******************** [0.3.2] - 2016-07-21 ******************** Feature release adding new import and export features to the API and CLI. - New ``TreeSequence.write_records`` and ``TreeSequence.write_mutations`` methods to serialise a tree sequence in a human readable text format. - New ``msprime.load_txt()`` method that parses the above formats, and allows msprime to read in data from external sources. - New ``TreeSequence.write_vcf`` method to write mutation information in VCF format. - Miscellaneous documentation fixes. ******************** [0.3.1] - 2016-06-24 ******************** Feature release adding population related methods to the API. - New ``TreeSequence.get_population(sample_id)`` method. - New ``TreeSequence.get_samples(population_id)`` method. - Added the optional ``samples`` argument to the ``TreeSequence.get_pairwise_diversity`` method. - Fixed a potential low-level buffer overrun problem. ******************** [0.3.0] - 2016-05-31 ******************** Bugfix release affecting all users of the Python API. Version 0.2.0 contained a confusing and inconsistent mix of times and rates being expressed in both coalescent units and generations. This release changes _all_ times and rates used when describing demographic models to generations, and also changes all population sizes to be absolute. In the interest of consistency, the units of the trees output by msprime are also changed to generations. This is a major breaking change, and will require updates to all scripts using the API. This release also include some performance improvements and additional functionality. Mspms users are not affected, other than benefiting from performance improvements. Breaking changes: - Time values are now rescaled into generations when a TreeSequence is created, and so all times associated with tree nodes are measured in generations. The time values in any existing HDF5 file will now be interpreted as being in generations, so stored simulations must be rerun. To minimise the chance of this happening silently, we have incremented the file format major version number, so that attempts to read older versions will fail. - Growth rate values for the PopulationConfiguration class are now per generation, and population sizes are absolute. These were in coalescent units and relative to Ne previously. - GrowthRateChangeEvents and SizeChangeEvents have been replaced with a single class, PopulationParametersChange. This new class takes an initial_size as the absolute population size, and growth_rate per generation. Since the change in units was a breaking one, potentially leading to subtle and confusing bugs, we decided that the name refactoring would at least ensure that users would need to be aware that the change had been made. This API should now be stable, and will not be changed again without an excellent reason. - MigrationRateChangeEvent has been renamed to MigrationRateChange and the migration rates are now per-generation. - MassMigrationEvent has been renamed to MassMigration, and the values of source and destination swapped, fixing the bug in issue #14. - The TreeSequence.records() method now returns an extra value, potentially breaking client code. Improvements: - Added tutorial for demographic events. - Added DemographyDebugger class to help view the changes in populations over time. - Added population tracking for coalescent events. We can now determine the population associated with every tree node. The relevant information has been added to the HDF5 file format. - Improved performance for replication by reusing the same low-level simulator instance. This leads to significant improvements for large numbers of replicates of small simulations. Issue #8. - Changed the TreeSequence.records() method to return named tuples. - Added get_total_branch_length method. Issue #12. - Fixed bug in reading Hapmap files. Issue #13. ******************** [0.2.0] - 2016-05-05 ******************** Major update release, adding significant new functionality to the Python API and several breaking changes. All code written for the 0.1.x API will be affected, unfortunately. Breaking changes: - Sample IDs are now zero indexed. In previous versions of msprime, the samples were numbered from 1 to n inclusive, which is not Pythonic. This change has been made to make the API more usable, but will cause issues for existing code. - There is now an Ne parameter to simulate(), and recombination, mutation and migration rates are now all per-generation. The keyword arguments have been changed to recombination_rate and mutation_rate, which should mean that silent errors will be avoided. All rates in existing code will need to be divided by 4 as a result of this. This change was made to make working with recombination maps and per generation recombination rates easier. - Msprime now uses continuous values to represent coordinates, and the num_loci parameter has been replaced with a new length parameter to simulate(). Internally, a discrete recombination model is still used, but by default the potential number of discrete sites is very large and effectively continuous. True discrete recombination models can still be specified by using the recombination_map argument to simulate. - The population_models argument to simulate() has been removed, and replaced with the population_configuration and demographic_events parameters. This was necessary to provide the full demographic model. - The HDF5 file format has been updated to accommodate the continuous coordinates, along with other minor changes. As a consequence, simulation results will be somewhat larger. Stored simulations will need to be re-run and saved. - Removed the random_seed key from the provenance JSON strings. - Removed the simulate_tree() function, as it seemed to offer little extra value. New features: - Simulation of variable recombination rates via arbitrary recombination maps. - Full support for population structure and demographic events. - API support for replication via the num_replicates argument to simulate(). - Fully reworked random generation mechanisms, so that in the nominal case a single instance of gsl_rng is used throughout the entire simulation session. - Addition of several miscellaneous methods to the TreeSequence API. - Added NULL_NODE constant to make tree traversals more readable. ********************* [0.1.10] - 2016-04-21 ********************* Bugfix release. Fixes serious issue affecting simulations with small sample sizes. https://github.com/jeromekelleher/msprime/issues/7 All users of mspms should update immediately and any analyses using a small sample size (< 10) with mutations should be repeated. Many thanks to Konrad Lohse for identifying the issue. ******************** [0.1.9] - 2016-04-01 ******************** Bugfix release. Fixes serious issue affecting random seeds in mspms. https://github.com/jeromekelleher/msprime/issues/6 All users of mspms should update immediately and any analyses using the ``-seeds`` option in mspms should be repeated. Many thanks to Derek Setter for identifying the issue. ******************** [0.1.8] - 2016-02-17 ******************** Transitional release providing population structure support for the ms-compatible command line interface. A considerable amount of low-level plumbing was required to provide the required flexibility. This is currently not visible from the high-level API, but will shortly be made available in the forthcoming 0.2.x series. The current implementation of migration should work well for small numbers of populations (e.g. < 10), but will not scale well for large numbers of populations. +++++++ Changes +++++++ - Added the -I, -m, -ma, -em, -eM, -ema, -eG, -eg, -eN, -en, -ej and -es options to mspms. These should provide full ms compatability, except for the -es option which is currently limited in scope. - Added some extra keys to the low-level configuration JSON in the HDF5 file format to describe the population structure. This will be documented in a future release. - Added a `get_pairwise_diversity` method to the TreeSequence class to efficiently calculate the population genetics statistic pi.