(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* Copyright (c) 2021 Nomadic Labs *) (* Copyright (c) 2022 Trili Tech *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) open Protocol.Alpha_context let seconds_in_a_day = 60 * 60 * 24 let seconds_in_a_week = seconds_in_a_day * 7 let make_sc_rollup_parameter ~dal_activation_level ~dal_attested_slots_validity_lag block_time = (* Maximum number of outbox messages per level. WARNING: changing this value impacts the storage size a rollup has to pay for at origination time. *) let max_outbox_messages_per_level = 100 in (* The commitment period in blocks is about 15 minutes. *) let commitment_period_in_blocks = 60 * 15 / block_time in (* The challenge window is about two weeks. WARNING: changing this value also impacts [sc_rollup_max_active_outbox_levels]. See below. *) let challenge_window_in_blocks = seconds_in_a_week * 2 / block_time in (* Number of active levels kept for executing outbox messages. WARNING: Changing this value impacts the storage charge for applying messages from the outbox. It also requires migration for remapping existing active outbox levels to new indices. *) let max_active_outbox_levels = Int32.of_int challenge_window_in_blocks in (* The timeout period is about a week. It suffers from the same risk of censorship as {!sc_rollup_challenge_windows_in_blocks} so we use the same value. *) let timeout_period_in_blocks = seconds_in_a_week / block_time in (* We want to allow a max lookahead in blocks of 4 weeks, so the rollup can still move forward even if its impossible to cement commitments. As there is a challenge window of 2 weeks, and because the maximum duration of a game is 2 weeks, the hypothetical maximum time to cement a block is a month. Be careful, this constant has an impact of the maximum cost of a rollup on the storage: [maximum_cost_in_storage = (sc_rollup_max_lookahead_in_blocks / commitment_period) * max_commitment_storage_size_in_bytes * cost_per_byte] With the current values: [maximum_cost_in_storage = 348.3 tez] *) let max_lookahead_in_blocks = let seconds_in_a_month = Int32.of_int (seconds_in_a_day * 30) in let block_time = Int32.of_int block_time in Int32.div seconds_in_a_month block_time in Constants.Parametric. { arith_pvm_enable = false; (* The following value is chosen to prevent spam. *) origination_size = 6_314; challenge_window_in_blocks; commitment_period_in_blocks; stake_amount = Tez.of_mutez_exn 10_000_000_000L; max_lookahead_in_blocks; max_active_outbox_levels; max_outbox_messages_per_level; (* The default number of required sections in a dissection *) number_of_sections_in_dissection = 32; timeout_period_in_blocks; (* We store multiple cemented commitments because we want to allow the execution of outbox messages against cemented commitments that are older than the last cemented commitment. The execution of an outbox message is a manager operation, and manager operations are kept in the mempool for one hour. Hence we only need to ensure that an outbox message can be validated against a cemented commitment produced in the last hour. If we assume that the rollup is operating without issues, that is no commitments are being refuted and commitments are published and cemented regularly by one rollup node, we can expect commitments to be cemented approximately every 15 minutes, or equivalently we can expect 5 commitments to be published in one hour (at minutes 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60). Therefore, we need to keep 5 cemented commitments to guarantee that the execution of an outbox operation can always be validated against a cemented commitment while it is in the mempool. *) max_number_of_stored_cemented_commitments = 5; max_number_of_parallel_games = 32; reveal_activation_level = { raw_data = {blake2B = Raw_level.root}; metadata = Raw_level.root; dal_page = dal_activation_level; dal_parameters = dal_activation_level; dal_attested_slots_validity_lag; }; private_enable = true; riscv_pvm_enable = false; } let default_cryptobox_parameters = { Dal.page_size = 3967; slot_size = 126_944; redundancy_factor = 8; number_of_shards = 512; } let default_dal = Constants.Parametric. { feature_enable = true; incentives_enable = false; number_of_slots = 32; attestation_lag = 8; attestation_threshold = 66; cryptobox_parameters = default_cryptobox_parameters; } let constants_mainnet : Constants.Parametric.t = let block_time = 10 in let consensus_committee_size = 7000 in let Constants.Generated. { consensus_threshold; issuance_weights = { base_total_issued_per_minute; baking_reward_fixed_portion_weight; baking_reward_bonus_weight; attesting_reward_weight; seed_nonce_revelation_tip_weight; vdf_revelation_tip_weight; }; max_slashing_threshold; } = Constants.Generated.generate ~consensus_committee_size in let dal_activation_level = if default_dal.feature_enable then Raw_level.succ Raw_level.root else (* Deactivate the reveal if the dal is not enabled. *) (* https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/-/issues/5968 Encoding error with Raw_level We set the activation level to [pred max_int] to deactivate the feature. The [pred] is needed to not trigger an encoding exception with the value [Int32.int_min] (see tezt/tests/mockup.ml). *) Raw_level.of_int32_exn Int32.(pred max_int) in let dal_attested_slots_validity_lag = (* A rollup node shouldn't import a page of an attested slot whose attested level is too far in the past w.r.t. the current level. Importation window is fixed to 241_920 levels below. It is the number of blocks produced during 28 days (4 weeks) with a block time of 10 seconds. *) 241_920 in let sc_rollup = make_sc_rollup_parameter ~dal_activation_level ~dal_attested_slots_validity_lag block_time in { consensus_rights_delay = 2; blocks_preservation_cycles = 1; delegate_parameters_activation_delay = 5; blocks_per_cycle = 24576l; blocks_per_commitment = 192l; nonce_revelation_threshold = 768l; cycles_per_voting_period = 5l; hard_gas_limit_per_operation = Gas.Arith.(integral_of_int_exn 1_040_000); hard_gas_limit_per_block = Gas.Arith.(integral_of_int_exn 1_733_333); (* When reducing blocks time, consider adapting this constant so the block production's overhead is not too important. *) proof_of_work_threshold = Int64.(sub (shift_left 1L 48) 1L); minimal_stake = Tez.(mul_exn one 6_000); minimal_frozen_stake = Tez.(mul_exn one 600); (* VDF's difficulty must be a multiple of `nonce_revelation_threshold` times the block time. At the moment it is equal to 8B = 8000 * 5 * .2M with - 8000 ~= 768 * 10 that is nonce_revelation_threshold * block time - .2M ~= number of modular squaring per second on benchmark machine with 2.8GHz CPU - 5: security factor (strictly higher than the ratio between highest CPU clock rate and benchmark machine that is 8.43/2.8 ~= 3 *) vdf_difficulty = 8_000_000_000L; origination_size = 257; issuance_weights = { base_total_issued_per_minute; (* 80.007812 tez/minute *) baking_reward_fixed_portion_weight; (* 1/4th of total block rewards *) baking_reward_bonus_weight; (* all bonus rewards = fixed rewards *) attesting_reward_weight; (* all baking rewards = all attesting rewards *) seed_nonce_revelation_tip_weight; (* 1/20480 of block rewards *) vdf_revelation_tip_weight; (* 1/20480 of block rewards *) }; hard_storage_limit_per_operation = Z.of_int 60_000; cost_per_byte = Tez.of_mutez_exn 250L; quorum_min = 20_00l; quorum_max = 70_00l; min_proposal_quorum = 5_00l; liquidity_baking_subsidy = Tez.