\name{dtwWindowingFunctions} \alias{noWindow} \alias{sakoeChibaWindow} \alias{slantedBandWindow} \alias{itakuraWindow} \alias{dtwWindowingFunctions} \alias{dtwWindow.plot} \title{Global constraints and windowing functions for DTW} \description{ Various global constraints (windows) which can be applied to the \code{window.type} argument of \code{\link{dtw}}, including the Sakoe-Chiba band, the Itakura parallelogram, and custom functions. } \usage{ noWindow(iw, jw, ...); sakoeChibaWindow(iw,jw, window.size,...); slantedBandWindow(iw,jw,query.size,reference.size, window.size,...); itakuraWindow(iw,jw,query.size,reference.size, ...); dtwWindow.plot(fun,query.size=200,reference.size=220,...); } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{iw}{ index in the query (row) -- automatically set } \item{jw}{ index in the reference (column) -- automatically set } \item{query.size}{ size of the query time series -- automatically set } \item{reference.size}{ size of the reference time series -- automatically set } \item{window.size}{ window size, used by some windowing functions -- must be set} \item{fun}{ a windowing function } \item{...}{additional arguments passed to windowing functions} } \details{ Windowing functions can be passed to the \code{window.type} argument in \code{\link{dtw}} to put a global constraint to the warping paths allowed. They take two integer arguments (plus optional parameters) and must return a boolean value \code{TRUE} if the coordinates fall within the allowed region for warping paths, \code{FALSE} otherwise. User-defined functions can read variables \code{reference.size}, \code{query.size} and \code{window.size}; these are pre-set upon invocation. Some functions require additional parameters which must be set (e.g. \code{window.size}). User-defined functions are free to implement any window shape, as long as at least one path is allowed between the initial and final alignment points, i.e., they are compatible with the DTW constraints. The \code{sakoeChibaWindow} function implements the Sakoe-Chiba band, i.e. \code{window.size} elements around the \code{main} diagonal. If the window size is too small, i.e. if \code{reference.size}-\code{query.size} > \code{window.size}, warping becomes impossible. An \code{itakuraWindow} global constraint is still provided with this package. See example below for a demonstration of the difference between a local the two. The \code{slantedBandWindow} (package-specific) is a band centered around the (jagged) line segment which joins element \code{[1,1]} to element \code{[query.size,reference.size]}, and will be \code{window.size} columns wide. In other words, the "diagonal" goes from one corner to the other of the possibly rectangular cost matrix, therefore having a slope of \code{M/N}, not 1. \code{dtwWindow.plot} visualizes a windowing function. By default it plots a 200 x 220 rectangular region, which can be changed via \code{reference.size} and \code{query.size} arguments. } \note{ Although \code{dtwWindow.plot} resembles object-oriented notation, there is not a such a dtwWindow class currently. A widely held misconception is that the "Itakura parallelogram" (as described in reference [2]) is a \emph{global} constraint, i.e. a window. To the author's knowledge, it instead arises from the local slope restrictions imposed to the warping path, such as the one implemented by the \code{\link{typeIIIc}} step pattern. } \value{ Windowing functions return \code{TRUE} if the coordinates passed as arguments fall within the chosen warping window, \code{FALSE} otherwise. User-defined functions should do the same. } \references{ [1] Sakoe, H.; Chiba, S., \emph{Dynamic programming algorithm optimization for spoken word recognition,} Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing [see also IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing], IEEE Transactions on , vol.26, no.1, pp. 43-49, Feb 1978 URL: \url{http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1163055} \cr \cr [2] Itakura, F., \emph{Minimum prediction residual principle applied to speech recognition,} Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing [see also IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing], IEEE Transactions on , vol.23, no.1, pp. 67-72, Feb 1975. URL: \url{http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1162641} } \author{Toni Giorgino} \examples{ ## Display some windowing functions dtwWindow.plot(itakuraWindow, main="So-called Itakura parallelogram window") dtwWindow.plot(slantedBandWindow, window.size=2, reference=13, query=17, main="The slantedBandWindow at window.size=2") ## Asymmetric step with Sakoe-Chiba band idx<-seq(0,6.28,len=100); query<-sin(idx)+runif(100)/10; reference<-cos(idx); asyband<-dtw(query,reference,keep=TRUE, step=asymmetric, window.type=sakoeChibaWindow, window.size=30 ); dtwPlot(asyband,type="density",main="Sine/cosine: asymmetric step, S-C window") } \concept{Dynamic Time Warp} \concept{Global contraint} \concept{Windowing} \concept{Sakoe-Chiba Band} \concept{Itakura Parallelogram} \keyword{ ts }