/** * \file * * \copyright * Copyright (c) 2012-2022, OpenGeoSys Community (http://www.opengeosys.org) * Distributed under a Modified BSD License. * See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or * http://www.opengeosys.org/project/license */ #include "TimeLoop.h" #include "BaseLib/Error.h" #include "BaseLib/RunTime.h" #include "CoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme.h" #include "MathLib/LinAlg/LinAlg.h" #include "NumLib/ODESolver/ConvergenceCriterionPerComponent.h" #include "NumLib/ODESolver/PETScNonlinearSolver.h" #include "NumLib/ODESolver/TimeDiscretizedODESystem.h" #include "ProcessData.h" #include "ProcessLib/Output/CreateOutput.h" namespace { void setEquationSystem(NumLib::NonlinearSolverBase& nonlinear_solver, NumLib::EquationSystem& eq_sys, NumLib::ConvergenceCriterion& conv_crit, NumLib::NonlinearSolverTag nl_tag) { using Tag = NumLib::NonlinearSolverTag; switch (nl_tag) { case Tag::Picard: { using EqSys = NumLib::NonlinearSystem; auto& eq_sys_ = static_cast(eq_sys); if (auto* nl_solver = dynamic_cast*>( &nonlinear_solver); nl_solver != nullptr) { nl_solver->setEquationSystem(eq_sys_, conv_crit); } else { OGS_FATAL( "Could not cast nonlinear solver to Picard type solver."); } break; } case Tag::Newton: { using EqSys = NumLib::NonlinearSystem; auto& eq_sys_ = static_cast(eq_sys); if (auto* nl_solver = dynamic_cast*>( &nonlinear_solver); nl_solver != nullptr) { nl_solver->setEquationSystem(eq_sys_, conv_crit); } #ifdef USE_PETSC else if (auto* nl_solver = dynamic_cast( &nonlinear_solver); nl_solver != nullptr) { nl_solver->setEquationSystem(eq_sys_, conv_crit); } #endif // USE_PETSC else { OGS_FATAL( "Could not cast nonlinear solver to Newton type solver."); } break; } } } bool isMonolithicProcess(ProcessLib::ProcessData const& process_data) { return process_data.process.isMonolithicSchemeUsed(); } } // namespace namespace ProcessLib { void preTimestepForAllProcesses( double const t, double const dt, std::vector> const& per_process_data, std::vector const& _process_solutions) { for (auto& process_data : per_process_data) { auto const process_id = process_data->process_id; auto& pcs = process_data->process; pcs.preTimestep(_process_solutions, t, dt, process_id); } } void postTimestepForAllProcesses( double const t, double const dt, std::vector> const& per_process_data, std::vector const& process_solutions, std::vector const& process_solutions_prev, std::vector& xdot_vector_ids) { std::vector x_dots; x_dots.reserve(per_process_data.size()); xdot_vector_ids.resize(per_process_data.size()); std::size_t cnt = 0; for (auto& process_data : per_process_data) { auto const process_id = process_data->process_id; auto const& ode_sys = *process_data->tdisc_ode_sys; auto const& time_discretization = *process_data->time_disc; x_dots.emplace_back(&NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.getVector( ode_sys.getMatrixSpecifications(process_id), xdot_vector_ids[cnt])); cnt++; time_discretization.getXdot(*process_solutions[process_id], *process_solutions_prev[process_id], *x_dots[process_id]); } // All _per_process_data share the first process. bool const is_staggered_coupling = !isMonolithicProcess(*per_process_data[0]); for (auto& process_data : per_process_data) { auto const process_id = process_data->process_id; auto& pcs = process_data->process; if (is_staggered_coupling) { CoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme coupled_solutions( process_solutions); pcs.setCoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme(&coupled_solutions); } auto& x_dot = *x_dots[process_id]; pcs.computeSecondaryVariable(t, dt, process_solutions, x_dot, process_id); pcs.postTimestep(process_solutions, t, dt, process_id); } for (auto& x_dot : x_dots) { NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.releaseVector(*x_dot); } } template void setTimeDiscretizedODESystem( ProcessData& process_data, NumLib::ODESystem& ode_sys) { using Tag = NumLib::NonlinearSolverTag; // A concrete Picard solver using NonlinearSolverPicard = NumLib::NonlinearSolver; // A concrete Newton solver using NonlinearSolverNewton = NumLib::NonlinearSolver; if (dynamic_cast(&process_data.nonlinear_solver)) { // The Picard solver can also work with a Newton-ready ODE, // because the Newton ODESystem derives from the Picard ODESystem. // So no further checks are needed