(mul_exn one 5); (* 1/2 window size of 2000 blocks with precision of 1_000_000 for integer computation *) liquidity_baking_toggle_ema_threshold = 1_000_000_000l; (* The rationale behind the value of this constant is that an operation should be considered alive for about one hour: minimal_block_delay * max_operations_time_to_live = 3600 The unit for this value is a block. *) max_operations_time_to_live = 360; minimal_block_delay = Period.of_seconds_exn (Int64.of_int block_time); delay_increment_per_round = Period.of_seconds_exn 5L; consensus_committee_size; consensus_threshold; (* 4667 slots *) minimal_participation_ratio = {numerator = 2; denominator = 3}; limit_of_delegation_over_baking = 9; percentage_of_frozen_deposits_slashed_per_double_baking = Protocol.Percentage.p5; percentage_of_frozen_deposits_slashed_per_double_attestation = Protocol.Percentage.p50; max_slashing_per_block = Protocol.Percentage.p100; max_slashing_threshold; (* The `testnet_dictator` should absolutely be None on mainnet *) testnet_dictator = None; initial_seed = None; (* A cache for contract source code and storage. Its size has been chosen not too exceed 100 000 000 bytes. *) cache_script_size = 100_000_000; (* A cache for the stake distribution for all cycles stored at any moment: consensus_rights_delay + max_slashing_period + 1 = 8 currently. *) cache_stake_distribution_cycles = 8; (* One for the sampler state for all cycles stored at any moment (as above). *) cache_sampler_state_cycles = 8; dal = default_dal; sc_rollup; zk_rollup = { enable = false; (* TODO: https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/-/issues/3726 The following constants need to be refined. *) origination_size = 4_000; min_pending_to_process = 10; max_ticket_payload_size = 2_048; }; adaptive_issuance = { global_limit_of_staking_over_baking = 5; edge_of_staking_over_delegation = 2; launch_ema_threshold = 1_600_000_000l; adaptive_rewards_params = { issuance_ratio_final_min = Q.(0_25 // 100_00); issuance_ratio_final_max = Q.(10 // 100); issuance_ratio_initial_min = Q.(45 // 1000); issuance_ratio_initial_max = Q.(55 // 1000); initial_period = 10; transition_period = 50; max_bonus = Protocol.Issuance_bonus_repr.max_bonus_parameter_of_Q_exn Q.(5 // 100); (* 0.01% per 1% per day *) growth_rate = Q.(1 // 100); center_dz = Q.(1 // 2); radius_dz = Q.(1 // 50); }; activation_vote_enable = true; autostaking_enable = true; force_activation = false; ns_enable = true; }; (* TODO: https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/-/issues/6668 Enable once at least the following is done: - Split [allow_forged] into [allow_tickets] and [allow_lazy_storage_id]: #2964 - Introduce a new Ticket constructor in Michelson: #6643 *) direct_ticket_spending_enable = false; } let constants_sandbox = let consensus_committee_size = 301 in let block_time = 1 in let Constants.Generated. {max_slashing_threshold; consensus_threshold = _; issuance_weights} = Constants.Generated.generate ~consensus_committee_size in { constants_mainnet with dal = Constants.Parametric. { constants_mainnet.dal with number_of_slots = 16; cryptobox_parameters = {default_cryptobox_parameters with number_of_shards = 256}; }; issuance_weights; blocks_preservation_cycles = 1; consensus_rights_delay = 2; delegate_parameters_activation_delay = 2; blocks_per_cycle = 8l; blocks_per_commitment = 4l; nonce_revelation_threshold = 4l; cycles_per_voting_period = 8l; proof_of_work_threshold = Int64.