#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Run all etcd tests # ./test # ./test -v # # # Run specified test pass # # $ PASSES=unit ./test # $ PASSES=integration ./test # # # Run tests for one package # Each pass has different default timeout, if you just run tests in one package or 1 test case then you can set TIMEOUT # flag for different expectation # # $ PASSES=unit PKG=./wal TIMEOUT=1m ./test # $ PASSES=integration PKG=./clientv3 TIMEOUT=1m ./test # # Run specified unit tests in one package # To run all the tests with prefix of "TestNew", set "TESTCASE=TestNew "; # to run only "TestNew", set "TESTCASE="\bTestNew\b"" # # $ PASSES=unit PKG=./wal TESTCASE=TestNew TIMEOUT=1m ./test # $ PASSES=unit PKG=./wal TESTCASE="\bTestNew\b" TIMEOUT=1m ./test # $ PASSES=integration PKG=./client/integration TESTCASE="\bTestV2NoRetryEOF\b" TIMEOUT=1m ./test # # # Run code coverage # COVERDIR must either be a absolute path or a relative path to the etcd root # $ COVERDIR=coverage PASSES="build build_cov cov" ./test # $ go tool cover -html ./coverage/cover.out set -e set -o pipefail # Consider command as failed when any component of the pipe fails: # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1221833/pipe-output-and-capture-exit-status-in-bash set -o pipefail # The test script is not supposed to make any changes to the files # e.g. add/update missing dependencies. Such divergences should be # detected and trigger a failure that needs explicit developer's action. export GOFLAGS=-mod=readonly source ./scripts/test_lib.sh source ./build.sh PASSES=${PASSES:-"fmt bom dep build unit"} PKG=${PKG:-} if [ -z "$GOARCH" ]; then GOARCH=$(go env GOARCH); fi # determine whether target supports race detection if [ -z "${RACE}" ] ; then if [ "$GOARCH" == "amd64" ]; then RACE="--race" else RACE="--race=false" fi else RACE="--race=${RACE:-true}" fi # This options make sense for cases where SUT (System Under Test) is compiled by test. COMMON_TEST_FLAGS=("${RACE}") if [[ -n "${CPU}" ]]; then COMMON_TEST_FLAGS+=("--cpu=${CPU}") fi log_callout "Running with ${COMMON_TEST_FLAGS[*]}" RUN_ARG=() if [ -n "${TESTCASE}" ]; then RUN_ARG=("-run=${TESTCASE}") fi function build_pass { log_callout "Building etcd" run_for_modules run go build "${@}" || return 2 GO_BUILD_FLAGS="-v" etcd_build "${@}" GO_BUILD_FLAGS="-v" tools_build "${@}" } ################# REGULAR TESTS ################################################ # run_unit_tests [pkgs] runs unit tests for a current module and givesn set of [pkgs] function run_unit_tests { local pkgs="${1:-./...}" shift 1 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 GOLANG_TEST_SHORT=true go_test "${pkgs}" "parallel" : -short -timeout="${TIMEOUT:-3m}" "${COMMON_TEST_FLAGS[@]}" "${RUN_ARG[@]}" "$@" } function unit_pass { run_for_modules run_unit_tests "$@" } function integration_extra { if [ -z "${PKG}" ] ; then run_for_module "." go_test "./contrib/raftexample" "keep_going" : -timeout="${TIMEOUT:-5m}" "${RUN_ARG[@]}" "${COMMON_TEST_FLAGS[@]}" "$@" || return $? run_for_module "tests" go_test "./integration/v2store/..." "keep_going" : -tags v2v3 -timeout="${TIMEOUT:-5m}" "${RUN_ARG[@]}" "${COMMON_TEST_FLAGS[@]}" "$@" || return $? else log_warning "integration_extra ignored when PKG is specified" fi } function integration_pass { local pkgs=${USERPKG:-"./integration/..."