here. process_data.tdisc_ode_sys = std::make_unique< NumLib::TimeDiscretizedODESystem>( process_data.process_id, ode_sys, *process_data.time_disc); } // TODO (naumov) Provide a function to nonlinear_solver to distinguish the // types. Could be handy, because a nonlinear solver could handle both types // like PETScSNES. else if ((dynamic_cast( &process_data.nonlinear_solver) != nullptr) #ifdef USE_PETSC || (dynamic_cast( &process_data.nonlinear_solver) != nullptr) #endif // USE_PETSC ) { // The Newton-Raphson method needs a Newton-ready ODE. using ODENewton = NumLib::ODESystem; if (auto* ode_newton = dynamic_cast(&ode_sys)) { process_data.tdisc_ode_sys = std::make_unique< NumLib::TimeDiscretizedODESystem>( process_data.process_id, *ode_newton, *process_data.time_disc); } else { OGS_FATAL( "You are trying to solve a non-Newton-ready ODE with the" " Newton-Raphson method. Aborting"); } } else { OGS_FATAL("Encountered unknown nonlinear solver type. Aborting"); } } void setTimeDiscretizedODESystem(ProcessData& process_data) { setTimeDiscretizedODESystem(process_data, process_data.process); } std::pair, std::vector> setInitialConditions( double const t0, std::vector> const& per_process_data) { std::vector process_solutions; std::vector process_solutions_prev; for (auto& process_data : per_process_data) { auto const process_id = process_data->process_id; auto& ode_sys = *process_data->tdisc_ode_sys; // append a solution vector of suitable size process_solutions.emplace_back( &NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.getVector( ode_sys.getMatrixSpecifications(process_id))); process_solutions_prev.emplace_back( &NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.getVector( ode_sys.getMatrixSpecifications(process_id))); } for (auto& process_data : per_process_data) { auto& pcs = process_data->process; auto const process_id = process_data->process_id; pcs.setInitialConditions(process_solutions, process_solutions_prev, t0, process_id); auto& time_disc = *process_data->time_disc; time_disc.setInitialState(t0); // push IC } return {process_solutions, process_solutions_prev}; } void calculateNonEquilibriumInitialResiduum( std::vector> const& per_process_data, std::vector process_solutions, std::vector const& process_solutions_prev) { INFO("Calculate non-equilibrium initial residuum."); for (auto& process_data : per_process_data) { auto& ode_sys = *process_data->tdisc_ode_sys; auto& time_disc = *process_data->time_disc; auto& nonlinear_solver = process_data->nonlinear_solver; auto& conv_crit = *process_data->conv_crit; auto const nl_tag = process_data->nonlinear_solver_tag; setEquationSystem(nonlinear_solver, ode_sys, conv_crit, nl_tag); // dummy values to handle the time derivative terms more or less // correctly, i.e. to ignore them. double const t = 0; double const dt = 1; time_disc.nextTimestep(t, dt); nonlinear_solver.calculateNonEquilibriumInitialResiduum( process_solutions, process_solutions_prev, process_data->process_id); } } NumLib::NonlinearSolverStatus solveOneTimeStepOneProcess( std::vector& x, std::vector const& x_prev, std::size_t const timestep, double const t, double const delta_t, ProcessData const& process_data, Output& output_control, std::size_t& xdot_id) { auto& process = process_data.process; int const process_id = process_data.process_id; auto& time_disc = *process_data.time_disc; auto& conv_crit = *process_data.conv_crit; auto& ode_sys = *process_data.tdisc_ode_sys; auto& nonlinear_solver = process_data.nonlinear_solver; auto const nl_tag = process_data.nonlinear_solver_tag; setEquationSystem(nonlinear_solver, ode_sys, conv_crit, nl_tag); // Note: Order matters! // First advance to the next timestep, then set known solutions at that // time, afterwards pass the right solution vector and time to the // preTimestep() hook. time_disc.nextTimestep(t, delta_t); auto const post_iteration_callback = [&](int iteration, std::vector const& x) { output_control.doOutputNonlinearIteration(process, process_id, timestep, t, iteration, x); }; auto const nonlinear_solver_status = nonlinear_solver.solve(x, x_prev, post_iteration_callback, process_id); if (!nonlinear_solver_status.error_norms_met) { return nonlinear_solver_status; } GlobalVector& x_dot = NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.getVector( ode_sys.getMatrixSpecifications(process_id), xdot_id); time_disc.getXdot(*x[process_id], *x_prev[process_id], x_dot); process.postNonLinearSolver(*x[process_id], x_dot, t, delta_t, process_id); NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.releaseVector(x_dot); return nonlinear_solver_status; } TimeLoop::TimeLoop(std::unique_ptr&& output, std::vector>&& per_process_data, const int global_coupling_max_iterations, std::vector>&& global_coupling_conv_crit, const double start_time, const double end_time) : _output(std::move(output)), _per_process_data(std::move(per_process_data)), _start_time(start_time), _end_time(end_time), _global_coupling_max_iterations(global_coupling_max_iterations), _global_coupling_conv_crit(std::move(global_coupling_conv_crit)) { } void TimeLoop::setCoupledSolutions() { for (auto& process_data : _per_process_data) { auto const& x = *_process_solutions[process_data->process_id]; // Create a vector to store the solution of the last coupling iteration auto& x0 = NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.getVector(x); MathLib::LinAlg::copy(x, x0); // append a solution vector of suitable size _solutions_of_last_cpl_iteration.emplace_back(&x0); } } double TimeLoop::computeTimeStepping(const double prev_dt, double& t, std::size_t& accepted_steps, std::size_t& rejected_steps) { bool all_process_steps_accepted = true; // Get minimum time step size among step sizes of all processes. double dt = std::numeric_limits::max(); bool is_initial_step = false; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _per_process_data.size(); i++) { auto& ppd = *_per_process_data[i]; const auto& timestepper = ppd.timestepper; if (timestepper->getTimeStep().timeStepNumber() == 0) { is_initial_step = true; } auto& time_disc = ppd.time_disc; auto const& x = *_process_solutions[i]; auto const& x_prev = *_process_solutions_prev[i]; auto const& conv_crit = ppd.conv_crit; const MathLib::VecNormType norm_type = (conv_crit) ? conv_crit->getVectorNormType() : MathLib::VecNormType::NORM2; const double solution_error = (timestepper->isSolutionErrorComputationNeeded()) ? ((t == timestepper->begin()) ? 0. // Always accepts the zeroth step : time_disc->computeRelativeChangeFromPreviousTimestep( x, x_prev, norm_type)) : 0.; if (!ppd.nonlinear_solver_status.error_norms_met) { timestepper->setAcceptedOrNot(false); } else { timestepper->setAcceptedOrNot(true); } auto [step_accepted, timestepper_dt] = timestepper->next( solution_error, ppd.nonlinear_solver_status.number_iterations); if (!step_accepted && // In case of FixedTimeStepping, which makes timestepper->next(...) // return false when the ending time is reached. t + std::numeric_limits::epsilon() < timestepper->end()) { // Not all processes have accepted steps. all_process_steps_accepted = false; } if (!ppd.nonlinear_solver_status.error_norms_met) { WARN( "Time step will be rejected due to nonlinear solver " "divergence."); all_process_steps_accepted = false; } if (timestepper_dt > std::numeric_limits::epsilon() || std::abs(t - timestepper->end()) < std::numeric_limits::epsilon()) { dt = std::min(timestepper_dt, dt); } } if (all_process_steps_accepted) { _repeating_times_of_rejected_step = 0; } else { _repeating_times_of_rejected_step++; } if (!is_initial_step) { if (all_process_steps_accepted) { accepted_steps++; _last_step_rejected = false; } else { if (t < _end_time || std::abs(t - _end_time) < std::numeric_limits::epsilon()) { t -= prev_dt; rejected_steps++; _last_step_rejected = true; } } } // Adjust step size if t < _end_time, while t+dt exceeds the end time if (t < _end_time && t + dt > _end_time) { dt = _end_time - t; } dt = NumLib::possiblyClampDtToNextFixedTime(t, dt, _output->getFixedOutputTimes()); // Check whether the time stepping is stabilized if (std::abs(dt - prev_dt) < std::numeric_limits::epsilon()) { if (_last_step_rejected) { OGS_FATAL( "The new step size of {:g} is the same as that of the previous " "rejected time step. \nPlease re-run ogs with a proper " "adjustment in the numerical settings, \ne.g those for time " "stepper, local or global non-linear solver.", dt); } else { DBUG("The time stepping is stabilized with the step size of {:g}.", dt); } } // Reset the time step with the minimum step size, dt // Update the solution of the previous time step. for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _per_process_data.size(); i++) { const