Tip revision: 0c820068458bd9249785c704716acfd1a9301f1c authored by gabrielle9 on 01 August 2022, 23:54:06 UTC
Tip revision: 0c82006
from supervenn import supervenn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sb
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
import pandas as pd
def supervenn_comps(conn_df, clock_df, body_ids, direction, file_name, weighted = False, annot_width = 1):
Using the supervenn library, generates and saves out .png and .svg formats of the overlap similarity diagrams
:param conn_df: Any connections dataframe that includes all relevant connections, weight cutoff already done
:param clock_df: Clock dataframe
:param body_ids: BodyIds of neurons in figure
:param direction: (string) specified connection direction to run:
'in' for inputs to clock neurons from anything else,
'out' for outputs from clock neurons to anything else.
:param file_name: Name of neuron group to be used for file naming
:param weighted: Whether generated figure visually represent weights of each connection
:param annot_width: Minimum weight for an annotation to be written
if direction == "out":
clock_col = 'bodyId_pre'
partner_col = 'bodyId_post'
elif direction == "in":
clock_col = 'bodyId_post'
partner_col = 'bodyId_pre'
sets = []
# Generate sets of inputs/targets for each neuron, adding indexes to create multiples if weighted = True
if weighted:
for id in body_ids:
df = conn_df.loc[conn_df[clock_col] == id, [partner_col, 'weight']]
list_s = df.apply(lambda row: [str(row['bodyId_post']) + '_' + str(x) for x in range(row['weight'])],
sets.append(set([item for sublist in list_s for item in sublist]))
for s in body_ids:
sets.append(set(conn_df.loc[conn_df[clock_col] == s, partner_col]))
# Generate figure and label
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
labels = clock_df.loc[clock_df['bodyId'].isin(body_ids), 'labels'].reset_index()['labels']
supervenn(sets, labels, side_plots='right', chunks_ordering='minimize gaps', min_width_for_annotation = annot_width)
if direction == "out":
d = 'target'
elif direction == "in":
d = 'input'
plt.xlabel('# of ' + d + ' neurons')
plt.ylabel(file_name + 's')
plt.title('overlap of ' + file_name + ' ' + d + 's')
def jaccard_vis(conn_df, clock_df, clock_ids, direction, other_body_ids = None, diag_mask=False):
Calculates jaccard values and visualizes as a heatmap
:param conn_df: Any connections dataframe that includes all relevant connections, weight cutoff already done
:param clock_df: Clock dataframe
:param clock_ids: The body ids of clock neurons in this jaccard visualization
:param direction: (string) specified connection direction to run:
'in' for inputs to clock neurons from anything else,
'out' for outputs from clock neurons to anything else.
:param other_body_ids: Any other body ids, clock not included
:return: (Matrix) of jaccard similarity values
# Retrieve descriptive names
clock_ids = pd.Series(clock_ids)
clock_names = clock_df.loc[clock_df['bodyId'].isin(clock_ids)]['labels']
all_names = clock_names.append(other_body_ids)
# If no second set of body ids is provide, assume the first set of ids is compared to itself
if other_body_ids is None:
all_ids = clock_ids
other_body_ids = all_ids
other_names = clock_names
all_ids = clock_ids.append(pd.Series(other_body_ids))
other_names = pd.Series(other_body_ids)
# Supply correct columns for data retrieval
if direction == "out":
clock_col = 'bodyId_pre'
partner_col = 'bodyId_post'
elif direction == "in":
clock_col = 'bodyId_post'
partner_col = 'bodyId_pre'
# Create and fill in matrix of jaccard values between ids
jaccard_AB = np.zeros((len(other_body_ids), len(all_ids)))
i_ind = 0
j_ind = 0
for i in other_body_ids:
