f_sig = funsig; f_def = FBabs oi; } in List.map onitem comps (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let module_expr_of_module_sig name mp tymod restr = let tycomps = module_comps_of_module_sig_comps tymod.mis_body in { me_name = EcIdent.name name; me_body = ME_Decl (mp, restr); me_comps = tycomps; me_sig = tymod; }