auto& ppd = *_per_process_data[i]; auto& timestepper = ppd.timestepper; if (all_process_steps_accepted) { timestepper->resetCurrentTimeStep(dt); } if (t == timestepper->begin()) { continue; } auto& x = *_process_solutions[i]; auto& x_prev = *_process_solutions_prev[i]; if (all_process_steps_accepted) { MathLib::LinAlg::copy(x, x_prev); // pushState } else { if (t < _end_time || std::abs(t - _end_time) < std::numeric_limits::epsilon()) { WARN( "Time step {:d} was rejected {:d} times and it will be " "repeated with a reduced step size.", accepted_steps + 1, _repeating_times_of_rejected_step); MathLib::LinAlg::copy(x_prev, x); // popState } } } return dt; } /// initialize output, convergence criterion, etc. void TimeLoop::initialize() { for (auto& process_data : _per_process_data) { auto& pcs = process_data->process; int const process_id = process_data->process_id; _output->addProcess(pcs); setTimeDiscretizedODESystem(*process_data); if (auto* conv_crit = dynamic_cast( process_data->conv_crit.get())) { conv_crit->setDOFTable(pcs.getDOFTable(process_id), pcs.getMesh()); } } // initial solution storage std::tie(_process_solutions, _process_solutions_prev) = setInitialConditions(_start_time, _per_process_data); // All _per_process_data share the first process. bool const is_staggered_coupling = !isMonolithicProcess(*_per_process_data[0]); if (is_staggered_coupling) { setCoupledSolutions(); } // Output initial conditions { const bool output_initial_condition = true; outputSolutions(output_initial_condition, 0, _start_time, *_output, &Output::doOutput); } } /* * TODO: * Now we have a structure inside the time loop which is very similar to the * nonlinear solver. And admittedly, the control flow inside the nonlinear * solver is rather complicated. Maybe in the future one can introduce an * abstraction that can do both the convergence checks of the coupling loop and * of the nonlinear solver. */ bool TimeLoop::loop() { // All _per_process_data share the first process. bool const is_staggered_coupling = !isMonolithicProcess(*_per_process_data[0]); bool non_equilibrium_initial_residuum_computed = false; double t = _start_time; std::size_t accepted_steps = 0; std::size_t rejected_steps = 0; NumLib::NonlinearSolverStatus nonlinear_solver_status; double dt = computeTimeStepping(0.0, t, accepted_steps, rejected_steps); while (t < _end_time) { BaseLib::RunTime time_timestep; time_timestep.start(); t += dt; const double prev_dt = dt; const std::size_t timesteps = accepted_steps + 1; // TODO(wenqing): , input option for time unit. INFO( "=== Time stepping at step #{:d} and time {:g} with step size {:g}", timesteps, t, dt); // Check element deactivation: for (auto& process_data : _per_process_data) { process_data->process.updateDeactivatedSubdomains( t, process_data->process_id); } if (!non_equilibrium_initial_residuum_computed) { calculateNonEquilibriumInitialResiduum( _per_process_data, _process_solutions, _process_solutions_prev); non_equilibrium_initial_residuum_computed = true; } preTimestepForAllProcesses(t, dt, _per_process_data, _process_solutions); if (is_staggered_coupling) { nonlinear_solver_status = solveCoupledEquationSystemsByStaggeredScheme(t, dt, timesteps); } else { nonlinear_solver_status = solveUncoupledEquationSystems(t, dt, timesteps); } // Run post time step only if the last iteration was successful. // Otherwise it runs the risks to get the same errors as in the last // iteration, an exception thrown in assembly, for example. if (nonlinear_solver_status.error_norms_met) { postTimestepForAllProcesses( t, dt, _per_process_data, _process_solutions, _process_solutions_prev, _xdot_vector_ids); } INFO("[time] Time step #{:d} took {:g} s.", timesteps, time_timestep.elapsed()); double const current_time = t; // _last_step_rejected is also checked in computeTimeStepping. dt = computeTimeStepping(prev_dt, t, accepted_steps, rejected_steps); if (!_last_step_rejected) { const bool output_initial_condition = false; outputSolutions(output_initial_condition, timesteps, current_time, *_output, &Output::doOutput); } if (std::abs(t - _end_time) < std::numeric_limits::epsilon() || t + dt > _end_time) { break; } if (dt < std::numeric_limits::epsilon()) { WARN( "Time step size of {:g} is too small.