Tip revision: 885ab129b2402c353548bcfc51214f608f09bade authored by Loic Gouarin on 02 December 2022, 12:34:47 UTC
add fenics example and update environment.yml
add fenics example and update environment.yml
Tip revision: 885ab12
# Authors:
# Loic Gouarin <>
# Nicole Spillane <>
# License: BSD 3 clause
from __future__ import division, print_function
from six.moves import range
import sympy
from sympy import Rational as rat
x, y, z, hx, hy, hz = sympy.symbols('x, y, z, hx, hy, hz')
lamb, mu = sympy.symbols('lamb, mu')
basis_function = {2: # 2d
[ rat(1.)/(hx*hy)*(x - hx)*(y - hy), # ( 0, 0 )
-rat(1.)/(hx*hy)*x*(y - hy), # ( 0, hx)
rat(1.)/(hx*hy)*x*y, # (hx, hy)
-rat(1.)/(hx*hy)*(x - hx)*y], # ( 0, hy)
# 3d
3: [-rat(1.)/(hx*hy*hz)*(x - hx)*(y - hy)*(z - hz), # ( 0, 0, 0)
rat(1.)/(hx*hy*hz)*x*(y - hy)*(z - hz), # (hx, 0, 0)
-rat(1.)/(hx*hy*hz)*x*y*(z - hz), # (hx, hy, 0)
rat(1.)/(hx*hy*hz)*(x - hx)*y*(z - hz), # ( 0, hy, 0)
rat(1.)/(hx*hy*hz)*(x - hx)*(y - hy)*z, # ( 0, 0, hz)
-rat(1.)/(hx*hy*hz)*x*(y - hy)*z, # (hx, 0, hz)
rat(1.)/(hx*hy*hz)*x*y*z, # (hx, hy, hz)
-rat(1.)/(hx*hy*hz)*(x - hx)*y*z] # ( 0, hy, hz)
def getMatElemElasticity(dim=2):
eps_ii = lamb*sympy.ones(dim, dim) + 2*mu*sympy.eye(dim)
dimC = dim + 1 if dim==2 else 2*dim
C = sympy.zeros(dimC, dimC)
C[:dim, :dim] = eps_ii
if dim == 2:
C[-1, -1] = mu
elif dim == 3:
for i in range(1, dim+1):
C[-i, -i] = mu
phi = basis_function[dim]
B = sympy.zeros(C.shape[0], dim*len(phi))
deriv = [x, y, z]
for j in range(dim):
for i in range(len(phi)):
B[j, dim*i + j] = phi[i].diff(deriv[j])
if dim == 2:
for i in range(len(phi)):
B[-1, dim*i] = phi[i].diff(y)
B[-1, dim*i + 1] = phi[i].diff(x)
elif dim == 3:
for i in range(len(phi)):
B[-3, dim*i] = phi[i].diff(y)
B[-3, dim*i + 1] = phi[i].diff(x)
B[-2, dim*i] = phi[i].diff(z)
B[-2, dim*i + 2] = phi[i].diff(x)
B[-1, dim*i + 1] = phi[i].diff(z)
B[-1, dim*i + 2] = phi[i].diff(y)
A = B.T*C*B
output = sympy.zeros(dim*len(phi), dim*len(phi))
for i in range(A.shape[0]):
for j in range(A.shape[1]):
#A[i, j] = A[i, j].together().factor()
if dim == 2:
output[i, j] = sympy.integrate(A[i, j], (y, 0., hy), (x, 0., hx)).expand()
elif dim == 3:
output[i, j] = sympy.integrate(A[i, j], (z, 0., hz), (y, 0., hy), (x, 0., hx)).expand()
output[i, j].together().factor()
#return sympy.lambdify((hx, hy, hz, lamb, mu), output, "numpy")
return output
def getMatElemMass(dim=2):
phi = basis_function[dim]
phi_size = len(phi)
output = sympy.zeros(phi_size, phi_size)
for i in range(phi_size):
for j in range(phi_size):
if dim == 2:
output[i, j] = sympy.integrate(phi[i]*phi[j], (y, 0., hy), (x, 0., hx)).expand()
elif dim == 3:
output[i, j] = sympy.integrate(phi[i]*phi[j], (z, 0., hz), (y, 0., hy), (x, 0., hx)).expand()
output[i, j].together().factor()
return sympy.lambdify((hx, hy, hz), output, "numpy")
def write_function():
output_2d = getMatElemElasticity(2)
output_3d = getMatElemElasticity(3)
with open("matelem_cython.pyx", 'w') as f:
f.write("# cython: boundscheck = False\n")
f.write("# cython: wraparound = False\n")
f.write("# cython: cdivision = True\n")
f.write("import numpy as np\n")
f.write("def getMatElemElasticity_2d_nonconst(double hx, double hy, double[:] lamb, double[:] mu):\n")
f.write("\toutput = np.empty((lamb.size, {}, {}))\n".format(*output_2d.shape))
f.write("\t\tint ie\n")
f.write("\t\tint size = lamb.size\n")
f.write("\t\tdouble[:, :, ::1] vout = output\n")
f.write("\tfor ie in range(size):\n")
for i in range(output_2d.shape[0]):
for j in range(output_2d.shape[1]):
f.write("\t\tvout[ie, {}, {}] = ".format(i, j) + str(output_2d[i, j]).replace('lamb', 'lamb[ie]').replace('mu', 'mu[ie]') + "\n")
f.write("\treturn output\n\n")
f.write("def getMatElemElasticity_2d_const(double hx, double hy, double lamb, double mu):\n")
f.write("\toutput = np.empty(({}, {}))\n".format(*output_2d.shape))
f.write("\t\tdouble[:, ::1] vout = output\n")
for i in range(output_2d.shape[0]):
for j in range(output_2d.shape[1]):
f.write("\tvout[{}, {}] = ".format(i, j) + str(output_2d[i, j]) + "\n")
f.write("\treturn output\n\n")
f.write("def getMatElemElasticity_3d_nonconst(double hx, double hy, double hz, double[:] lamb, double[:] mu):\n")
f.write("\toutput = np.empty((lamb.size, {}, {}))\n".format(*output_3d.shape))
f.write("\t\tint ie\n")
f.write("\t\tint size = lamb.size\n")
f.write("\t\tdouble[:, :, ::1] vout = output\n")
f.write("\tfor ie in range(size):\n")
for i in range(output_3d.shape[0]):
for j in range(output_3d.shape[1]):
f.write("\t\tvout[ie, {}, {}] = ".format(i, j) + str(output_3d[i, j]).replace('lamb', 'lamb[ie]').replace('mu', 'mu[ie]') + "\n")
f.write("\treturn output\n\n")
f.write("def getMatElemElasticity_3d_const(double hx, double hy, double hz, double lamb, double mu):\n")
f.write("\toutput = np.empty(({}, {}))\n".format(*output_3d.shape))
f.write("\t\tdouble[:, ::1] vout = output\n")
for i in range(output_3d.shape[0]):
for j in range(output_3d.shape[1]):
f.write("\tvout[{}, {}] = ".format(i, j) + str(output_3d[i, j]) + "\n")
f.write("\treturn output\n\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import time
from sympy.utilities.autowrap import autowrap
from sympy.utilities.autowrap import ufuncify
# t1 = time.time()
# output = getMatElemElasticity(2)
# print(output)
# t2 = time.time()
# print("2d:", t2-t1)
# t1 = time.time()
# getMatElemElasticity(3)
# t2 = time.time()
# print("3d:", t2-t1)