} run_for_module "tests" go_test "${pkgs}" "parallel" : -timeout="${TIMEOUT:-15m}" "${COMMON_TEST_FLAGS[@]}" "${RUN_ARG[@]}" "$@" || return $? integration_extra "$@" } function e2e_pass { # e2e tests are running pre-build binary. Settings like --race,-cover,-cpu does not have any impact. run_for_module "tests" go_test "./e2e/..." "keep_going" : -timeout="${TIMEOUT:-30m}" "${RUN_ARG[@]}" "$@" } function integration_e2e_pass { run_pass "integration" "${@}" run_pass "e2e" "${@}" } # generic_checker [cmd...] # executes given command in the current module, and clearly fails if it # failed or returned output. function generic_checker { local cmd=("$@") if ! output=$("${cmd[@]}"); then echo "${output}" log_error -e "FAIL: '${cmd[*]}' checking failed (!=0 return code)" return 255 fi if [ -n "${output}" ]; then echo "${output}" log_error -e "FAIL: '${cmd[*]}' checking failed (printed output)" return 255 fi } function functional_pass { run ./tests/functional/build # Clean up any data and logs from previous runs rm -rf /tmp/etcd-functional-* /tmp/etcd-functional-*.backup # TODO: These ports should be dynamically allocated instead of hard-coded. for a in 1 2 3; do ./bin/etcd-agent --network tcp --address${a}9027 < /dev/null & pid="$!" agent_pids="${agent_pids} $pid" done for a in 1 2 3; do log_callout "Waiting for 'etcd-agent' on ${a}9027..." while ! nc -z localhost ${a}9027; do sleep 1 done done log_callout "functional test START!" run ./bin/etcd-tester --config ./tests/functional/functional.yaml && log_success "'etcd-tester' succeeded" local etcd_tester_exit_code=$? if [[ "${etcd_tester_exit_code}" -ne "0" ]]; then log_error "ETCD_TESTER_EXIT_CODE:" ${etcd_tester_exit_code} fi # shellcheck disable=SC2206 agent_pids=($agent_pids) kill -s TERM "${agent_pids[@]}" || true if [[ "${etcd_tester_exit_code}" -ne "0" ]]; then log_error -e "\\nFAILED! 'tail -1000 /tmp/etcd-functional-1/etcd.log'" tail -1000 /tmp/etcd-functional-1/etcd.log log_error -e "\\nFAILED! 'tail -1000 /tmp/etcd-functional-2/etcd.log'" tail -1000 /tmp/etcd-functional-2/etcd.log log_error -e "\\nFAILED! 'tail -1000 /tmp/etcd-functional-3/etcd.log'" tail -1000 /tmp/etcd-functional-3/etcd.log log_error "--- FAIL: exit code" ${etcd_tester_exit_code} return ${etcd_tester_exit_code} fi log_success "functional test PASS!" } function grpcproxy_pass { run_for_module "tests" go_test "./integration/... ./e2e" "fail_fast" : \ -timeout=30m -tags cluster_proxy "${COMMON_TEST_FLAGS[@]}" "$@" } ################# COVERAGE ##################################################### # Builds artifacts used by tests/e2e in coverage mode. function build_cov_pass { run_for_module "server" run go test -tags cov -c -covermode=set -coverpkg="./..." -o "../bin/etcd_test" run_for_module "etcdctl" run go test -tags cov -c -covermode=set -coverpkg="./..." -o "../bin/etcdctl_test" } # pkg_to_coverflag [prefix] [pkgs] # produces name of .coverprofile file to be used for tests of this package function pkg_to_coverprofileflag { local prefix="${1}" local pkgs="${2}" local pkgs_normalized prefix_normalized=$(echo "${prefix}" | tr "./ " "__+") if [ "${pkgs}" == "./..." ]; then pkgs_normalized="all" else pkgs_normalized=$(echo "${pkgs}" | tr "./ " "__+") fi mkdir -p "${coverdir}/${prefix_normalized}" echo -n "-coverprofile=${coverdir}/${prefix_normalized}/${pkgs_normalized}.coverprofile" } function not_test_packages { for m in $(modules); do if [[ $m =~ .*/etcd/tests/v3 ]]; then continue; fi if [[ $m =~ .