Raw File
bParaRead       = 0
bParaWrite      = 0
bPeriodic       = 0
nSteps          = 40000
dTheta          = 0.7
iStartStep      = 20000
achInFile       = run581.20000
achOutName      = run581
iLogInterval    = 1
iOutInterval    = 50
iCheckInterval  = 50
bGravStep       = 1
bEpsAccStep     = 0
dEta            = .02
#dEta            = 0.1
iMaxRung        = 29
dDelta          = 0.000005
bStandard       = 1
bDoDensity      = 0
dExtraStore     = 0.5
#director requirement
dDumpFrameStep  = 5
iDirector	= 1
#iOutInterval = how often to write the output in units of the timestep
#iMaxRung = magnitude of the timstepping division
#dEta=tolerance parameter for timestep
#dDelta = maximum timestep in the units chosen (G=1 always)
bLiveViz = 1
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