Raw File
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## cilium-operator

Run the cilium-operator

### Synopsis

Run the cilium-operator

cilium-operator [flags]

### Options

      --api-server-port uint16                 Port on which the operator should serve API requests (default 9234)
      --aws-client-burst int                   Burst value allowed for the AWS client used by the AWS ENI IPAM (default 4)
      --aws-client-qps float                   Queries per second limit for the AWS client used by the AWS ENI IPAM (default 20)
      --aws-instance-limit-mapping map         Add or overwrite mappings of AWS instance limit in the form of {"AWS instance type": "Maximum Network Interfaces","IPv4 Addresses per Interface","IPv6 Addresses per Interface"}. cli example: --aws-instance-limit-mapping=a1.medium=2,4,4 --aws-instance-limit-mapping=a2.somecustomflavor=4,5,6 configmap example: {"a1.medium": "2,4,4", "a2.somecustomflavor": "4,5,6"} (default map[])
      --aws-release-excess-ips                 Enable releasing excess free IP addresses from AWS ENI.
      --ccnp-node-status-gc                    Enable CiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy Status garbage collection for nodes which have been removed from the cluster (default true)
      --cilium-endpoint-gc                     Enable CiliumEndpoint garbage collector (default true)
      --cilium-endpoint-gc-interval duration   GC interval for cilium endpoints (default 30m0s)
      --cluster-id int                         Unique identifier of the cluster
      --cluster-name string                    Name of the cluster (default "default")
      --cnp-node-status-gc                     Enable CiliumNetworkPolicy Status garbage collection for nodes which have been removed from the cluster (default true)
      --cnp-node-status-gc-interval duration   GC interval for nodes which have been removed from the cluster in CiliumNetworkPolicy Status (default 2m0s)
      --cnp-status-update-interval duration    interval between CNP status updates sent to the k8s-apiserver per-CNP (default 1s)
  -D, --debug                                  Enable debugging mode
      --enable-k8s-endpoint-slice              Enables k8s EndpointSlice feature into Cilium-Operator if the k8s cluster supports it (default true)
      --enable-metrics                         Enable Prometheus metrics
      --eni-parallel-workers int               Maximum number of parallel workers used by ENI allocator (default 50)
      --eni-tags map                           ENI tags in the form of k1=v1 (multiple k/v pairs can be passed by repeating the CLI flag) (default map[])
  -h, --help                                   help for cilium-operator
      --identity-allocation-mode string        Method to use for identity allocation (default "kvstore")
      --identity-gc-interval duration          GC interval for security identities (default 15m0s)
      --identity-heartbeat-timeout duration    Timeout after which identity expires on lack of heartbeat (default 15m0s)
      --ipam string                            Backend to use for IPAM
      --k8s-api-server string                  Kubernetes API server URL
      --k8s-client-burst int                   Burst value allowed for the K8s client
      --k8s-client-qps float32                 Queries per second limit for the K8s client
      --k8s-kubeconfig-path string             Absolute path of the kubernetes kubeconfig file
      --k8s-namespace string                   Name of the Kubernetes namespace in which Cilium Operator is deployed in
      --kvstore string                         Key-value store type
      --kvstore-opt map                        Key-value store options (default map[])
      --metrics-address string                 Address to serve Prometheus metrics (default ":6942")
      --nodes-gc-interval duration             GC interval for nodes store in the kvstore (default 2m0s)
      --synchronize-k8s-nodes                  Synchronize Kubernetes nodes to kvstore and perform CNP GC (default true)
      --synchronize-k8s-services               Synchronize Kubernetes services to kvstore (default true)
      --unmanaged-pod-watcher-interval int     Interval to check for unmanaged kube-dns pods (0 to disable) (default 15)
      --update-ec2-apdater-limit-via-api       Use the EC2 API to update the instance type to adapter limits
      --version                                Print version information

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