(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2022 Nomadic Labs, *) (* Copyright (c) 2023 Marigold, *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) module Parameters = struct type legacy_mode_settings = { threshold : int; committee_members : string list; committee_member_address_opt : string option; } type coordinator_mode_settings = {committee_members : string list} type committee_member_mode_settings = { address : string; coordinator_rpc_host : string; coordinator_rpc_port : int; } type observer_mode_settings = { coordinator_rpc_host : string; coordinator_rpc_port : int; committee_member_rpcs : (string * int) list; timeout : int option; } type mode_settings = | Legacy of legacy_mode_settings | Coordinator of coordinator_mode_settings | Committee_member of committee_member_mode_settings | Observer of observer_mode_settings type persistent_state = { data_dir : string; reveal_data_dir : string; rpc_host : string; rpc_port : int; mode : mode_settings; node : Node.t; client : Client.t; mutable pending_ready : unit option Lwt.u list; allow_v1_api : bool; } type session_state = {mutable ready : bool} let base_default_name = "octez-dac-node" let default_colors = Log.Color.[|FG.gray; FG.magenta; FG.yellow; FG.green|] end open Parameters include Daemon.Make (Parameters) let wait dac_node = match dac_node.status with | Not_running -> Test.fail "DAC node %s is not running, cannot wait for it to terminate" (name dac_node) | Running {process; _} -> Process.wait process let is_running_not_ready dac_node = match dac_node.status with | Running {session_state = {ready}; _} when not ready -> true | _ -> false let name dac_node = dac_node.name let mode dac_node = match dac_node.persistent_state.mode with | Legacy _ -> "Legacy" | Coordinator _ -> "Coordinator" | Committee_member _ -> "Committee_member" | Observer _ -> "Observer" let rpc_host dac_node = dac_node.persistent_state.rpc_host let rpc_port dac_node = dac_node.persistent_state.rpc_port let layer1_addr dac_node = Node.rpc_host dac_node.persistent_state.node let layer1_port dac_node = Node.rpc_port dac_node.persistent_state.node let endpoint dac_node = Printf.sprintf "http://%s:%d" (rpc_host dac_node) (rpc_port dac_node) let data_dir dac_node = dac_node.persistent_state.data_dir let reveal_data_dir dac_node = dac_node.persistent_state.reveal_data_dir let allow_v1_api dac_node = dac_node.persistent_state.allow_v1_api let spawn_command dac_node = Process.spawn ~name:dac_node.name ~color:dac_node.color dac_node.path let raw_rpc (host, port) = Printf.sprintf "%s:%d" host port let localhost = "" let spawn_config_init dac_node = let arg_command = List.append [ "--data-dir"; data_dir dac_node; "--rpc-port"; string_of_int (rpc_port dac_node); "--rpc-addr"; rpc_host dac_node; "--reveal-data-dir"; reveal_data_dir dac_node; ] @@ if allow_v1_api dac_node then ["--allow-v1-api"] else [] in let mode_command = match dac_node.persistent_state.mode with | Legacy legacy_params -> ( [ "configure"; "as"; "legacy"; "with"; "data"; "availability"; "committee"; "members"; ] @ legacy_params.committee_members @ ["and"; "threshold"; Int.to_string legacy_params.threshold] @ match legacy_params.committee_member_address_opt with | None -> [] | Some committee_member_address -> ["--committee-member-address"; committee_member_address]) | Coordinator coordinator_params -> [ "configure"; "as"; "coordinator"; "with"; "data"; "availability"; "committee"; "members"; ] @ coordinator_params.committee_members | Committee_member committee_member_params -> let coordinator_host = committee_member_params.coordinator_rpc_host ^ ":" ^ Int.to_string committee_member_params.coordinator_rpc_port