\n" "Time stepping stops at step {:d} and at time of {:g}.", dt, timesteps, t); break; } } INFO( "The whole computation of the time stepping took {:d} steps, in which\n" "\t the accepted steps are {:d}, and the rejected steps are {:d}.\n", accepted_steps + rejected_steps, accepted_steps, rejected_steps); // output last time step if (nonlinear_solver_status.error_norms_met) { const bool output_initial_condition = false; outputSolutions(output_initial_condition, accepted_steps + rejected_steps, t, *_output, &Output::doOutputLastTimestep); } return nonlinear_solver_status.error_norms_met; } static NumLib::NonlinearSolverStatus solveMonolithicProcess( const double t, const double dt, const std::size_t timestep_id, ProcessData const& process_data, std::vector& x, std::vector const& x_prev, Output& output, std::size_t& xdot_id) { BaseLib::RunTime time_timestep_process; time_timestep_process.start(); auto const nonlinear_solver_status = solveOneTimeStepOneProcess( x, x_prev, timestep_id, t, dt, process_data, output, xdot_id); INFO("[time] Solving process #{:d} took {:g} s in time step #{:d} ", process_data.process_id, time_timestep_process.elapsed(), timestep_id); return nonlinear_solver_status; } static constexpr std::string_view timestepper_cannot_reduce_dt = "Time stepper cannot reduce the time step size further."; NumLib::NonlinearSolverStatus TimeLoop::solveUncoupledEquationSystems( const double t, const double dt, const std::size_t timestep_id) { NumLib::NonlinearSolverStatus nonlinear_solver_status; _xdot_vector_ids.resize(_per_process_data.size()); std::size_t cnt = 0; for (auto& process_data : _per_process_data) { auto const process_id = process_data->process_id; nonlinear_solver_status = solveMonolithicProcess( t, dt, timestep_id, *process_data, _process_solutions, _process_solutions_prev, *_output, _xdot_vector_ids[cnt]); cnt++; process_data->nonlinear_solver_status = nonlinear_solver_status; if (!nonlinear_solver_status.error_norms_met) { ERR("The nonlinear solver failed in time step #{:d} at t = {:g} s " "for process #{:d}.", timestep_id, t, process_id); if (!process_data->timestepper->canReduceTimestepSize()) { // save unsuccessful solution _output->doOutputAlways( process_data->process, process_id, timestep_id, t, process_data->nonlinear_solver_status.number_iterations, _process_solutions); OGS_FATAL(timestepper_cannot_reduce_dt.data()); } return nonlinear_solver_status; } } return nonlinear_solver_status; } NumLib::NonlinearSolverStatus TimeLoop::solveCoupledEquationSystemsByStaggeredScheme( const double t, const double dt, const std::size_t timestep_id) { // Coupling iteration if (_global_coupling_max_iterations != 0) { // Set the flag of the first iteration be true. for (auto& conv_crit : _global_coupling_conv_crit) { conv_crit->preFirstIteration(); } } auto resetCouplingConvergenceCriteria = [&]() { for (auto& conv_crit : _global_coupling_conv_crit) { conv_crit->reset(); } }; NumLib::NonlinearSolverStatus nonlinear_solver_status{false, -1}; bool coupling_iteration_converged = true; for (int global_coupling_iteration = 0; global_coupling_iteration < _global_coupling_max_iterations; global_coupling_iteration++, resetCouplingConvergenceCriteria()) { // TODO(wenqing): use process name coupling_iteration_converged = true; _xdot_vector_ids.resize(_per_process_data.size()); std::size_t cnt = 0; for (auto& process_data : _per_process_data) { auto const process_id = process_data->process_id; BaseLib::RunTime time_timestep_process; time_timestep_process.start(); // The following setting of coupled_solutions can be removed only if // the CoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme and related functions are // removed totally from the computation of the secondary variable // and from post-time functions. CoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme coupled_solutions( _process_solutions); process_data->process.setCoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme( &coupled_solutions); nonlinear_solver_status = solveOneTimeStepOneProcess( _process_solutions, _process_solutions_prev, timestep_id, t, dt, *process_data, *_output, _xdot_vector_ids[cnt]); cnt++; process_data->nonlinear_solver_status = nonlinear_solver_status; INFO( "[time] Solving process #{:d} took {:g} s in time step #{:d} " "coupling iteration #{:d}", process_id, time_timestep_process.elapsed(), timestep_id, global_coupling_iteration); if (!nonlinear_solver_status.error_norms_met) { WARN( "The