\name{RMgenfbm} \alias{RMgenfbm} \title{Generalized Fractal Brownian Motion Variogram Model} \description{ \command{\link{RMgenfbm}} is an intrinsically stationary isotropic variogram model. The corresponding centered semi-variogram only depends on the distance \eqn{r \ge 0}{r \ge 0} between two points and is given by \deqn{\gamma(r) = (r^{\alpha}+1)^{\beta/\alpha}-1}{\gamma(r)=(r^{\alpha}+1)^{\beta/\alpha}-1} where \eqn{\alpha \in (0,2]}{0 < \alpha \le 2} and \eqn{\beta \in (0,2]}.\cr See also \command{\link{RMfbm}}. } \usage{ RMgenfbm(alpha, beta, var, scale, Aniso, proj) } \arguments{ \item{alpha}{a numerical value; should be in the interval (0,2].} \item{beta}{a numerical value; should be in the interval (0,2].} \item{var,scale,Aniso,proj}{optional arguments; same meaning for any \command{\link{RMmodel}}. If not passed, the above variogram remains unmodified.} } \details{ Here the variogram of \command{\link{RMfbm}} is modified by the transformation \eqn{(\gamma+1)^{\delta/-1}} on variograms \eqn{\gamma} for \eqn{delta \in (0,1]}. This original modification allows for further generalization, cf. \command{\link{RMbcw}}. } \value{ \command{\link{RMgenfbm}} returns an object of class \code{\link[=RMmodel-class]{RMmodel}} } \references{ \itemize{ \item Gneiting, T. (2002) Nonseparable, stationary covariance functions for space-time data, \emph{JASA} \bold{97}, 590-600. \item Schlather, M. (2010) On some covariance models based on normal scale mixtures. \emph{Bernoulli}, \bold{16}, 780-797. % \item Martin's Toledo-Chapter: Construction of covariance functions % and unconditional simulation of random fields, Application to variograms } } \author{Martin Schlather, \email{schlather@math.uni-mannheim.de} } \seealso{ \command{\link{RMbcw}} \command{\link{RMfbm}}, \command{\link{RMmodel}}, \command{\link{RMflatpower}}, \command{\link{RFsimulate}}, \command{\link{RFfit}}. } \keyword{spatial} \keyword{models} \examples{ RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set ## RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again model <- RMgenfbm(alpha=1, beta=0.5) x <- seq(0, 10, if (interactive()) 0.02 else 1) plot(model) plot(RFsimulate(model, x=x)) \dontshow{FinalizeExample()} }