Raw File
Tip revision: a9e7a872d22a45dbd91bb00751d522812138eefd authored by Tom Walker on 08 February 2022, 15:18:56 UTC
Additional and revised analysis in response to author comments.
Tip revision: a9e7a87
#### Project: Lowland plant migrations alpine soil C loss
#### Title:   Function | Make response data for exploring soil C loss
#### Author:  Tom Walker (
#### Date:    31 May 2021
#### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

subset_field_plants <- function(field_data){
  ## Summarise soil data ----
  # unnest and delete high elevation control
  factorSoil <- field_data %>%
    # select nested variables
    select(site, treatments, soil_pools) %>%
    # unnest and ungroup
    unnest(cols = everything()) %>%
    ungroup %>%
    # select columns
    select(site, elevation:treatment, Csoil) %>%
    # filter for only low elevation site data
    filter(treatment != "C") %>%
    # make data frame
  # Calculate soil C loss by block
  soilCloss <- factorSoil %>%
    # arrange by block and group
    arrange(site, block, treatment) %>%
    # group by site and block, calculate response ratio
    group_by(site, block) %>%
    summarise(soilCloss = Csoil[1]/Csoil[2]) %>%
    select(site, block, soilCloss) %>%
  ## Summarise basic PCC data ----
  # Alpine control not important for this analysis - may even mask differences
  # between W and WL at low elevation (e.g. with ordinations). Removing.
  basicPCC <- field_data %>%
    # select wanted data
    select(treatments, group_cover, focal_cover, bkgnd_ra, all_cwm) %>%
    # filter all nested data frames for low elevation site only
    mutate(group_cover = map2(group_cover, treatments, ~filter(.x, .y$treatment != "C"))) %>%
    mutate(bkgnd_ra = map2(bkgnd_ra, treatments, ~filter(.x, .y$treatment != "C"))) %>%
    mutate(focal_cover = map2(focal_cover, treatments, ~filter(.x, .y$treatment != "C"))) %>%
    mutate(all_cwm = map2(all_cwm, treatments, ~filter(.x, .y$treatment != "C"))) %>%
    mutate(treatments = map(treatments, ~filter(.x, treatment != "C"))) %>%
    # do nmds on background relative abundance
    mutate(bkgnd_nmds = map(
        nmds <- metaMDS(x, k = 2, trymax = 100)
        out <-$points)
        colnames(out) <- c("bgPCC1", "bgPCC2")
    )) %>%
    # do PCA on CWM traits
    mutate(cwm_pca = map(
        # transform skewed variables
        xReady <- x %>%
          mutate(across(c(leaf_area, plant_height, seed_mass), log10))
        pca <- prcomp(x, scale = T, center = T)
        out <-$x[, 1:3])
        colnames(out) <- c("cwmPC1", "cwmPC2", "cwmPC3")
    )) %>%
    # select columns
    select(site, treatments, group_cover, bkgnd_nmds, focal_cover, all_cwm, cwm_pca)
  # Make long
  factorPCC <- basicPCC %>%
    # select nested variables
    select(site:group_cover, bkgnd_nmds, all_cwm, cwm_pca) %>%
    # unnest and ungroup
    unnest(cols = everything()) %>%
    ungroup %>%
    # add soil C and blocking effect
    mutate(Csoil = factorSoil$Csoil) %>%
    mutate(site_block = paste0(substr(site, 1, 1), block)) %>%
    # select columns and make data frame
    select(site, block, site_block, treatment, Csoil, vege_bio:cwmPC3) %>%
  # create focal biomass for adding to response data frame (below)
  focalBio <- factorPCC %>% 
    filter(treatment == "I") %>% 
    arrange(site, block) %>% 
  # calculate response ratios
  pccResponse <- factorPCC %>%
    # arrange by block and group
    arrange(site, site_block, block, treatment) %>%
    # group by site and block, calculate response ratio
    group_by(site, site_block, block) %>%
    summarise(across(c(-treatment, -focal_bio), function(x){x[1]/x[2]})) %>%
    # ungroup and add focal biomass
    ungroup %>%
    mutate(focal_bio = focalBio) %>%
    select(site:bkgnd_bio, focal_bio, bgPCC1:cwmPC3) %>%
  ## Build focal data ----
  # basic focal cover processing
  focals <- basicPCC %>%
    # select nested variables
    select(site, treatments, focal_cover) %>%
    # filter for WI treatment
    mutate(focals_wide = map2(
      treatments, focal_cover, 
      ~filter(.y, .x$treatment == "I") %>%
    )) %>%
    # add soil C data (simple for wide data)
    bind_cols(., soilCloss %>% group_by(site) %>% nest) %>%
    mutate(all_wide = map2(
      focals_wide, data, 
      ~bind_cols(.y, .x) %>%
    )) %>%
    # pivot longer to make long data
    mutate(all_long = map(
        c(-block, -soilCloss), 
        names_to = "species", 
        values_to = "cover") %>%
    )) %>%
    # subset columns
    select(site = `site...1`, all_wide, all_long)
  ## Output ----
  out <- list(
    plantsFull = factorPCC,
    plantsRR = pccResponse,
    focals = focals
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