in [ "configure"; "as"; "committee"; "member"; "with"; "coordinator"; coordinator_host; "and"; "signer"; committee_member_params.address; ] | Observer { coordinator_rpc_host; coordinator_rpc_port; committee_member_rpcs; timeout; } -> let with_timeout = match timeout with | Some t -> ["--timeout"; Int.to_string t] | None -> [] in let coordinator_host = coordinator_rpc_host ^ ":" ^ Int.to_string coordinator_rpc_port in let committee_member_rpcs = List.map raw_rpc committee_member_rpcs in [ "configure"; "as"; "observer"; "with"; "coordinator"; coordinator_host; "and"; "committee"; "member"; "rpc"; "addresses"; ] @ committee_member_rpcs @ with_timeout in spawn_command dac_node (mode_command @ arg_command) let ls = "ls" let ls_reveal_data_dir dac_node = let reveal_data_dir = dac_node.persistent_state.reveal_data_dir in let commands = [reveal_data_dir] in let process = Process.spawn ~name:dac_node.name ~color:dac_node.color ls commands in let* filenames = Process.check_and_read_stdout process in return @@ String.split_on_char '\n' filenames let init_config dac_node = let process = spawn_config_init dac_node in let* output = Process.check_and_read_stdout process in match output =~* rex "DAC node configuration written in ([^\n]*)" with | None -> failwith "DAC node configuration initialization failed" | Some filename -> return filename module Config_file = struct let filename dac_node = sf "%s/config.json" @@ data_dir dac_node let read dac_node = JSON.parse_file (filename dac_node) let write dac_node config = JSON.encode_to_file (filename dac_node) config let update dac_node update = read dac_node |> update |> write dac_node end let check_event ?timeout ?where dac_node name promise = let* result = match timeout with | None -> promise | Some timeout -> Lwt.pick [ promise; (let* () = Lwt_unix.sleep timeout in Lwt.return None); ] in match result with | None -> raise (Terminated_before_event {daemon = dac_node.name; event = name; where}) | Some x -> return x let trigger_ready dac_node value = let pending = dac_node.persistent_state.pending_ready in dac_node.persistent_state.pending_ready <- [] ; List.iter (fun pending -> Lwt.wakeup_later pending value) pending let set_ready dac_node = (match dac_node.status with | Not_running -> () | Running status -> status.session_state.ready <- true) ; trigger_ready dac_node (Some ()) let wait_for_ready dac_node = match dac_node.status with | Running {session_state = {ready = true; _}; _} -> unit | Not_running | Running {session_state = {ready = false; _}; _} -> let promise, resolver = Lwt.task () in dac_node.persistent_state.pending_ready <- resolver :: dac_node.persistent_state.pending_ready ; check_event dac_node "dac_node_is_ready.v0" promise let handle_event dac_node {name; value = _; timestamp = _} = match name with "dac_node_is_ready.v0" -> set_ready dac_node | _ -> () let create ?(path = Constant.dac_node) ?name ?color ?data_dir ?event_pipe ?(rpc_host = "") ?rpc_port ?reveal_data_dir ~mode ~node ~client ?(allow_v1_api = false) () = let name = match name with None -> fresh_name () | Some name -> name in let data_dir = match data_dir with None -> Temp.dir name | Some dir -> dir in let reveal_data_dir = match reveal_data_dir with | None -> Temp.dir (name ^ "preimages") | Some dir -> dir in let rpc_port = match rpc_port with None -> Port.fresh () | Some port -> port in let dac_node = create ~path ~name ?color ?event_pipe { data_dir; reveal_data_dir; rpc_host; rpc_port; mode; pending_ready = []; node; client; allow_v1_api; } in on_event dac_node (handle_event dac_node) ; dac_node let create_legacy ?(path = Constant.dac_node) ?name ?color ?data_dir ?event_pipe ?