*/etcd/v3 ]]; then continue; fi echo "${m}/..." done } # split_dir [dir] [num] function split_dir { local d="${1}" local num="${2}" local i=0 for f in "${d}/"*; do local g=$(( "${i}" % "${num}" )) mkdir -p "${d}_${g}" mv "${f}" "${d}_${g}/" (( i++ )) done } function split_dir_pass { split_dir ./covdir/integration 4 } # merge_cov_files [coverdir] [outfile] # merges all coverprofile files into a single file in the given directory. function merge_cov_files { local coverdir="${1}" local cover_out_file="${2}" log_callout "Merging coverage results in: ${coverdir}" # gocovmerge requires not-empty test to start with: echo "mode: set" > "${cover_out_file}" local i=0 local count count=$(find "${coverdir}"/*.coverprofile | wc -l) for f in "${coverdir}"/*.coverprofile; do # print once per 20 files if ! (( "${i}" % 20 )); then log_callout "${i} of ${count}: Merging file: ${f}" fi run_go_tool "github.com/gyuho/gocovmerge" "${f}" "${cover_out_file}" > "${coverdir}/cover.tmp" 2>/dev/null if [ -s "${coverdir}"/cover.tmp ]; then mv "${coverdir}/cover.tmp" "${cover_out_file}" fi (( i++ )) done } # merge_cov [coverdir] function merge_cov { log_callout "[$(date)] Merging coverage files ..." coverdir="${1}" for d in "${coverdir}"/*/; do d=${d%*/} # remove the trailing "/" merge_cov_files "${d}" "${d}.coverprofile" & done wait merge_cov_files "${coverdir}" "${coverdir}/all.coverprofile" } function cov_pass { # shellcheck disable=SC2153 if [ -z "$COVERDIR" ]; then log_error "COVERDIR undeclared" return 255 fi if [ ! -f "bin/etcd_test" ]; then log_error "etcd_test binary not found. Call: PASSES='build_cov' ./test" return 255 fi local coverdir coverdir=$(readlink -f "${COVERDIR}") mkdir -p "${coverdir}" find "${coverdir}" -print0 -name '*.coverprofile' | xargs -0 rm local covpkgs covpkgs=$(not_test_packages) local coverpkg_comma coverpkg_comma=$(echo "${covpkgs[@]}" | xargs | tr ' ' ',') local gocov_build_flags=("-covermode=set" "-coverpkg=$coverpkg_comma") local failed="" log_callout "[$(date)] Collecting coverage from unit tests ..." for m in $(module_dirs); do GOLANG_TEST_SHORT=true run_for_module "${m}" go_test "./..." "parallel" "pkg_to_coverprofileflag unit_${m}" -short -timeout=30m \ "${gocov_build_flags[@]}" "$@" || failed="$failed unit" done log_callout "[$(date)] Collecting coverage from integration tests ..." run_for_module "tests" go_test "./integration/..." "parallel" "pkg_to_coverprofileflag integration" \ -timeout=30m "${gocov_build_flags[@]}" "$@" || failed="$failed integration" # integration-store-v2 run_for_module "tests" go_test "./integration/v2store/..." "keep_going" "pkg_to_coverprofileflag store_v2" \ -tags v2v3 -timeout=5m "${gocov_build_flags[@]}" "$@" || failed="$failed integration_v2v3" # integration_cluster_proxy run_for_module "tests" go_test "./integration/..." "parallel" "pkg_to_coverprofileflag integration_cluster_proxy" \ -tags cluster_proxy -timeout=5m "${gocov_build_flags[@]}" || failed="$failed integration_cluster_proxy" log_callout "[$(date)] Collecting coverage from e2e tests ..." # We don't pass 'gocov_build_flags' nor 'pkg_to_coverprofileflag' here, # as the coverage is collected from the ./bin/etcd_test & ./bin/etcdctl_test internally spawned. mkdir -p "${coverdir}/e2e" COVERDIR="${coverdir}/e2e" run_for_module "tests" go_test "./e2e/..." "keep_going" : -tags=cov -timeout 30m "$@" || failed="$failed tests_e2e" split_dir "${coverdir}/e2e" 10 log_callout "[$(date)] Collecting coverage from e2e tests with proxy ..." mkdir -p "${coverdir}/e2e_proxy" COVERDIR="${coverdir}/e2e_proxy" run_for_module "tests" go_test "./e2e/..." "keep_going" : -tags="cov cluster_proxy" -timeout 30m "$@" || failed="$failed tests_e2e_proxy" split_dir "${coverdir}/e2e_proxy" 10 local cover_out_file="${coverdir}/all.coverprofile" merge_cov "${coverdir}" # strip out generated files (using GNU-style sed) sed --in-place -E "/[.]pb[.](gw[.])