import pytest # In case pytest-nunit is not installed, defines a dummy fixture try: import pytest_nunit except ModuleNotFoundError: @pytest.fixture def add_nunit_attachment(request): def noop(file, description): pass return noop # Command line options for pytest must be added from from where # `pytest` is called. def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption( "--internet-tests", action="store_true", default=False, help="Run tests that retrieve stuff from the internet. This increases test time.", ) def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items): run_internet = config.getoption("--internet-tests") skip_internet = pytest.mark.skip(reason="need --internet-tests option to run") for item in items: # All tests marked with `pytest.mark.internet` get skipped unless # `--run-internet` passed if not run_internet and ("internet" in item.keywords): item.add_marker(skip_internet) # These fixtures provide a per test new copy of pbmc3k with some preprocessing run on it, # without having to hit the disk or recompute normalization. # The private fixture creates the object while the public one returns a deep copy. @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def _pbmc3k_normalized(): import scanpy as sc pbmc = sc.datasets.pbmc3k() pbmc.X = pbmc.X.astype("float64") # For better accuracy sc.pp.filter_genes(pbmc, min_counts=1) sc.pp.log1p(pbmc) sc.pp.normalize_total(pbmc) sc.pp.highly_variable_genes(pbmc) return pbmc @pytest.fixture def pbmc3k_normalized(_pbmc3k_normalized): return _pbmc3k_normalized.copy()