Raw File
\title{Plot a plotppm Object Created by plot.ppm}
  The function plot.ppm produces objects which specify plots
  of fitted point process models.  The function plot.plotppm
  carries out the actual plotting of these objects.
  \method{plot}{plotppm}(x, data = NULL, trend = TRUE, cif = TRUE, pause = interactive(),
             how = c("persp", "image", "contour"), ...)
    An object of class \code{plotppm} produced by
    The point pattern (an object of class \code{ppp})
    to which the point process model was fitted (by code{\link{ppm}()}).
    Logical scalar; should the trend component of
    the fitted model be plotted?
    Logical scalar; should the complete conditional
    intensity of the fitted model be plotted?
    Logical scalar indicating whether to pause with a prompt 
    after each plot. Set \code{pause=FALSE} if plotting to a file.
    Character string or character vector indicating the style or styles of
    plots to be performed.
    Extra arguments to the plotting functions
    \code{\link{persp}}, \code{\link{image}} and \code{\link{contour}}.
  If argument \code{data} is supplied then the point pattern will
  be superimposed on the image and contour plots.

  Sometimes a fitted model does not have a trend component, or the
  trend component may constitute all of the conditional intensity (if
  the model is Poisson).  In such cases the object \code{x} will not
  contain a trend component, or will contain only a trend component.
  This will also be the case if one of the arguments \code{trend}
  and \code{cif} was set equal to \code{FALSE} in the call to
  \code{plot.ppm()} which produced \code{x}.  If this is so then
  only the item which is present will be plotted.  Explicitly setting
  \code{trend=TRUE}, or \code{cif=TRUE}, respectively, will then give
  an error.

  Arguments which are passed to \code{persp}, \code{image}, and
  \code{contour} via the \dots argument get passed to any of the
  other functions listed in the \code{how} argument, and won't be
  recognized by them.  This leads to a lot of annoying but harmless
  warning messages.  Arguments to \code{persp} may be supplied via
  \code{\link{spatstat.options}()} which alleviates the warning
  messages in this instance.

\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner
\seealso{ \code{\link{plot.ppm}()} }
 Q <- quadscheme(cells)
 m <- ppm(Q, ~1, Strauss(0.05))
 mpic <- plot(m)
 # Perspective plot only, with altered parameters:
  plot(mpic,how="persp", theta=-30,phi=40,d=4)
 # All plots, with altered parameters for perspective plot:
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