setA = set(conn_df.loc[conn_df[clock_col] == i, partner_col])
for j in all_ids:
setB = set(conn_df.loc[conn_df[clock_col] == j, partner_col])
setAuB = setA.union(setB)
setAiB = setA.intersection(setB)
jaccard_AB[i_ind, j_ind] = len(setAiB) / len(setAuB)
j_ind += 1
i_ind += 1
j_ind = 0
# Jaccard figure
fig = figure(figsize=(len(all_ids), len(other_body_ids)), dpi=80)
if diag_mask==True:
mask = np.zeros_like(jaccard_AB)
mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True
mask[np.diag_indices_from(mask)] = False
mask[jaccard_AB==0] = True
sb.heatmap(jaccard_AB, mask=mask, vmin=0, vmax=1, annot=True, fmt='.2f', xticklabels=all_names,
yticklabels=other_names, cmap=sb.light_palette("seagreen", as_cmap=True),
cbar_kws={'label': 'Jaccard index'})
sb.heatmap(jaccard_AB, vmin=0, vmax=1, annot=True, fmt='.2f', xticklabels=all_names,
yticklabels=other_names, cmap=sb.light_palette("seagreen", as_cmap=True),
cbar_kws={'label': 'Jaccard index'})
return(jaccard_AB, fig)
def jaccard_simple(x_ids, y_ids, direction, diag_mask=False):
Calculates jaccard values and visualizes as a heatmap
:param x_ids: The body ids of neurons to be shown on the x axis in this jaccard visualization
:param y_ids: The body ids of neurons to be shown on the y axis in this jaccard visualization
:param direction: (string) specified connection direction to run:
'in' for inputs to neurons from anything else,
'out' for outputs from neurons to anything else.
:return: (Matrix) of jaccard similarity values
from neuprint import fetch_simple_connections
all_ids = pd.concat([x_ids, y_ids])
# would be nice to get only unique all_ids
# Supply correct columns for data retrieval and fetch connections df
if direction == "out":
clock_col = 'bodyId_pre'
partner_col = 'bodyId_post'
conn_df = fetch_simple_connections(all_ids, None, min_weight=3)
elif direction == "in":
clock_col = 'bodyId_post'
partner_col = 'bodyId_pre'
conn_df = fetch_simple_connections(None, all_ids, min_weight=3)
# Create and fill in matrix of jaccard values between ids
jaccard_AB = np.zeros((len(y_ids), len(x_ids)))
i_ind = 0
j_ind = 0
for i in y_ids:
setA = set(conn_df.loc[conn_df[clock_col] == i, partner_col])
for j in x_ids:
setB = set(conn_df.loc[conn_df[clock_col] == j, partner_col])
setAuB = setA.union(setB)
setAiB = setA.intersection(setB)
jaccard_AB[i_ind, j_ind] = len(setAiB) / len(setAuB)
j_ind += 1
i_ind += 1
j_ind = 0
# Jaccard figure
fig = figure(figsize=(len(x_ids), len(y_ids)), dpi=80)
if diag_mask==True:
mask = np.zeros_like(jaccard_AB)
mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True
mask[np.diag_indices_from(mask)] = False
mask[jaccard_AB==0] = True
sb.heatmap(jaccard_AB, mask=mask, vmin=0, vmax=1, annot=True, fmt='.2f', xticklabels=x_ids,
yticklabels=y_ids, cmap=sb.light_palette("seagreen", as_cmap=True),
cbar_kws={'label': 'Jaccard index'})
sb.heatmap(jaccard_AB, vmin=0, vmax=1, annot=True, fmt='.2f', xticklabels=x_ids,
yticklabels=y_ids, cmap=sb.light_palette("seagreen", as_cmap=True),
cbar_kws={'label': 'Jaccard index'})
return(jaccard_AB, fig)
# clustering algorithm to put into jaccard_simple
# make a copy of jaccard_AB matrix and set diagonal to zeros = test_matrix
# make a copy of candidate_IDs = test_IDs
# make ordered_IDs empty list
# first bodyId in test_IDs will be first neuron on x and y axes. remove from test_IDs and put into ordered_IDs
# take first row of test_matrix and find max value
# use index of max value to get corresponding bodyId from candidate_IDs. remove from test_IDs and append to ordered_IDs.
# this bodyId will be the second neuron on x and y axes. move this row of test_matrix up to second row.
# find max value of 2nd row excluding max value from 1st column. repeat.