nonlinear solver failed in time step #{:d} at t = " "{:g} s for process #{:d}.", timestep_id, t, process_id); _last_step_rejected = true; return nonlinear_solver_status; } // Check the convergence of the coupling iteration auto& x = *_process_solutions[process_id]; auto& x_old = *_solutions_of_last_cpl_iteration[process_id]; if (global_coupling_iteration > 0) { MathLib::LinAlg::axpy(x_old, -1.0, x); // save dx to x_old INFO( "------- Checking convergence criterion for coupled " "solution of process #{:d} -------", process_id); _global_coupling_conv_crit[process_id]->checkDeltaX(x_old, x); coupling_iteration_converged = coupling_iteration_converged && _global_coupling_conv_crit[process_id]->isSatisfied(); } MathLib::LinAlg::copy(x, x_old); } // end of for (auto& process_data : _per_process_data) if (coupling_iteration_converged && global_coupling_iteration > 0) { break; } if (!nonlinear_solver_status.error_norms_met) { return nonlinear_solver_status; } } if (!coupling_iteration_converged) { WARN( "The coupling iterations reaches its maximum number in time step " "#{:d} at t = {:g} s", timestep_id, t); } { for (auto& process_data : _per_process_data) { auto& pcs = process_data->process; int const process_id = process_data->process_id; auto& ode_sys = *process_data->tdisc_ode_sys; pcs.solveReactionEquation(_process_solutions, _process_solutions_prev, t, dt, ode_sys, process_id); } } return nonlinear_solver_status; } template void TimeLoop::outputSolutions(bool const output_initial_condition, unsigned timestep, const double t, OutputClass& output_object, OutputClassMember output_class_member) const { // All _per_process_data share the first process. bool const is_staggered_coupling = !isMonolithicProcess(*_per_process_data[0]); for (auto& process_data : _per_process_data) { // If nonlinear solver diverged, the solution has already been // saved. if (!process_data->nonlinear_solver_status.error_norms_met) { continue; } auto const process_id = process_data->process_id; auto& pcs = process_data->process; if (!is_staggered_coupling && output_initial_condition) { auto const& ode_sys = *process_data->tdisc_ode_sys; // dummy value to handle the time derivative terms more or less // correctly, i.e. to ignore them. double const dt = 1; process_data->time_disc->nextTimestep(t, dt); auto& x_dot = NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.getVector( ode_sys.getMatrixSpecifications(process_id)); x_dot.setZero(); pcs.preTimestep(_process_solutions, _start_time, dt, process_id); // Update secondary variables, which might be uninitialized, before // output. pcs.computeSecondaryVariable(_start_time, dt, _process_solutions, x_dot, process_id); NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.releaseVector(x_dot); } if (is_staggered_coupling && output_initial_condition) { CoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme coupled_solutions( _process_solutions); process_data->process.setCoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme( &coupled_solutions); process_data->process .setCoupledTermForTheStaggeredSchemeToLocalAssemblers( process_id); auto const& ode_sys = *process_data->tdisc_ode_sys; // dummy value to handle the time derivative terms more or less // correctly, i.e. to ignore them. double const dt = 1; process_data->time_disc->nextTimestep(t, dt); auto& x_dot = NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.getVector( ode_sys.getMatrixSpecifications(process_id)); x_dot.setZero(); pcs.preTimestep(_process_solutions, _start_time, dt, process_id); // Update secondary variables, which might be uninitialized, before // output. pcs.computeSecondaryVariable(_start_time, dt, _process_solutions, x_dot, process_id); NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.releaseVector(x_dot); } (output_object.*output_class_member)( pcs, process_id, timestep, t, process_data->nonlinear_solver_status.number_iterations, _process_solutions); } } TimeLoop::~TimeLoop() { for (auto* x : _process_solutions) { NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.releaseVector(*x); } for (auto* x : _process_solutions_prev) { NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.releaseVector(*x); } for (auto* x : _solutions_of_last_cpl_iteration) { NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.releaseVector(*x); } } } // namespace ProcessLib