(sub (shift_left 1L 62) 1L); vdf_difficulty = 50_000L; minimal_block_delay = Period.of_seconds_exn (Int64.of_int block_time); delay_increment_per_round = Period.one_second; consensus_committee_size = 256; consensus_threshold = 0; max_slashing_threshold; limit_of_delegation_over_baking = 19; max_operations_time_to_live = 8; } let constants_test = let consensus_committee_size = 67 in let Constants.Generated. {max_slashing_threshold = _; consensus_threshold; issuance_weights} = Constants.Generated.generate ~consensus_committee_size in { constants_mainnet with dal = Constants.Parametric. { constants_mainnet.dal with number_of_slots = 8; cryptobox_parameters = { default_cryptobox_parameters with number_of_shards = 64; redundancy_factor = 2; }; }; issuance_weights; consensus_rights_delay = 2; delegate_parameters_activation_delay = 3; blocks_preservation_cycles = 1; blocks_per_cycle = 12l; blocks_per_commitment = 4l; nonce_revelation_threshold = 4l; cycles_per_voting_period = 2l; proof_of_work_threshold = Int64.(sub (shift_left 1L 62) 1L) (* 1/4 of nonces are accepted *); vdf_difficulty = 50_000L; consensus_committee_size; consensus_threshold (* 17 slots *); limit_of_delegation_over_baking = 19 (* Not 9 so that multiplication by a percentage and divisions by a limit do not easily get intermingled. *); max_operations_time_to_live = 8; } let test_commitments = lazy (List.map (fun (bpkh, amount) -> let blinded_public_key_hash = Protocol.Blinded_public_key_hash.of_b58check_exn bpkh in let amount = Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.of_mutez_exn amount in {Protocol.Alpha_context.Commitment.blinded_public_key_hash; amount}) [ ("btz1bRL4X5BWo2Fj4EsBdUwexXqgTf75uf1qa", 23932454669343L); ("btz1SxjV1syBgftgKy721czKi3arVkVwYUFSv", 72954577464032L); ("btz1LtoNCjiW23txBTenALaf5H6NKF1L3c1gw", 217487035428348L); ("btz1SUd3mMhEBcWudrn8u361MVAec4WYCcFoy", 4092742372031L); ("btz1MvBXf4orko1tsGmzkjLbpYSgnwUjEe81r", 17590039016550L); ("btz1LoDZ3zsjgG3k3cqTpUMc9bsXbchu9qMXT", 26322312350555L); ("btz1RMfq456hFV5AeDiZcQuZhoMv2dMpb9hpP", 244951387881443L); ("btz1Y9roTh4A7PsMBkp8AgdVFrqUDNaBE59y1", 80065050465525L); ("btz1Q1N2ePwhVw5ED3aaRVek6EBzYs1GDkSVD", 3569618927693L); ("btz1VFFVsVMYHd5WfaDTAt92BeQYGK8Ri4eLy", 9034781424478L); ]) let bootstrap_accounts_strings = [ "edpkuBknW28nW72KG6RoHtYW7p12T6GKc7nAbwYX5m8Wd9sDVC9yav"; "edpktzNbDAUjUk697W7gYg2CRuBQjyPxbEg8dLccYYwKSKvkPvjtV9"; "edpkuTXkJDGcFd5nh6VvMz8phXxU3Bi7h6hqgywNFi1vZTfQNnS1RV"; "edpkuFrRoDSEbJYgxRtLx2ps82UdaYc1WwfS9sE11yhauZt5DgCHbU"; "edpkv8EUUH68jmo3f7Um5PezmfGrRF24gnfLpH3sVNwJnV5bVCxL2n"; ] let bootstrap_balance = Tez.of_mutez_exn 4_000_000_000_000L let compute_accounts = List.map (fun s -> let public_key = Signature.Public_key.of_b58check_exn s in let public_key_hash = Signature.Public_key.hash public_key in Parameters. { public_key_hash; public_key = Some public_key; amount = bootstrap_balance; delegate_to = None; consensus_key = None; }) let bootstrap_accounts = compute_accounts bootstrap_accounts_strings let make_bootstrap_account (pkh, pk, amount, delegate_to, consensus_key) = Parameters. { public_key_hash = pkh; public_key = Some pk; amount; delegate_to; consensus_key; } let parameters_of_constants ?(bootstrap_accounts = bootstrap_accounts) ?(bootstrap_contracts = []) ?(bootstrap_smart_rollups = []) ?(commitments = []) constants = Parameters. { bootstrap_accounts; bootstrap_contracts; bootstrap_smart_rollups; commitments; constants; security_deposit_ramp_up_cycles = None; no_reward_cycles = None; } module Protocol_parameters_overrides = struct type t = {parameters : Parameters.t; chain_id : Chain_id.t option} let encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv (fun {parameters; chain_id} -> (parameters, chain_id)) (fun (parameters, chain_id) -> {parameters; chain_id}) (merge_objs Parameters.encoding (obj1 (opt "chain_id" Chain_id.encoding))) end let json_of_parameters ?chain_id parameters = Data_encoding.Json.construct Protocol_parameters_overrides.encoding Protocol_parameters_overrides.{parameters; chain_id} module Internal_for_tests = struct let make_sc_rollup_parameter = make_sc_rollup_parameter end