?go/d" "${cover_out_file}" || true sed --in-place -E "s|go.etcd.io/etcd/api/v3/|api/|g" "${cover_out_file}" || true sed --in-place -E "s|go.etcd.io/etcd/client/v3/|client/v3/|g" "${cover_out_file}" || true sed --in-place -E "s|go.etcd.io/etcd/client/v2/|client/v2/|g" "${cover_out_file}" || true sed --in-place -E "s|go.etcd.io/etcd/client/pkg/v3|client/pkg/v3/|g" "${cover_out_file}" || true sed --in-place -E "s|go.etcd.io/etcd/etcdctl/v3/|etcdctl/|g" "${cover_out_file}" || true sed --in-place -E "s|go.etcd.io/etcd/pkg/v3/|pkg/|g" "${cover_out_file}" || true sed --in-place -E "s|go.etcd.io/etcd/raft/v3/|raft/|g" "${cover_out_file}" || true sed --in-place -E "s|go.etcd.io/etcd/server/v3/|server/|g" "${cover_out_file}" || true # held failures to generate the full coverage file, now fail if [ -n "$failed" ]; then for f in $failed; do log_error "--- FAIL:" "$f" done log_warning "Despite failures, you can see partial report:" log_warning " go tool cover -html ${cover_out_file}" return 255 fi log_success "done :) [see report: go tool cover -html ${cover_out_file}]" } ######### Code formatting checkers ############################################# function fmt_pass { toggle_failpoints disable # TODO: add "unparam","staticcheck", "unconvert", "ineffasign","nakedret" # after resolving ore-existing errors. # markdown_you - too sensitive check was temporarilly disbled. for p in shellcheck \ goword \ gofmt \ govet \ revive \ license_header \ receiver_name \ mod_tidy \ dep \ shellcheck \ shellws \ ; do run_pass "${p}" "${@}" done } function shellcheck_pass { if tool_exists "shellcheck" "https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck#installing"; then generic_checker run shellcheck -fgcc build test scripts/*.sh ./*.sh fi } function shellws_pass { TAB=$'\t' log_callout "Ensuring no tab-based indention in shell scripts" local files files=$(find ./ -name '*.sh' -print0 | xargs -0 ) # shellcheck disable=SC2206 files=( ${files[@]} "./scripts/build-binary" "./scripts/build-docker" "./scripts/release" ) log_cmd "grep -E -n $'^ *${TAB}' ${files[*]}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if grep -E -n $'^ *${TAB}' "${files[@]}" | sed $'s|${TAB}|[\\\\tab]|g'; then log_error "FAIL: found tab-based indention in bash scripts. Use ' ' (double space)." local files_with_tabs files_with_tabs=$(grep -E -l $'^ *\\t' "${files[@]}") log_warning "Try: sed -i 's|\\t| |g' $files_with_tabs" return 1 else log_success "SUCCESS: no tabulators found." return 0 fi } function markdown_you_find_eschew_you { local find_you_cmd="find . -name \\*.md ! -path '*/vendor/*' ! -path './Documentation/*' ! -path './gopath.proto/*' ! -path './release/*' -exec grep -E --color '[Yy]ou[r]?[ '\\''.,;]' {} + || true" run eval "${find_you_cmd}" } function markdown_you_pass { generic_checker markdown_you_find_eschew_you } function markdown_marker_pass { # TODO: check other markdown files when marker handles headers with '[]' if tool_exists "marker" "https://crates.io/crates/marker"; then generic_checker run marker --skip-http --root ./Documentation 2>&1 fi } function govet_pass { run_for_modules generic_checker run go vet } function govet_shadow_pass { local shadow shadow=$(tool_get_bin "golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/shadow/cmd/shadow") run_for_modules generic_checker run go vet -all -vettool="${shadow}" } function unparam_pass { run_for_modules generic_checker run_go_tool "mvdan.cc/unparam" } function staticcheck_pass { run_for_modules generic_checker run_go_tool "honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck" } function revive_pass { run_for_modules generic_checker run_go_tool "github.com/mgechev/revive" -config "${ETCD_ROOT_DIR}/tests/revive.toml" -exclude "vendor/..." } function unconvert_pass { run_for_modules generic_checker run_go_tool "github.com/mdempsky/unconvert" unconvert -v } function ineffassign_per_package { # bash 3.x compatible replacement of: mapfile -t gofiles < <(go_srcs_in_module "$1") local gofiles=() while IFS= read -r line; do gofiles+=("$line"); done < <(go_srcs_in_module "$1") run_go_tool github.com/gordonklaus/ineffassign "${gofiles[@]}" } function ineffassign_pass { run_for_modules generic_checker ineffassign_per_package } function nakedret_pass { run_for_modules generic_checker run_go_tool "github.com/alexkohler/nakedret" } function license_header_pass { # bash 3.x compatible replacement of: mapfile -t gofiles < <(go_srcs_in_module "$1") local gofiles=() while IFS= read -r line; do gofiles+=("$line"); done < <(go_srcs_in_module "$1") for file in "${gofiles[@]}"; do if ! head -n3 "${file}" | grep -Eq "(Copyright|generated|GENERATED)" ; then licRes="${licRes}"$(echo -e " ${file}") fi done if [ -n "${licRes}" ]; then log_error -e "license header checking failed:\\n${licRes}" return 255 fi } function receiver_name_for_package { # bash 3.x compatible replacement of: mapfile -t gofiles < <(go_srcs_in_module "$1") local gofiles=() while IFS= read -r line; do gofiles+=("$line"); done < <(go_srcs_in_module "$1") recvs=$(grep 'func ([^*]' "${gofiles[@]}" | tr ':' ' ' | \ awk ' { print $2" "$3" "$4" "$1 }' | sed "s/[a-zA-Z\\.]*go//g" | sort | uniq | \ grep -Ev "(Descriptor|Proto|_)" | awk ' { print $3" "$4 } ' | sort | uniq -c | grep -v ' 1 ' | awk ' { print $2 } ') if [ -n "${recvs}" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2206 recvs=($recvs) for recv in "${recvs[@]}"; do log_error "Mismatched receiver for $recv..." grep "$recv" "${gofiles[@]}" | grep 'func (' done return 255 fi } function receiver_name_pass { run_for_modules receiver_name_for_package } # goword_for_package package # checks spelling and comments in the 'package' in the current module # function goword_for_package { # bash 3.x compatible replacement of: mapfile -t gofiles < <(go_srcs_in_module "$1") local gofiles=() while IFS= read -r line; do gofiles+=("$line"); done < <(go_srcs_in_module "$1") local gowordRes # spellchecking can be enabled with GOBINARGS="--tags=spell" # but it requires heavy dependencies installation, like: # apt-get install libaspell-dev libhunspell-dev hunspell-en-us aspell-en # only check for broke exported godocs if gowordRes=$(run_go_tool "github.com/chzchzchz/goword" -use-spell=false "${gofiles[@]}" | grep godoc-export | sort); then log_error -e "goword checking failed:\\n${gowordRes}" return 255 fi if [ -n "$gowordRes" ]; then log_error -e "goword checking returned output:\\n${gowordRes}" return 255 fi } function goword_pass { run_for_modules goword_for_package || return 255 } function go_fmt_for_package { # We utilize 'go fmt' to find all files suitable for formatting, # but reuse full power gofmt to perform just RO check. go fmt -n "$1" | sed 's| -w | -d |g' | sh } function gofmt_pass { run_for_modules generic_checker go_fmt_for_package } function bom_pass { log_callout "Checking bill of materials..." # https://github.com/golang/go/commit/7c388cc89c76bc7167287fb488afcaf5a4aa12bf # shellcheck disable=SC2207 modules=($(modules_exp)) # Internally license-bill-of-materials tends to modify go.sum run cp go.sum go.sum.tmp || return 2 run