(rpc_host = "") ?rpc_port ?reveal_data_dir ~threshold ~committee_members ?committee_member_address ~node ~client () = let mode = Legacy { threshold; committee_members; committee_member_address_opt = committee_member_address; } in create ~path ?name ?color ?data_dir ?event_pipe ~rpc_host ?rpc_port ?reveal_data_dir ~mode ~node ~client () let create_coordinator ?(path = Constant.dac_node) ?name ?color ?data_dir ?event_pipe ?(rpc_host = "") ?rpc_port ?reveal_data_dir ?(allow_v1_api = false) ~committee_members ~node ~client () = let mode = Coordinator {committee_members} in create ~path ?name ?color ?data_dir ?event_pipe ~rpc_host ?rpc_port ?reveal_data_dir ~mode ~node ~client ~allow_v1_api () let create_committee_member ?(path = Constant.dac_node) ?name ?color ?data_dir ?event_pipe ?(rpc_host = localhost) ?rpc_port ?reveal_data_dir ?(coordinator_rpc_host = localhost) ?coordinator_rpc_port ?(allow_v1_api = false) ~address ~node ~client () = let coordinator_rpc_port = match coordinator_rpc_port with None -> Port.fresh () | Some port -> port in let mode = Committee_member {address; coordinator_rpc_host; coordinator_rpc_port} in create ~path ?name ?color ?data_dir ?event_pipe ~rpc_host ?rpc_port ?reveal_data_dir ~mode ~node ~client ~allow_v1_api () let create_observer ?(path = Constant.dac_node) ?name ?color ?data_dir ?event_pipe ?(rpc_host = localhost) ?rpc_port ?reveal_data_dir ?(coordinator_rpc_host = localhost) ?coordinator_rpc_port ?timeout ?(allow_v1_api = false) ~committee_member_rpcs ~node ~client () = let coordinator_rpc_port = match coordinator_rpc_port with None -> Port.fresh () | Some port -> port in let mode = Observer { coordinator_rpc_host; coordinator_rpc_port; committee_member_rpcs; timeout; } in create ~path ?name ?color ?data_dir ?event_pipe ~rpc_host ?rpc_port ?reveal_data_dir ~mode ~node ~client ~allow_v1_api () let make_arguments node = let base_dir_args = ["--base-dir"; Client.base_dir node.persistent_state.client] in let endpoint_args = [ "--endpoint"; Printf.sprintf "http://%s:%d" (layer1_addr node) (layer1_port node); ] in base_dir_args @ endpoint_args let do_runlike_command ?env node arguments = if node.status <> Not_running then Test.fail "DAC node %s is already running" node.name ; let on_terminate _status = trigger_ready node None ; unit in let arguments = make_arguments node @ arguments in run ?env node {ready = false} arguments ~on_terminate let run ?env node = do_runlike_command ?env node ["run"; "--data-dir"; node.persistent_state.data_dir] let run ?(wait_ready = true) ?env node = let* () = run ?env node in let* () = if wait_ready then wait_for_ready node else Lwt.return_unit in return () let with_sleeping_node ?rpc_port ?(rpc_address = localhost) ~timeout f = let make_host str = match Ipaddr.of_string str with | Ok (Ipaddr.V4 addr) -> Ipaddr.v6_of_v4 addr | Ok (V6 addr) -> addr | Error (`Msg _) -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid rpc_address when initializing sleeping_node.") in let open Cohttp_lwt_unix in let callback _conn _req _body = let* _ = Lwt_unix.sleep timeout in Server.respond_string ~status:`OK ~body:"ok" () in let stop, resolver = Lwt.task () in let stopper () = Lwt.wakeup_later resolver () in let rpc_port = Option.value rpc_port ~default:(Port.fresh ()) in let port = `Port rpc_port in let host = Ipaddr.V6.to_string (make_host rpc_address) in let server = Server.make ~callback () in let _ = let* ctx = Conduit_lwt_unix.init ~src:host () in let ctx = Cohttp_lwt_unix.Net.init ~ctx () in Server.create ~ctx ~stop ~mode:(`TCP port) server in Lwt.finalize (fun () -> f (rpc_address, rpc_port)) (fun () -> return (stopper ()))