**PR type:** bugfix / enhancement / new feature / doc improvement **Related issue(s)/PRs:** ## Summary **Proposed changes** * ... * ... * ... **What alternatives have you considered?** ### Minimal working example ```python # Put your example code in here ``` ### Release notes **Fully backwards compatible:** yes / no **If not, why is it worth breaking backwards compatibility:** ## PR checklist - [ ] New features: code is well-documented - [ ] detailed docstrings (API documentation) - [ ] notebook examples (usage demonstration) - [ ] The bug case / new feature is covered by unit tests - [ ] Code has type annotations - [ ] Build checks - [ ] I ran the black+isort formatter (`make format`) - [ ] I locally tested that the tests pass (`make check-all`) - [ ] Release management - [ ] RELEASE.md updated with entry for this change - [ ] New contributors: I've added myself to CONTRIBUTORS.md