cp go.mod go.mod.tmp || return 2 output=$(GOFLAGS=-mod=mod run_go_tool github.com/coreos/license-bill-of-materials \ --override-file ./bill-of-materials.override.json \ "${modules[@]}") code="$?" run cp go.sum.tmp go.sum || return 2 run cp go.mod.tmp go.mod || return 2 if [ "${code}" -ne 0 ] ; then log_error -e "license-bill-of-materials (code: ${code}) failed with:\\n${output}" return 255 else echo "${output}" > "bom-now.json.tmp" fi if ! diff ./bill-of-materials.json bom-now.json.tmp; then log_error "modularized licenses do not match given bill of materials" return 255 fi rm bom-now.json.tmp } ######## VARIOUS CHECKERS ###################################################### function dump_deps_of_module() { local module if ! module=$(run go list -m); then return 255 fi run go list -f "{{if not .Indirect}}{{if .Version}}{{.Path}},{{.Version}},${module}{{end}}{{end}}" -m all } # Checks whether dependencies are consistent across modules function dep_pass { local all_dependencies all_dependencies=$(run_for_modules dump_deps_of_module | sort) || return 2 local duplicates duplicates=$(echo "${all_dependencies}" | cut -d ',' -f 1,2 | sort | uniq | cut -d ',' -f 1 | sort | uniq -d) || return 2 for dup in ${duplicates}; do log_error "FAIL: inconsistent versions for depencency: ${dup}" echo "${all_dependencies}" | grep "${dup}" | sed "s|\\([^,]*\\),\\([^,]*\\),\\([^,]*\\)| - \\1@\\2 from: \\3|g" done if [[ -n "${duplicates}" ]]; then log_error "FAIL: inconsistent dependencies" return 2 else log_success "SUCCESS: dependencies are consistent across modules" fi } function release_pass { rm -f ./bin/etcd-last-release # to grab latest patch release; bump this up for every minor release UPGRADE_VER=$(git tag -l --sort=-version:refname "v3.4.*" | head -1) if [ -n "$MANUAL_VER" ]; then # in case, we need to test against different version UPGRADE_VER=$MANUAL_VER fi if [[ -z ${UPGRADE_VER} ]]; then UPGRADE_VER="v3.3.0" log_warning "fallback to" ${UPGRADE_VER} fi local file="etcd-$UPGRADE_VER-linux-$GOARCH.tar.gz" log_callout "Downloading $file" set +e curl --fail -L "https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/releases/download/$UPGRADE_VER/$file" -o "/tmp/$file" local result=$? set -e case $result in 0) ;; *) log_error "--- FAIL:" ${result} return $result ;; esac tar xzvf "/tmp/$file" -C /tmp/ --strip-components=1 mkdir -p ./bin mv /tmp/etcd ./bin/etcd-last-release } function mod_tidy_for_module { # Watch for upstream solution: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/27005 local tmpModDir tmpModDir=$(mktemp -d -t 'tmpModDir.XXXXXX') run cp "./go.mod" "${tmpModDir}" || return 2 # Guarantees keeping go.sum minimal # If this is causing too much problems, we should # stop controlling go.sum at all. rm go.sum run go mod tidy || return 2 set +e local tmpFileGoModInSync diff -C 5 "${tmpModDir}/go.mod" "./go.mod" tmpFileGoModInSync="$?" # Bring back initial state mv "${tmpModDir}/go.mod" "./go.mod" if [ "${tmpFileGoModInSync}" -ne 0 ]; then log_error "${PWD}/go.mod is not in sync with 'go mod tidy'" return 255 fi } function mod_tidy_pass { run_for_modules mod_tidy_for_module } ########### MAIN ############################################################### function run_pass { local pass="${1}" shift 1 log_callout -e "\\n'${pass}' started at $(date)" if "${pass}_pass" "$@" ; then log_success "'${pass}' completed at $(date)" else log_error "FAIL: '${pass}' failed at $(date)" exit 255 fi } log_callout "Starting at: $(date)" for pass in $PASSES; do run_pass "${pass}" "${@}" done log_success "SUCCESS"